На сегодняшний день просматривается положительная динамика роста контейнерных перевозок судами Морского торгового флота Туркменистана, сообщает Туркменбашинский морской порт. За период январь-апрель 2023 года объем контейнерных перевозок грузов по направлению Туркменбаши – Алят (Азербайджан) достиг 31572 тонн, что в 2,42 раза больше в сравнении с аналогичным периодом 2022 г., когда показатель составлял 13034 тонн. Общее количество […]
Archives for June 2023
МСОП: Региональный диалог подтвердил твердую приверженность продвижению природоохранных решений для устойчивых ландшафтов в Центральной Азии
Региональный диалог “Расширение масштабов природоохранных решений для устойчивых ландшафтов в Центральной Азии” собрал выдающихся докладчиков со всего мира и региона, представителей правительств и экспертов по охране природы в Ташкенте, столице Узбекистана, для решения насущных проблем, с которыми сталкиваются ландшафты Центральной Азии (ЦА). Участники обсудили основные проблемы регулирования и финансирования, с которыми сталкиваются правительства Центральной Азии […]
French scientists studied the Turkmen caves of Koitendag
For ten days, a group of scientists from the French Federation of Speleology (FFS), including karstologists and speleobiologists, worked in Turkmenistan and explored the caves called “Kapkutan”, “Gulshirin”, “Hoshimoyik” and “Intermediate”, the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper reports. These karst labyrinths are located on the territory of the Koytendag State Nature Reserve, Lebap province. Speleologists researched the […]
Награждены призеры Олимпиады по французскому языку – 2023 в Туркменистане
Третий год подряд в апреле и мае в Олимпиаде по французскому языку в Туркменистане приняли участие школьники из 12 школ столицы: 9 школ Ашхабада, в которых преподаётся французский язык, Международная школа Ашхабада, французская школа MLF-Bouygues и Французский институт. Впервые в 2023 году в конкурсе приняли участие велаятские школы, в которых преподаётся французский язык. Таким образом, […]
Full text of the UNESCAP resolution on establishment of the United Nations special programme for the Aral Sea basin (UNSPAS) initiated by Turkmenistan
United Nations E/ESCAP/RES/79/8 Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Seventy-ninth session Agenda item 4 (d) Resolution adopted by the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific on 19 May 2023 79/8. Consideration of the modalities for the establishment of the United Nations special programme for the Aral Sea basin The […]
Gifts for children of the Palace “Döwletliler köşgi” (State Orphanage)
On the occasion of the International Children’s Day celebrated in Turkmenistan, a festive celebration took place at the Palace “Döwletliler köşgi” [Orphan’s Palace], during which gifts were presented to the students of the Palace on behalf of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Guardianship and public […]
Настало время для Yeni Türkiye – Новой Турции
nCa Report Президент Эрдоган начал свой третий президентский срок с целостной базой избирателей. Коалиция, возглавляемая партией Справедливости и развития, имеет комфортное большинство в парламенте. На просторах большой Евразии существует огромный резерв доброй воли для Турции. Геополитические условия таят в себе новые возможности. — Звезды сошлись. Сейчас самое подходящее время для воплощения в жизнь коллективных надежд […]
Национальный лидер Туркменистана отправился в Саудовскую Аравию для совершения паломничества Умры
Национальный лидер Туркменистана Аркадаг Бердымухамедов отправился в Саудовскую Аравию 29 июня 2023 года с двухдневным визитом для совершения паломничества Умра, которое также называют малым хадж. Его сопровождает делегация старейшин. За исключением двух элементов, процесс и ритуалы для Хаджа и Умры почти идентичны. Аркадаг присоединится к пятничным молитвам в главной мечети и организует для прихожан садаку […]
Grand ceremony marks official inauguration of Arkadag City in Turkmenistan
President Serdar Berdimuhamedov led Thursday, 29 June 2023, a string of events to mark the official inauguration of the Arkadag City in Turkmenistan. The Arkadag City, right from the stage of planning, was aimed to serve as the global prototype of a sustainable city. The guests included the high level delegations from some fourteen friendly […]
Hungarian Prime Minister is on a two-day visit to Ashgabat – Arkadag Berdimuhamedov and Orban discussed prospects of Turkmen-Hungarian cooperation
Viktor Orban, the prime minister of Hungary, arrived in Turkmenistan on a two-day official visit on Thursday, 8 June. The delegation accompanying Orban includes Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade Peter Szijjarto, Minister of Culture and Innovation Janos Cak, Minister of Energy Csaba Lantos and Minister of Economic Development Marton Nagy. On the first […]
Hungary believes Central Asia has greater role in the new era of world economy
The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, speaking to the journalists in Ashgabat after his meeting with the Turkmen leadership this Friday, said the present situation had upset traditional economic relations, and may well open a new era in the world economy. These changes, “from our point of view, from the European point of view, have […]
IMF Regional Capacity Development Center for Caucasus, Central Asia, and Mongolia opened in Kazakhstan
On 9 June 2023, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Regional Capacity Development Center for the Caucasus, Central Asia and Mongolia opened in Almaty, the National Bank of Kazakhstan reports. The Caucasus, Central Asia, and Mongolia Regional Capacity Development Center (CCAMTAC) is a joint project of the IMF and nine member countries – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, […]
ОАЭ приглашают Президента Туркменистана на 28-ю Конференцию Сторон Рамочной конвенции ООН об изменении климата
Посол ОАЭ в Туркменистане Ахмед Аль Хамели встретился с временно исполняющим обязанности Министра иностранных дел Туркменистана Вепа Хаджиевым в МИД Туркменистана, сообщает Посольство ОАЭ в соцсетях. В ходе встречи Посол передал Хаджиеву письмо, направленное Президентом ОАЭ Шейхом Мухаммед бен Заед Аль Нахаяном в адрес Президента Туркменистана Сердара Бердымухамедова, с приглашением принять участие в 28-й Конференции […]
ОБСЕ и Контртеррористическое управление ООН организовали в Туркменистане региональный семинар по предотвращению биотеррористических атак
5-6 июня 2023 года в Ашхабаде (Туркменистан) состоялся региональный семинар по противодействию терроризму, в ходе которого основное внимание было уделено предотвращению биотеррористических атак с использованием биологических агентов и токсинов. Семинар был организован Центром ОБСЕ в Ашхабаде в партнерстве с Контртеррористическим центром ООН (КТЦ ООН) Программы по противодействию террористическому применению оружия Контртеррористического управления ООН (КТУ ООН) […]
In January-May 2023, the Turkmenbashi Port received over 200 ships from Azerbaijan
In January-May 2023, the ferry terminal of the International Seaport Turkmenbashi received 213 vessels from Baku and sent 214 vessels in the back direction, the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper writes. During this period, the Turkmen ferries “Berkarar” and “Bagtyyar” performed 70 shuttle voyages to Azerbaijan. Tens of thousands of tonnes of transit and imported cargo, including […]
International Conference on Financial and Investment Support of Water Resources Rational Use Measures Concludes Successfully in Turkmenistan
Photo: © UN RCO in Turkmenistan Ashgabat, 20 June 2023 – The Government of Turkmenistan, in collaboration with the United Nations (UN), hosted a highly successful international conference on “Financial and Investment Support of Water Resources Rational Use Measures.” The event, co-moderated by Mr. Dmitry Shlapachenko, UN Resident Coordinator in Turkmenistan, brought together high-level representatives […]
International Magazine “Diplomatic World” told about the Turkmen Alabai
“Turkmen Alabai dogs: a symbol of loyalty and strength” – under this heading, an article about Turkmen dogs of the Alabai breed, prepared by the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Belgium, was published in the new issue of the international magazine “Diplomatic World”. The article is rather than just about a dog, it highlights the cultural […]
Осенью в Туркменистане планируется открытие центра русского языка
В октябре в Туркменистане планируется открытие Центра открытого образования на русском языке и обучению русскому языку. Об этом рассказала ректор Набережночелнинского государственного педагогического университета (Татарстан, Россия) Альфинур Галиакберова в интервью местной газете «Челнинские Известия». Отметив, что НГПУ стал операторов данного Центра, руководитель вуза сообщила: «Центр мы планируем открыть в октябре этого года. Он будет базироваться […]
IOM project “Strengthening the legal framework on trafficking in persons in Turkmenistan in the context of youth and women empowerment” presented in Ashgabat
19 June 2023 Ashgabat, 16 June 2023 – The International Organization for Migration (IOM) presented the project titled “Strengthening the legal framework on trafficking in persons in Turkmenistan in the context of youth and women empowerment” to members of the Interdepartmental Working Group charged with the implementation of the National Action Plans of Turkmenistan on […]
Пакистан предлагает свой порт Гвадар для вывода туркменского газа на мировые рынки
Пакистан является наиболее жизнеспособным маршрутом поставок газа из Туркменистана в другие части мира, заявил в среду государственный министр нефти Пакистана Мусадик Малик, сообщают пакистанские сми. По словам высокопоставленного чиновника, правительство Пакистана пригласило Туркменистан изучить возможность налаживания газовой связуемости от границы с Чаманом (прим. ред. – на границе с Афганистаном) до порта Гвадар. В Гвадаре на […]
Iran declares its gas hub ambitions – partnership with Turkmenistan, Russia and Turkmenistan is in focus
Elvira Kadyrova Iran is developing plans to turn the country into a gas hub of the Middle East through cooperation with Qatar, Russia and Turkmenistan. This was announced on Wednesday by Iranian Oil Minister Javad Owji. “Through cooperation with Russia, Turkmenistan and Qatar, we are trying to have a gas hub in the Asaluyeh [port] […]
Kazakhstan assumes the chairmanship in the Dialogue of Women of Central Asian Countries in 2023
On Monday, 19 June, Astana hosted a meeting of the Dialogue of Women of Central Asian countries devoted to the ‘The role of women in innovations and technologies development’, organized with the support of the United Nations and the National Commission for Women and Family and Demographic Policy under the President of Kazakhstan, the Majilis […]
Leadership of Turkmenistan receives OSCE Secretary General – Arkadag city and Turkmenbashi Port awarded certificates
President of Turkmenistan received the OSCE Secretary General – Arkadag city and Turkmenbashi Port awarded certificates President Serdar Berdimuhamedov received on Thursday, 1 June, OSCE Secretary General Ms. Helga Schmid. During the meeting, Ms.Helga Schmid handed the President of Turkmenistan a certificate of accession of the city of Arkadag to the project “Development of sustainable, […]
LPG from Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan delivered to Pakistan via Afghanistan
21 trucks carrying liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) from Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan have reached Pakistan through Torkham, a border crossing between Pakistan and Afghanistan in the northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, Arab News Pakistan reported with reference to Pakistani customs official. “At least 21 trucks have entered (Pakistan) so far,” Hammad Ali, a senior official at the […]
Maintaining stability is the most important task for Central Asia in modern realities says President of Kazakhstan
On Friday, 23 June, the first meeting of the Secretaries of the Security Councils of Central Asia and Russia took place in Almaty. In modern realities, the most important task for the Central Asian region is to maintain stability and strengthen security, which implies effective forecasting of threats, prompt development of preventive response measures and […]
Multifaceted cooperation with the European Parliament was discussed at the MFA of Turkmenistan
On June 19, 2023, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Myahri Byashimova held a meeting with the delegation of the European Parliament, which arrived on a visit to Turkmenistan. During the talks, a review of cooperation between Turkmenistan and the European Union was carried out, issues of further development of relations between Turkmenistan and the European […]
Multimodal route from China to Uzbekistan via Turkmenistan has been launched
Uzbek Railways announced the launch of container trains from the Chinese port of Xiamen to Uzbekistan via Iran and Turkmenistan. 39 40-foot containers with household appliances (refrigerator, washing machine, gas stoves) went by sea from the Chinese port of Xiamen to the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas. Xiamen Port is one of the largest ports […]
nCa Analysis: Ambassador of Tajikistan completes highly successful and productive tenure in Turkmenistan
Tariq Saeedi and Elvira Kadyrova Ambassador Farrukh Homiddin Sharifzoda has completed his very successful and productive tenure in Turkmenistan. During his six years and five months as the head of the Tajik mission in Ashgabat, Sharifzoda worked with remarkable clarity of objectives and the superior diplomatic skills to meet those objectives. It is useful […]
Newly appointed Ambassador of Korea to Turkmenistan preseneted copy of credentials at the Foreign Ministry
On June 9, 2023, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Vepa Hajiyev met with the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Turkmenistan Ji Kyu-Taek, during which copies of his credentials were accepted. Hajiyev congratulated the Ambassador and expressed hope that with his appointment our bilateral relations would take on a more dynamic […]
On the World Environment Day Turkmenistan discussed the environmental agenda with international partners
On 5 June, on the occasion of the World Environmental Protection Day, a scientific and practical conference “Achievements in the field of environmental protection and international cooperation in this field in the year under the motto “Happy youth with Arkadag Serdar” was held in Ashgabat, TDH reports. The conference in hybrid format was attended by […]
Openness policy of New Uzbekistan is changing significantly
Umida Tukhtasheva, Deputy Director of the Anti-Corruption Agency, Doctor of Sciences in Law, Professor The referendum held in Uzbekistan on 30 April 2023 led to the adoption of the new Constitution. Strengthening the right to seek, receive and impart information is among the major new changes to the Constitution. In turn, the Law of the […]
OSCE and UNOCT organize a regional workshop in Turkmenistan focused on prevention of bioterrorism attacks
A regional workshop on countering terrorism was held on 5-6 June 2023 in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, focusing on the prevention of bioterrorism attacks involving biological agents and toxins. The workshop was organized by the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat in partnership with the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Centre (UNCCT) of the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) Programme […]
OSCE Centre in Ashgabat shifts to new, spacious premises – OSCE Secretary General and Deputy Foreign Minister of Turkmenistan jointly lead inauguration ceremony
The OSCE Centre in Ashgabat has shifted to a new, spacious premises. The inauguration ceremony was led jointly by the OSCE Secretary General, Helga Maria Schmid, and Deputy Foreign Minister of Turkmenistan, Vepa Hajiyev, on 1 June 2023. Press release of OSCE On 1 June 2023, OSCE Secretary General Helga Maria Schmid, who is on […]
OSCE delegation headed by the High Commissioner on National Minorities is on visit to Ashgabat
On Monday, 12 June, a delegation of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) headed by High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM) Kairat Abdrakhmanov was received at the Parliament of Turkmenistan. The sides discussed the effectiveness of the partnership between Turkmenistan and the OSCE HCNM in a wide range of areas, including cooperation […]
OSCE workshop brings together policymakers in Central Asia to discuss energy and natural resources management in the context of the situation in Afghanistan
On 14 June, the OSCE organized a regional workshop on energy co-operation and natural resource management in Central Asia within the context of the situation in Afghanistan. The event gathered around 30 policymakers and experts from Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan to discuss possible ways forward. “The crisis in Afghanistan has a pronounced regional dimension, and […]
Pakistan offers a route to bring Turkmen energy resources to world markets
Pakistan is the most viable route for gas supplies from Turkmenistan to other parts of the world, Musadik Malik, the State Minister for Petroleum of Pakistan said on Wednesday, Pakistani news outlets report. According to a senior official, the Government of Pakistan has extended an invitation to Turkmenistan to explore the possibility of gas connectivity […]
Parliament of Turkmenistan ratifies the Agreement with Turkey and Azerbaijan on trade and economic cooperation
During the session on Saturday, 3 June, the Parliament of Turkmenistan adopted the Law “On ratification of the Agreement between the Government of Turkmenistan, the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Government of the Republic of Turkey on trade and economic cooperation”. The trilateral agreement is aimed at enhancing friendly relations between the […]
Permanent Representative of Turkmenistan to the UN: “We have to prove that women diplomats work no worse than men”
“The conventional wisdom about the superiority of men in leadership is the result of long-term cultural and social attitudes … Modern reality excludes any predisposition of gender to leadership” — Aksoltan Atayeva , Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkmenistan to the UN This is the unofficial, slightly paraphrased translation of the text of the interview […]
Phase II of Arkadag city development opens up wide opportunities for the participation of Turkish business, says Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov
The second stage of the development of the city of Arkadag, envisaging construction of production and infrastructure facilities, opens up wide opportunities for the involvement of Turkish businessmen. This was stated by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at a meeting with the Minister of […]
Photo report from the opening ceremony of Arkadag city
The inauguration ceremony of the Arkadag City of Turkmenistan was held on 29 June 2023. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov led the festive event. Here are some pictures from the day: #Turkmenistan, #Arkadag_City, #inauguration, #pictures,
President of Kazakhstan: “Despite the unprecedented geopolitical aggravation, the Central Asian countries have strengthened the intraregional dialogue”
Despite the unprecedented geopolitical aggravation, the Central Asian countries have strengthened the intraregional dialogue. Much of the credit for this goes for the European Union, President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said at the second regional high–level meeting “Central Asia – European Union” in Cholpon-Ata. In his speech, Tokayev highlighted the main areas of cooperation between […]
President of Kyrgyzstan hosted an official reception in honor of the second EU-Central Asia high-level regional meeting
The President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Zhaparov hosted an official reception on 2 June, in Cholpon-Ata, in honor of participants of the Second EU-Central Asia high-level meeting. The reception was attended by the President of the European Council Charles Michel, the Presidents of Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, as well as the head of the delegation of Turkmenistan […]
President of Kyrgyzstan: the development of regional transit, transport, logistics potential is the driving force for the growth in Central Asia
“It would be highly advantageous for the Central Asian countries to establish our region as a unified geo-economic space, facilitating diverse forms of successful economic cooperation and interaction,” President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Zhaparov said on 2 June, speaking at the Second high-level regional meeting with the participation of the heads of Central Asian […]
President of Turkmenistan attended the inauguration ceremony of President Erdogan
On Saturday, 3 June 2023, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov attended the inauguration ceremony of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Türkiye in Ankara. The by high-level officials from 81 countries, including 21 heads of state, 13 prime ministers, parliamentary and ministerial-level officials, representatives of international organizations arrived for ceremony. From Central Asia, leaders of Kazakhstan, […]
President of Turkmenistan awarded the medal of the Union of Engineers and Architects of the Turkic World
On Wednesday, 28 June, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov received Secretary General of the Union of Engineers and Architects of the Turkic World Ilyas Demirсi, who arrived in Turkmenistan to participate in the opening of the city of Arkadag. Demirсi presented the medal “For Outstanding Services to the Turkic World” to the head of Turkmenistan, noting his […]
President of Turkmenistan received the Deputy Chairman of the CIS Intergovernmental Coordinating Council on Seed Production
President Serdar Berdimuhamedov received Thursday (15 Jun) Deputy Chairman of the Intergovernmental Coordinating Council on Seed Production of the Commonwealth of Independent States, President of the Seeds Association Ivan Kuzmin. Ivan Kuzmin stressed the fruitful nature of the interaction of the CIS ICCSP with Turkmenistan, which is implementing fundamental reforms in the agro-industrial complex. The […]
President of Turkmenistan received the new Ambassador of France
On Monday, 19 June 2023, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov received the newly appointed Ambassador of France to Turkmenistan Philippe Merlin. At the beginning of the meeting, the President of Turkmenistan conveyed his best wishes to the top leadership of France, which is one of the country’s important partners in the European region. Noting with satisfaction the […]
President of Turkmenistan received the new Ambassador of Tajikistan
On Wednesday, 28 June, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov received the newly appointed Ambassador of Tajikistan to Turkmenistan Vafo Alibek Niyatbekzoda. “Tajikistan has traditionally been a reliable friend and partner of Turkmenistan. Our cooperation continues to develop thanks to regular visits at the highest level, as well as active negotiations and consultations between the foreign ministries of […]
President of Turkmenistan received the Vice-President of the International Cycling Union
President Serdar Berdimuhamedov received on Saturday, 24 Jun, Vice-President of the International Cycling Union (UCI), President of the Asian Cycling Confederation Osama Al Shafar. Al-Shafar stressed the UCI’s interest in expanding traditional cooperation with Turkmenistan, which makes a significant contribution to the development of cycling sports movement. During the meeting, the sides exchanged views on […]
President Serdar Berdimuhamedov led a bike ride on the occasion of World Bicycle Day – Turkmen Diplomatic Missions organized bike events in host countries
On Saturday, 3 June, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov led a mass bike ride in Ashgabat on the occasion of the World Bicycle Day, which brought together thousands of citizens. By tradition, similar bike marathons were held on this day in all provinces of the country. In addition, Turkmenistan’s diplomatic missions have organized bike rides abroad – […]