The Magtymguly Youth Organization of Turkmenistan is now an official member of the UNESCO Global Youth Community (GYC). This follows from the message of the Director of Policy and Programs for the Social and Humanitarian Sciences Sector of the UNESCO Secretariat, Angela Melo.
The UNESCO Global Youth Community is a unique global youth-led community and umbrella platform, run by youth and for youth, aiming at fostering interaction and cooperation among all UNESCO youth-led initiatives networks and beyond
The UNESCO Global Youth Community encourages and facilitates meaningful engagement of young people in their communities and with UNESCO and is an independent learning community for young people and youth-led organizations willing to co-learn, co-design and co-create projects related to UNESCO’s field of competence. ///nCa, 21 August 2023
#Magtymguly_Youth_Organization, #Turkmenistan, #UNESCO, #UNESCO_Global_Youth_Community, #youth