Dr. Shamshad Akhtar With just over a year since the adoption of a historic blueprint to end poverty and protect the planet, positive signs have already started to emerge among countries in the Asia-Pacific region as they push ahead with the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is encouraging to note that […]
Archives for 01/04/2017
Role of Pakistan in Bringing Stability to Afghanistan
nCa Commentary Karachi, 1 April 2017 (nCa) — Perpetual instability in Afghanistan has negatively impacted peace and stability of the entire region. Of all the regional countries, Pakistan has been affected the most. Afghanistan has been steeped in violence and instability for over four decades now. Throughout this conflict, Pakistan has housed millions of homeless […]
Kashmir – A stable Pak–India relationship as the recipe for regional peace
nCa Commentary Karachi, 1 April 2017 (nCa) — Pakistan has historically left no stone unturned to maintain engagement and dialogue with India for resolution of all outstanding disputes between the two countries. However, the economic well –being of the people of both the countries and regional peace have both been hostage to Indian intransigence on […]
پاک افغان تعلقات ۔ مستقبل کے آئینے میں
جنرل مرزا اسلم بیگ سابق چیف آف آرمی سٹاف پاکستان (تھنکرز فورم پاکستان کے سیمینار میں پیش کیاگیا مقالہ) تاریخی اور جغرافیائی واقعات کے مطالعہ سے ہمیں بڑے اہم حقائق سے آگہی ہوتی ہےجو سچ پر مبنی ہوتے ہیں۔ اسی حوالے سے آج ہم پاکستان او رافغانستان کے تعلقات کا جائزہ لیں گے۔ مملکت افغانستان […]