(28 November 2021)
Ashgabat Consensus for Action
We, the Heads of State and Government of the ECO member states, having gathered at the 15th ECO Summit to review the progress and status of implementation of ECO programs, events and projects and exchange views on regional and international issues of common interest to ECO, aimed at strengthening ECO as a dynamic organization, deepening and expanding cooperation between its member states, as well as building up common values and interests, and at the same time:
Reaffirming our commitment to the principles and objectives of the ECO, as enshrined in the Izmir Treaty, and to the realization of the Vision’s goals;
ECO-2025, concerning mutual economic development, peace and progress, prosperity and increased integration of the region;
Recognizing multilateralism as an international legitimate framework and a prerequisite for promoting and strengthening sustainable development, peace and security among peoples, as well; underlining the role of international and regional organizations in maintaining and further promoting multilateralism enshrined in the UN Charter;
Stressing the importance of the UN General Assembly Resolution of September 9, 2021 on cooperation between the United Nations and the Economic Cooperation Organization;
Recognizing the importance of regional cooperation, integration and transport connectivity as a vital way to accelerate economic and social progress, development and stability in the region; and attaching great importance to the scope of cooperation developed under the various agreements between Member States;
Noting with satisfaction the midterm Outlook for ECO 2025, chaired by Turkmenistan, which sets out overarching and basic principles and guidance for further strengthening cooperation and revitalizing ECO in key areas;
Encouraging further collaboration between Member States and stressing the overriding objective of joining the ECO Member States to existing ECO agreements and institutions and accelerating their implementation and functioning;
Recalling our commitment to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, including, in particular, respect for political independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity and the inviolability of internationally recognized borders of states, the development of friendly relations between peoples and the peaceful settlement of differences;
Noting the political, economic, cultural and technological advances that can contribute to the cherished goal of transport connectivity in the ECO region and beyond, including the Trans-Eurasian Connection; and welcoming the launching of the Islamabad-Tehran-Istanbul (ITS) road corridor;
Stressing the importance of making full use of complementarities due to shared geography, history and culture, as well as the comparative advantages and resource diversity of the member states, to ensure greater connectivity and economic integration in the ECO region;
Desiring to support each other in resolving the problems associated with the impacts on the economies of the countries of the region in the post-period period, with a view to resuming normal activities, in particular, in the field of trade, transit, transport and tourism;
Stressing the importance of digitalization of transport and border crossing procedures as necessary measures in the context of international trade in the ECO region to ensure the smooth and smooth movement of trade flows through expedited, efficient and electronic customs and transport operations during a pandemic;
Recognizing the need to enhance the resilience and resilience of supply chains and freight transport through a rules-based approach to free, fair and smooth trade, as envisioned in the ECO 2025 Outlook, and to address the economic challenges posed by COVID-19;
Recognizing regional connectivity and integration as the cornerstone of mutual economic growth and a dynamic vision encompassing multiple dimensions, including digital infrastructure, e-commerce, energy and transit and multimodal transport systems;
Encouraging the establishment of a constructive dialogue on energy issues between producers, consumers and transit states in the ECO region;
Stressing the importance of enhancing energy security for economic stability and sustainable development and the need for close cooperation in the implementation of major energy projects in this regard;
Stressing the need to intensify efforts to create an electricity market in the ECO region to take advantage of larger integrated power supply systems;
Reaffirming the importance of environmental cooperation in the ECO region as a cross-cutting issue for all aspects of development in line with the ECO 2025 Perspective and the UN Agenda for Sustainable Development, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, as well as the goals of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change at based on the national policies and conditions of each member state, especially for the sustainable recovery of the region after COVID-19;
Recognizing that the transition to a fair and equitable energy will be an important pillar of global and regional energy security and prosperity in the decades to come;
Commending the efforts to increase the share of renewable energy sources in the national energy balances of the ECO Member States and to strengthen sustainable energy production, energy efficiency and energy security;
Appreciating the growing interest of the Member States in joining the ECO Trade and Development Bank, and; stressing the need to strengthen the Bank’s role in supporting and financing ECO projects and programs, including through the establishment of cooperative ties with international development partners;
Stressing the need to strengthen educational, cultural and scientific ties between the Member States and to promote the activities of the ECO specialized agencies in these areas;
Recognizing the important role of parliamentary cooperation in fostering increased interaction between Member States in the implementation of the agreed framework;
Noting with concern the challenges to food security and agricultural development in the region caused by water scarcity, land degradation, drought and other natural disasters;
Stressing the importance of enhancing regional agricultural cooperation to address food security issues at the global and regional levels, and;
Emphasizing the support to the efforts of the ECO Regional Coordination Center for Food Security (ECO RCC) in this regard;
Reaffirming our joint commitment to creating a free trade area in the ECO region to maximize intra-regional trade as a tool to enhance economic recovery, development and growth in the region;
Reaffirming the key importance of the implementation of the ECO Trade Agreement (ECOTA) in achieving the strategic objectives of the ECO-2025 Prospects, including doubling the volume of intraregional trade and increasing its share in world trade;
Recognizing the importance of moderation as an approach to combating all forms of extremism and promoting dialogue, mutual respect, understanding and social harmony, thereby contributing to the achievement of sustainable and inclusive development, equitable growth, stability and prosperity in the ECO region;
Recognizing the importance of peace and stability in Afghanistan for the ECO region and reaffirming our continued support for national, regional and global efforts for reconstruction and sustainable development in Afghanistan;
Expressing deep concern over the dire humanitarian situation in Afghanistan, underlining the importance of peace and stability in Afghanistan and for the ECO region, and reaffirming our support for a comprehensive and representative political system that protects fundamental human rights for all sectors of the Afghan people, including women;
Congratulating the Central Asian ECO member states on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of their independence, and the Republic of Azerbaijan on the restoration of independence;
Congratulating the Government and people of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the liberation of the occupied territories and restoration of the territorial integrity of the country; and firmly believing that such developments will pave the way for sustainable peace and economic prosperity in the region through the establishment of good neighborly relations;
Fully aware of the constantly changing global and regional conditions and new developments that create numerous challenges and opportunities, as well as the need to expand regional economic cooperation in the ECO region;
Have agreed as follows:
1. Accelerate the pace of existing cooperation between the member states in all areas of mutual interest, including exploring all possibilities for achieving the goals and objectives of the ECO and promoting the ECO as an effective regional organization;
2. Reaffirm our commitment to promote the effective and efficient implementation of the ECO 2025 Outlook in its six key areas of cooperation, which are trade, transport and connectivity, energy, tourism, economic growth and productivity, and social security and the environment, and; re-emphasize the implementation of the core principles of sustainability, integration and an enabling environment for Outlook 2025, which are prerequisites for achieving the Organization’s desired goals;
3. Make a decision to strengthen mutual cooperation in the fight against COVID-19 in order to effectively, efficiently and jointly overcome the consequences of the pandemic for the region’s economy, in particular, through the exchange of information and capacity-building in the field of prevention and vaccination, as well as in order to revitalize the socio-economic activities in the region for the collective improvement of the lives of our peoples;
4. To ensure the accelerated implementation of the long-term sectoral priorities of ECO in the development of transport and communication infrastructure; trade and investment facilitation; efficient use of the region’s vast energy resources, economic integration and; to outline ways and means of establishing a closer connection between ECO and other regions in these areas;
5. Call on member states to accede to the relevant agreements concluded within the ECO and aimed at achieving the goals enshrined in the Izmir Treaty and the ECO-2025 Outlook, and; instruct our respective ministers and departments to consider entering into these agreements;
6. Decide to increase the low level of intra-regional trade and increase the contribution of our region to global trade as a whole by using the trade potential of the ECO region to achieve sustainable economic growth, as envisaged in the ECO-2025 Outlook, through the implementation of the ECO Trade Agreement (ECOTA) and others ECO trade agreements, and; instruct our relevant departments to accelerate the elimination of technical and functional barriers, including those related to COVID-19, to implement these agreements and start trade negotiations with the participation of member states, leading to the creation of the ECO Free Trade Area;
7. Expand communication capabilities throughout the ECO region in terms of transport and transit, trade and investment, telecommunications, digital infrastructure, including cybersecurity and all types of energy, as well as maintaining contacts between people, including through regional tourism agreements;
8. Appreciate the commissioning of the ITS road corridor, noting the successful route of goods from Pakistan to Azerbaijan and Turkey through Iran in accordance with the TIR Convention and; take practical steps for the full implementation of other regional projects and transport corridors envisaged for the purposes of the Transit Transport Framework Agreement (TTFA) and Prospects-2025, as well as consider expanding the network of transport corridors put forward by the member states of the Organization at the 14th ECO Summit ;
9. Emphasize the importance of strengthening and continuing cooperation between all stakeholders in the creation and operation of information structures in order to overcome the digital divide in the region;
10. Strengthen cooperation with other international organizations and relevant stakeholders to support Member States in their efforts to digitalize transport, customs and border procedures through the implementation of e-TIR / e-CMR and other relevant mechanisms to create digital transport corridors between stakeholders Member States;
11. Cooperate closely to reap the benefits and mitigate the negative impacts of ICTs and implement the decisions and outcomes of the 2nd Meeting of ICT Ministers of ECO Countries in 2017; Bearing in mind the importance of the participation of all stakeholders to ensure unhindered and equal access to the benefits of ICTs for all;
12. Work closely in areas such as e-government, digital economy, artificial intelligence, telecommunications and inter-operator interaction, as well as through national postal operators and technology parks of software products of the organization’s member states;
13. Instruct the Ministers of Tourism of the Member States to take urgent action to address the serious problems of the ECO tourism industry arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, in line with other regional and global initiatives in the post-like period;
14. Strengthen cooperation on environment and climate change, disaster risk reduction and education, and; to unite the efforts of the ECO member states towards the creation of specific effective mechanisms of regional cooperation in this area;
15. To intensify the work on the creation and implementation of the health care system for monitoring the epidemiological situation within the Organization and the advance planning of appropriate measures in the ECO region;
16. Support the initiative to establish a Clean Energy Center, and; urge the ECO member states to take results-oriented steps for the full and optimal functioning of the Center as a contribution to modern, affordable and reliable energy services in the region;
17. Encourage cooperation between ECO member states and relevant international organizations on issues related to sustainable and clean energy, including the implementation of projects in the field of renewable energy sources and financing of “green” energy;
18. Considering the importance of the issue of ensuring food security for all ECO member states, together with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the ECO RCC in order to accelerate efforts to update the ECO program in the field of food security; instruct the ministries of agriculture of the ECO member states to prepare for their next meeting to develop measures for the implementation of the ECO program after its renewal to ensure food security in the ECO region;
19. To consider issues in the field of industrial cooperation on the basis of the principle of complementarity of the economies of the Organization’s member states; instruct our respective ministries and officials to develop a joint Roadmap covering specific areas and projects;
20. Enhance the role of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the economic growth of Member States and the region as a whole; instruct our relevant departments to take the necessary measures to strengthen MSMEs and promote joint cooperation, including those that contribute to the development of women’s entrepreneurship and the creation of knowledge-intensive enterprises;
21. Reaffirm the need for interaction in the energy sector, including oil and gas, electricity, renewable energy sources, including hydropower, etc., focusing inter alia on energy efficiency, development of energy and renewable energy infrastructure, as well as oil and gas pipelines, intra-regional energy trade; to emphasize the need to create a Regional Electricity Market (RRE ECO) in the ECO region in order to expand trade and supply of energy resources, simplify the export and import of electricity and accelerate economic growth, as well as help ensure the energy security of the region;
22. Take into account the changing global economic realities in the context of COVID-19 and; work on the preparation of medium and long-term economic development strategies to ensure inclusive growth and more sustainable recovery in the region;
23. Set measurable and quantifiable targets using effective and efficient project tools, including monitoring and evaluation systems and methods, to ensure that the Organization’s projects and programs are delivered in a results-based manner;
24. Reaffirm our commitment to the implementation of ECO activities, prioritizing the implementation of the annual work plan as a priority to strengthen the Organization’s effectiveness and achieve quick results in enhancing the impact on well-being in our region;
25. Ensure the existence and continued operation of existing ECO regional mechanisms and programs to combat the threat of drugs and other types of transnational organized crime, including, inter alia, trafficking in persons, drugs and weapons, crimes committed using digital means and ICTs, and financing of terrorism and money laundering that exists and continues to function, and the creation of effective regional cooperation mechanisms in law enforcement, judicial matters and capacity building;
26. Reject unilateral coercive measures, sanctions and economic pressure as a violation of the “Right of Peoples to Development” that impede stability and prosperity in our region, especially during a pandemic situation and; express support to the ECO member states affected by such measures;
27. Call on the member states to explore the possibilities of investing in restoration and reconstruction projects in the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
28. Reaffirm our strong commitment to a secure, prosperous and peaceful Afghanistan and, expressing our gratitude to the ECO Secretariat and Member States for developing a comprehensive ECO Support Program for Afghanistan (ECO PSA), and recognizing Pakistan’s efforts to support the transfer of the bank account to Kabul to revitalize its activities; urge Member States and the international community to continue to strengthen the ECO PSA and to implement development and assistance projects in Afghanistan;
29. Express support for international efforts to provide urgent humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan through effective, transparent and accountable mechanisms to protect the livelihoods of the Afghan people, as well as show solidarity with countries that host large numbers of refugees from Afghanistan, and emphasize the importance of political inclusion, protection of key human rights for all sectors of the Afghan people, including women, and continue to take effective measures in the fight against terrorism;
30. Express gratitude to the Member States and the ECO Secretariat for the progress made in the ECO reform process;
31. Welcome the new ECO Secretary General, His Excellency Ambassador Khusraw Noziri, wishing him and his team every success in their important responsibilities and instructing the Secretary General to implement a comprehensive Secretariat capacity building program, and; in this regard, urge the SPF to assist the Secretary General in using existing and required resources within and outside the ECO;
32. Express gratitude to the ECO Secretariat and former Secretary General His Excellency Dr. Hadi Soleimanpur for the excellent management of the Organization’s affairs, especially during the ongoing COVID-19 crisis;
33. Express our deep gratitude to the people and government of Turkmenistan for the warm hospitality and excellent organization of the Ministerial Council and Summit and; To sincerely thank His Excellency Mr. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, Honorable President of Turkmenistan and Chairman of the 15th Summit, for the successful management of the event;
34. Welcome the chairmanship of the Republic of Uzbekistan in ECO in 2022 and; express confidence that during her presidency, the organization will be even more strengthened, and regional cooperation will be even more advanced, as well as the role of the Organization in the international arena will be strengthened. /// nCa, 29 November 2021