Пакистан получил первую партию сжиженного газа (СПГ) из Туркменистана, которая была доставлена в страну транзитом через южную афганскую провинцию Кандагар. По словам пакистанских официальных лиц, груз прибыл на пограничный пункт Чаман в пятницу, сообщает новостная сеть BNN Breaking. Груз был перевезен через Афганистан в рамках пилотного проекта, целью которого является создание нового торгового маршрута, соединяющего […]
Archives for April 2023
(ОБНОВЛЕНО) Четвертая министерская встреча стран-соседей Афганистана подчеркнула необходимость выработки совместных действия по оказанию помощи стране
nCa Report Содержание Китай готов сотрудничать с соседними странами в оказании поддержки Афганистану ТАСС: Россия указала на неприемлемость размещения военной инфраструктуры США около Афганистана Пакистан: Все соседи Афганистана лично заинтересованы в том, чтобы в Афганистан вернулись мир и стабильность Иран: Географию Афганистана нельзя использовать в качестве рычага давления на страны региона Ariana News: Нестабильность в […]
(UPDATED) 4th Afghanistan’s neighboring countries ministerial meeting stressed the need to develop joint actions to assist the country
nCa Report Contents China is willing to work with neighboring countries to provide support to Afghanistan TASS: Russia pointed out the unacceptability of the deployment of US military infrastructure in Afghanistan’s neighborhood Pakistan: Afghanistan’s neighbors, all have a vested interest and stake in seeing peace and stability return to Afghanistan Iran: Afghanistan’s geography cannot be […]
На фоне глобального замедления Китай и Индия станут исключениями – Всемирный банк
Президент Группы Всемирного банка Дэвид Малпасс заявил 10 апреля 2023 года, что Китай и Индия являются “двумя исключениями из замедления” экономического роста, которое, как ожидается, испытает мировая экономика в этом году. Заявление было сделано во время продолжающихся пресс-конференций в преддверии недели весенних совещаний Международного валютного фонда и Всемирного банка. https://www.worldbank.org/en/news Ниже приводится слегка сокращенная версия […]
(UPDATED) Foreign Ministers of Russia and Central Asian countries discussed progress in multilateral cooperation
On 14 April 2023, the sixth meeting of foreign ministers in the Central Asia + Russia format was held in Samarkand. The sides considered promising areas of six–party cooperation reflecting the agreements reached during the first Russia-Central Asia summit held in October 2022. They discussed cooperation between Russia and Central Asia in the political and […]
(ОБНОВЛЕНО) Министры иностранных дел России и стран Центральной Азии обсудили прогресс в многостороннем сотрудничестве
14 апреля 2023 года в Самарканде состоялась шестая встреча в формате Центральная Азия + Россия. Стороны рассмотрели перспективные направления шестистороннего сотрудничества, отражающие договорённости, достигнутые в ходе первого саммита «Россия – Центральная Азия», состоявшегося в октябре 2022 года. Речь шла о взаимодействии по линии Россия – Центральная Азия в политико-дипломатической, торгово-экономической, энергетической, транспортной, гуманитарной и миграционной […]
10 мая 2023 года состоится 3-е заседание Группы друзей устойчивого транспорта
В среду, 10 мая 2023 года, Постоянное Представительство Туркменистана при Организации Объединенных Наций проведёт 3-е заседание Группы друзей устойчивого транспорта в формате видеоконференции. Группа представит обзор глобальных инициатив в области устойчивого транспорта, в частности подготовку резолюции Генеральной Ассамблеи Организации Объединенных Наций «Всемирный день устойчивого транспорта» и предстоящее заседание высокого уровня Генеральной Ассамблеи, которое будет предусмотрено […]
3rd Meeting of the Group of Friends of Sustainable Transport to take place on 10 May 2023
On Wednesday, 10 May 2023 the Permanent Mission of Turkmenistan to the United Nations will host 3rd Meeting of the Group of Friends of Sustainable Transport via a virtual platform. The Group will give an overview of global sustainable transport initiatives, in particular, the United Nations General Assembly resolution “World Sustainable Transport Day” and the […]
A career diplomat with decades of experience appointed new Ambassador of Russia to Turkmenistan
Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree appointing a new Ambassador to Turkmenistan. Ivan Volynkin will replace Alexander Blokhin on this post. The new envoy has more than 40 years of diplomatic career. He has worked in countries such as Yugoslavia, Montenegro, Serbia, USA, Georgia. The last overseas position he took returning to the […]
A digital trade platform is being introduced in Turkmenistan
On Monday, 3 April, a press conference was held in Ashgabat dedicated to the Trade Information Portal of Turkmenistan, which will be officially launched today on 4 April, Turkmen media reported. The event was organized jointly by the International Trade Center and the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations of Turkmenistan with the support […]
A First Ever Child-Friendly Investigation Room is Established in Turkmenistan
Minimizing the Trauma to Children During Investigation Process Ashgabat, 25th of April 2023 – The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan and UNICEF inaugurated the first-ever child-friendly room for investigations at Kopetag police office of Ashgabat city to strengthen measures to protect girls and boys who have been victims or witnesses of potential crime. The […]
A regional meeting on facilitating cross-border trade in Central Asia was held in Tashkent
On Tuesday, Tashkent hosted the 9th regional meeting of the National Committees for Trade Facilitation in Central Asia within the framework of the project “Trade Facilitation in Central Asia”, implemented by the German Society for International Cooperation GIZ GmbH. Representatives of the public and private sectors from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, international experts […]
AC332 twin-engine civil helicopter of China successfully completes first full-state flight – Immediately receives order for 24 units
The AC332 twin-engine civil helicopter successfully conducted its first full-state flight here on 7 April 2023, reports Xinhua. The 4-tonne multipurpose helicopter received its first batch of 24 orders from its launch operators on the same day, said the AVIC, the country’s leading planemaker. With a maximum takeoff weight of 3,850 kilograms, the AC332 can […]
Accelerated pace of Iran-Saudi rapprochement triggers wide-ranging initiatives across the region – Sustainable peace in Middle East is attainable
nCa Analysis Iran and Saudi Arabia are dynamically keeping to their commitment. So many things are happening all of a sudden. As reported earlier, Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed on 10 March 2023 to restore diplomatic relations. The talks between Ali Shamkhani, secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran, and Saudi national security […]
ADB and Saudi ACWA POWER inked a loan agreement on the construction of two wind farms in Uzbekistan
The projects claim to be the largest in the field of wind development in the region The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and ACWA Power Company (ACWA) signed $174 million worth of loans to develop the Bash wind power and Dzhankeldy wind power plants, both located in the Bukhara region in Uzbekistan, ADB said. The financing […]
ADB Forecasts 4.8% Growth for Asia and Pacific in 2023 and 2024
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) forecasts faster growth for developing economies in Asia and the Pacific this year, as the continued easing of pandemic restrictions boosts consumption, tourism, and investment. The People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) reopening—as it pivots away from its zero-COVID strategy—is the main factor brightening the region’s growth prospects. Economies in Asia […]
Afghan private manufacturer exports agricultural machinery to Central Asia
The Javed Afghan factory in Nangarhar province of Afghanistan said this week the company is increasing foreign exports of agricultural machines produced at their facility and Central Asia is one of the export destinations, according to Ariana news. The manufacture recently exported a total of 67 wheat and corn threshers to Central Asian countries and […]
Amidst the global slowdown, China and India would be the exceptions – World Bank
World Bank Group President David Malpass said on 10 April 2023 that China and India are “two exceptions to the slowdown” that the global economy is expected to experience this year. He made the remarks in his opening address at the ongoing Spring Meetings 2023 Media Call, ahead of the International Monetary Fund and World […]
Annual Turkmen-American Political Consultations took place in the United States of America
On April 24, 2023, the ninth round of annual bilateral political consultations between Turkmenistan and the United States was held at the Department of State of the USA. During the talks, the Turkmen delegation was headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov, the American side – acting Assistant Secretary of State […]
Another fishing spot, another group of volunteer guard Alabay Turkmen sheepdog
Raviliya Kadyrova and Tamir Shakirov This time we had the pleasure of the company of volunteer guards Alabay Turkmen sheepdogs at a fishing point at the Caspian beach of Turkmenistan. True to their nature, the Alabay there were friendly and vigilant. This breed never ceases to amaze us. The Alabay are protective against human intruders; […]
Arkadag Berdimuhamedov chaired the first meeting of the Halk Maslahaty
On Thursday, 20 April 2021, a first meeting of the People’s Council (Halk Maslahaty) was held under the chairmanship of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Addressing with a keynote speech, Arkadag Berdimuhamedov voiced a number of tasks assigned to the highest representative bodies of […]
Ashgabat will host 2nd CADAP Programme Steering Committee meeting in July
The EU-funded Central Asia Drug Action Programme, 7th Phase (CADAP 7) continues the 3rd round of Technical Committees meetings to review the progress of ongoing activities, to obtain feedback from national partners and discuss future plans and priorities. According to CADAP’s press release, next meeting from the series has been conducted in hybrid format in […]
Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan – results of the summit talks – countries to set the Supreme Interstate Council
On 10 April 2023, President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev had summit talks in Astana. The sides thoroughly discussed key issues of the Kazakh-Azerbaijani strategic partnership and alliance, paying special attention to strengthening political, trade and economic, transport and transit, cultural and humanitarian cooperation, Akorda reports. The presidents exchanged views […]
BOMCA advanced training skills of Central Asian law enforcement agencies in methodology to train profiling and identification techniques
On April 13, 2023, the Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10) held a regional online workshop for teaching staff of the border guard, migration and other law enforcement agencies, as well as for the relevant training institutions from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. This Programme activity enhanced the knowledge and skills in […]
Caspian Connector is a gorgeous piece of an idea but it is not a complete idea
nCa Analysis Caspian Connector is certainly an attractive piece of an idea but it is not a complete idea. First, a few words about Caspian Connector. — Trans Caspian Resources, Inc (TCRI) was established in April 2021. It advocates the construction of a ‘Connector’ to connect a productive offshore field in the Caspian sector of […]
CENTCOM issued press release on Gen.Kurilla’s visit to Turkmenistan
On April 24, Gen. Michael “Erik” Kurilla, commander of U.S. Central Command, visited Turkmenistan. In Ashgabat, Kurilla met with the nation’s senior foreign affairs and military leaders, including: Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Vepa Hajiyev Minister of Defense Lt. Gen. Begench Gundogdyev Chief of the General Staff Col. Akmurat Anemetov At the same time Kurilla […]
Central Asia must remain focused on Air Quality Management
nCa Special Feature on World Earth Day Without air and water – absolutely essential for sustaining life – our planet will be no different from the other billions of planets orbiting around millions of stars. Unfortunately, we mostly take the air for granted. Let’s get right to the heart of the matter —– According to […]
ChatGPT creates new job category with expected income of nearly USD 28000 per month – You don’t need to be computer expert or software engineer to get the job
ChatGPT, the machine-learning marvel that has stormed the world, has already created a new job category with prospects of unbelievably high salary. According to the reports by Bloomberg and Business Insider, the new job can be called ‘AI Whisperer’ or ‘ChatGPT Whisperer’ – someone who can communicate meaningfully with the app. The actual job description […]
ChatGPT создает новую категорию вакансий с ожидаемым доходом почти в 28000 долларов США в месяц – вам не нужно быть специалистом по компьютерам или инженером-программистом, чтобы получить эту работу
ChatGPT, чудо машинного обучения, которое покорило мир, уже создало новую категорию вакансий с перспективами невероятно высокой зарплаты. Согласно отчетам Bloomberg и Business Insider, новая должность может называться “AI Whisperer” или “ChatGPT Whisperer” – это человек, кто сможет содержательно общаться с приложением. Реальное название должности – “оперативный инженер”, человек, который может заставить искусственный интеллект добиваться лучших […]
China and Central Asian countries held the first Meeting of Ministers of Economy and Trade
On 18 April 2023, the First Meeting of the Ministers of Economy and Trade “China – Central Asia” was held via videoconference, the Ministry of Economy and Commerce of Kyrgyzstan reports. Turkmenistan was represented at the meeting by the Minister of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations Begench Gochmollayev. The online session was also attended by […]
China resolutely opposes any external interference in the internal affairs of Central Asian countries says Qin Gang
China will resolutely oppose any external interference in the internal affairs of Central Asian countries, stated Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang Wednesday during the separate talks with Central Asian countries’ senior diplomats who have visited China for the coming 4th China-Central Asia Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, Xinhua reports. He also added that […]
China will build 16 ships for France with total value of USD 3 billion
nCa Report In an unprecedented deal, France has placed order with China for the construction of 16 large container ships. The total value of the order is more than 21 billion yuan (about 3 billion U.S. dollars). Xinhua reports that the China State Shipbuilding Corporation has signed a cooperation agreement with France’s CMA CGM Group […]
China’s investment in Central Asia has reached US $15 billion by the end of 2022 – Chinese Minister for Trade
By the end of last year, China’s direct investment stock in five Central Asian countries reached almost US $15 billion, Chinese Trade Minister Wang Wentao said at an online meeting of trade and economy ministers under Central Asia+China format, Xinhua reports. According to the minister, China and the countries of the region have launched a […]
China’s Position on the Afghan Issue
Today (13 April) Samarkand will host fourth Foreign Ministers’ Meeting among the Neighboring Countries of Afghanistan. On the eve of the meeting the foreign ministry of China issued an 11-point statement on Beijing’s stance on Afghanistan. “China stands ready to step up coordination and cooperation with Afghanistan’s neighbors and the rest of the world to […]
Chinese and Central Asian Foreign Ministers to discuss preparations for May summit of Heads of State
The foreign ministers of Central Asian countries and China will meet in Xi’an, China, on 26-27 April 2023 to discuss the preparation for the upcoming first Summit “Central Asia – China”, scheduled for May 2023 in Xi’an. “In addition, the participants of the meeting will discuss the prospects for six–party cooperation in various fields – […]
Chinese Foreign Ministry announced China-Central Asia Foreign Ministers’ Meeting
The fourth China-Central Asia Foreign Ministers’ Meeting will be chaired by State Councilor and Foreign Minister of China Qin Gang on 27 April in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, said today Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning during regular press conference. According to the information, the meeting will be attended by: Kazakhstan’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister […]
CILT Central Asia conducts training seminars for Turkmen transport companies
Within the framework of joint events for 2023 of the Association “Turkmen Logistics” and the Representative Office of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Central Asia (CILT Central Asia) with the support of the USAID Trade Central Asia Program, a series of training seminars on road cargo transportation for Turkmen companies-members of the […]
Connectivity, gas export and visa-free regime – Ambassador Blokhin shared on current trends in Turkmen-Russian cooperation
Ambassador of Russia to Turkmenistan Alexander Blokhin told in interview with TASS about main trends in Turkmen-Russian cooperation highlighting such areas and joint transport corridors, Turkmen gas supplies to Russia and prospects for mutual visa-free regime. Gazprom purchases 5 bcm of gas from Turkmenistan in 2022 Gazprom purchased around 5 bln cubic meters of gas […]
Construction of the energy ring is underway in Turkmenistan
The construction of a single electric power ring continues in Turkmenistan. One of the segments of this system is 500kV Balkan-Dashoguz power transmission line, which is currently under constructed in northern province of the country. The project is being carried out by the regional specialized enterprise “Dashoguz Energy Construction” under the Ministry of Energy. The […]
Countries of the North-South Corridor are taking steps to overcome logistical barriers along the route
Last week, a number of countries connected by the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) – the main transport artery between Russia, Central, South and Southeast Asia – have taken a number of further steps to simplify logistics along the route, and have also voiced their initiatives to unlock the potential of the corridor as soon […]
Delegation from Turkmenistan got acquainted with the Bulgarian experience of education in the field of social work
A government delegation from Turkmenistan visited the Pedagogical faculty of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski and met with the leadership of the Dean’s Office, the Bulgarian Telegraph Agency reports. The purpose of the visit was to study the system of social services and education in the field of social work in Bulgaria – basic and […]
Digital cooperation plays an important role in tomato cultivation in Turkmenistan
Economic Society “Yigit”, one of the largest tomato producers, has established partnerships with consultants from the Netherlands Three years have passed since Jan Zegwaard, a former grower, started cooperating with the Turkmen company “Yigit” through the cooperation community GrowersAdvice4You (Netherlands). The specialized portal HortiDaily tells about how this partnership develops in practice and what role […]
Dunyagozel Gulmanova is youngest head of parliament in the world. Her election shows some vital changes in political landscape of Turkmenistan
nCa Analysis The newly formed parliament of Turkmenistan met for its inaugural session on 6 April 2023. The house unanimously elected Ms. Dunyagozel Gulmanova, an MP from Ashgabat, as the chairperson (speaker) of the parliament. At 34, she is currently the youngest head of a national parliament in the world. Moreover, she is the youngest-ever […]
Eco Village at Altyn Asyr Lake of Turkmenistan is being developed by Chalyk Energy of Turkiye
The Turkish company Chalyk Energy (Çalık Enerji) is developing a state-of-the-art Eco Village at the Altyn Asyr Lake of Turkmenistan. Altyn Asyr (also spelled Altin Asir) is one of the largest manmade lakes in the world. A massive cluster of main, secondary, and tertiary channels collects the agricultural wastewater and rain catchment water from all […]
EDB will provide USD 600 million of investment for renewables over next three years
The EDB (Eurasian Development Bank) has decided to invest USD 600 million in the renewable energy projects during the next three years. The announcement was by Albrecht Conrad, Head of the EDB Directorate of Sustainable Development, at the UNECE Regional Forum on Sustainable Development in Geneva, says a press release of EDB. Conrad said, “With […]
Energy is a promising area of cooperation between Turkmenistan and Moldova
Moldova and Turkmenistan are interested in intensifying trade and economic cooperation and cooperation in the energy sector. This was stated during the meeting of the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Moldova Ruslan Bolbochan with the new Ambassador of Turkmenistan to Moldova with residence in Kiev Toyli Atayev, […]
EU Ambassador to Turkmenistan visits Lebap velayat
On 30-31 March 2023, the European Union Ambassador to Turkmenistan Diego Ruis Alonso paid a working visit to Turkmenabad in Lebap velayat. Mr Ambassador met with representatives of the local administration, the private sector and NGOs. Mr Alonso met with the hyakims of Lebap velayat and city Turkmenabad. The parties discussed opportunities for cooperation in […]
EU High Level officials are on visit to Turkmenistan
EU Special Representative for Human Rights Eamon Gilmore and EU Special Representative for Central Asia at EEAS Terhi Hakala are visiting Turkmenistan on 20-21 April 2023, EU Delegation in Turkmenistan reports. According to tweets of the EU officials, they have already met with newly elected Speaker of the Mejlis (Parliament) Dunyagozel Gulmanova. The sides discussed planned […]
EU-funded Programme contributes to strengthening capacities to investigate cross-border crimes in Turkmenistan
From 17 to 19 April, the EU-funded Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10) held a workshop in Ashgabat for investigators and crime intelligence officers specialised in investigations of cross-border crimes such as trafficking and smuggling of drugs. This activity enhanced the capacity and capabilities of law enforcement personnel of Turkmenistan in tackling drug […]
EU-funded programme enhances capacity of criminal intelligence officers in Turkmenistan
From April 03 to 05, the EU-funded Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10) held a national workshop in Ashgabat for crime intelligence officers in Turkmenistan. The workshop aimed at deepening the knowledge of criminal intelligence officers and to enhance awareness on criminal intelligence investigation methods, specifically for the staff of the Ministry of […]