Ashgabat, 16 July 2015 (nCa) — With a uniquely forthright set of ambassadors currently based in Ashgabat, this is the summer of candidness.
The French embassy celebrated on 14 July its national day, also known as Bastille Day. The speech of Ambassador Patrick PASCAL at the reception is a sophisticated example of how to put an intricate message across in a warm and friendly manner.
Here are some passages from his speech:
“Why are we in Turkmenistan? We are in Turkmenistan because our country is open to the world, because many of our companies have an international dimension giving them access to foreign markets and also because more or less consciously we share the ambition to participate in large projects beyond our individual destiny.
“We are in Turkmenistan because we believe in its potentialities and its future in the core of a part of the world of major significance for our global interests.
“When we are reflecting on the significance of 14 July or of our lives as expatriates in this country, it is not only about egoistic concerns.
“Let’s be clear and honest, our ambition is to be successful because it is mandatory for the development of our own societies and economies. We also consider that we can offer something: our work, our know-how, the quality of what we are delivering, our longstanding involvement.
“It is the main thrust of my message for our Turkmen friends who are sharing this evening with us: we will continue to defend our interests but in a spirit of openness and exchange, convinced that it is for our mutual benefit.
“At this favourable juncture, we are paying tribute to the achievements of Turkmenistan, which is celebrating this year the 20th anniversary of the Declaration of its permanent Neutrality. We are convinced that our relationship will develop in many areas, if it is also the wish of our partner.”
Patrick Pascal, Ambassador of France in Turkmenistan