The Cold Winter Deserts of Turan have been inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The relevant decision was made at the expanded 45th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
This nomination was prepared jointly by Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan as a transnational serial natural object.
As a part of transnational serial nomination “Cold Winter Deserts of Turan”, such components of Turkmenistan as “Bereketli Garagum”, “Gaplangyr”, “Repetek” and “Yeradzhi” are inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Cold Winter Deserts of Turan is a transnational property comprises fourteen component parts found across arid areas of Central Asia’s temperate zone between the Caspian Sea and the Turanian high mountains. The area is subject to extreme climatic conditions with very cold winters and hot summers, and boasts an exceptionally diverse flora and fauna that has adapted to the harsh conditions.
The property also represents a considerable diversity of desert ecosystems, spanning a distance of more than 1,500 kilometres from East to West. Each of the component parts complements the others in terms of biodiversity, desert types, and ongoing ecological processes.
The site is important as a habitat for threatened animal and plant species, including kulans, saigas, gazelles, urials, and many other endemic flora and fauna.
The joint nomination of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan demonstrated a successful example of UNESCO interregional cooperation in Central Asia.
© A. Pavlenko
Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of Turkmenistan to UNESCO Mr.Maksat Chariev during his speech, expressed deep appreciation to the members of the World Heritage Committee for their invaluable support in adopting the decision, as well as extended special thanks to the international and national experts who actively contributed to the preparation of this nomination.
Ambassador noted, that the “Cold Winter Deserts of Turan” represent a model of continuous ecological and biological processes that determine the adaptation and survival of diverse flora and fauna, as well as animals in changing extreme environmental conditions in the cold winter deserts of Turan. It is a testament to the delicate balance of nature that exists in the arid, cold deserts of our region.
This inscription in the World Heritage List will enable our countries to strengthen international cooperation for the better conservation of all endangered animal and plant species on a global scale, added Ambassador.
As well as, Ambassador informed that State Parties have agreed on transnational management and conservation mechanisms for the nominated areas, as well as established systems for monitoring and regular data exchange.
Concluding his speech, Ambassador on behalf of the people and the Government of Turkmenistan thanked World Heritage Committee for the inscription of joint nomination in the World Heritage List.
Earlier, the Zarafshan-Karakum corridor of the Great Silk Road, nominated by Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. ///nCa, 20 September 2023
#UNESCO, #World_Heritage, #Cold_Winters_Deserts_of_Turan, #Uzbekistan, #Kazakhstan, #Turkmenistan