The TIR-EPD application has been launched in Turkmenistan to provide customs authorities with preliminary information when transporting goods under the TIR procedures, the Association of International Road Carriers reports with reference to the International Road Transport Union (IRU).
TIR-EPD is an application, enabling TIR guarantee holders to submit electronic predeclarations (EPDs) to customs authorities in different countries. The use of the TIR-EPD system guarantees the validity of the TIR Carnet, as well as simplifies border crossing and reduces customs clearance time.
The State Customs Service of Turkmenistan confirmed that the TIR-EPD application fully complies with the customs requirements of Turkmenistan and to date, information through this app is accepted at five customs points:
– Artyk customs post (border with Iran)
– customs post “Ferry Terminal” (port of Turkmenbashi)
– customs post “Farap highway” (border with Uzbekistan)
– customs post “Sarakhs highway” (border with Iran)
– Garabogaz customs post (border with Kazakhstan).
By the end of October 2022, TIR-EPD will be introduced in all customs offices of Turkmenistan.
Starting from 2023, the submission of preliminary cargo information will become mandatory in Turkmenistan. That is why IRU recommends international road carriers to start using TIR-EPD now in order to be ready for these changes and speed up the passage of customs formalities.
IRU launched work on the implementation of IT tools in Turkmenistan in July 2020.///nCa, 24 September 2022