Raner Karadagli, General & Art Director, Turkish State Theatres:
Dear Colleagues,
The 23rd of April is a unique and a very special international celebration. The founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, dedicated this day to the children of the country to emphasize that they are the future of the new nation.
It was on April 23rd, 1920, during the War of Independence, that the Grand National Assembly met in Ankara, and laid down the foundations of a new, an independent, a secular and a modern republic from the ashes of the Ottoman Empire. He dedicated the day to the children, and entrusted in the hands of the youth the protection of this sovereignty and independence.
Since 1979, the children of Türkiye have shared this national holiday with the children of the world. Hundreds of children from different countries and cultures, hosted by families, meet in festivities to discuss, to interact, to learn about each other, and share the joy of togetherness and the hope for peace. The importance of this day is also recognized by UNICEF. Some countries also celebrate this day.
Since its foundation in 1949, Turkish State Theatre pays special attention to plays for children, and includes them in its repertoire, since children are not only our future, but also our future actors, actresses, directors, designers and audience… So they are the future of theatre.
For this reason, Turkish State Theatre wishes to contribute the children’s day with a special festival, named “Little Ladies Little Gentlemen”, after a speech addressed to children by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk: “Little ladies, little gentlemen, You are all the roses, the stars and the sparkling joy of our future, the ones who will elevate the nation. Always be aware of your value and significance! And work hard… We have great expectations from you.”
Untill today 40 countries from all across the world including Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Singapore, Belgium, Italy, Russia, Germany, Turkish Republic of North Cyprus, Israel, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, French, Swiss, Spain, Lithuania, Netherlands, Slovenia, England, Cuba, Ukraina, China, Chile, Luxembourg, Crotia, Kosovo, Poland, Canada, Czech Republic, Georgia, Yakutia, Greece and the USA have participated to the Festival.
In celebration of this unique event, we would be glad to see you and your company among us.”
The Festival:
a. The festival will be held in Ankara (the capital city of Türkiye) between 24th – 29th April 2024
b. The host of the festival is Ankara State Theatre.
c. The 23rd April is considered as check-in day. No performance will be on this day.
d. The 24th April will be the opening day.
e. The performance days are between 25th – 29th April 2024.
f. The festival is a non-competitive.
Conditions of Participation:
a. The festival aims to cover a wide range of different theatre techniques such as puppet, shadow, dance, backlight, physical, street, musical, opera, ballet etc.
b. Preference will be given to productions that do not rely on language, but use other means of expressions allowing maximum understanding of the young audience.
c. Each group must send a complete application form and record of the play they want to participate at the festival. (The record of the performance can be sent online by like the website wetransfer, weshare.it etc.)
d. Groups will provide their own set, costumes and all accessories etc. needed for their performance.
e. Groups or individual participants can propose workshops, discussions etc.
f. The organizer will cover bed & breakfast, €25 per diem (in Turkish Liras), local transportation in Ankara, guidance and free access to the performances.
g. Each group should send the required information till the following deadline: 10th January 2024.
h. The Organizing Committee; consisting of State Theatre’s actors/actresses and dramaturges, is also the selection committee. Selected groups will be informed till the 30th January 2024 by e-mail. The official invitation letter will be sent by e-mail.
i. Due to the organizer’s agreement with the hotel, the organizer can provide only one single room for each group. The rest of the rooms can be double and triple.
Application Form:
The application form and the record of the play must be sent to the organizing committee before the 10th January 2024.
- Name of theatre/group/company:
- Name of performance:
- Author’s/Playwright’s name:
- Director’s name:
- Name of set, costume, light designer, composer and choreographer:
- Cast of the performance (Performers, dancers etc.):
- Total list of the participants:
- Duration of performance:
- The aimed age group of the performance:
- Brief information about the Theatre/Group/Company (Max. 150 words):
- Synopsis of the performance (Max. 150 words):
- Rooming list:
- Photos, CD/DVD record of the performance:
- Stage dimensions required for the performance:
- Technical requirements (light/sound etc.):
- Contact person of the theatre/group/company:
- Address of the theatre/group/company phone, fax, e-mail:
Festival Contact:
E- mail: turkiye.23april@gmail.com
Phone: +90 312 324 40 94/1169
Post address:
Devlet Tiyatroları Genel Müdürlüğü
İstiklal Cad. Çirmen Sok.
- Evkaf Apt. No: 8
Dış İlişkiler ve Festivaller Birimi (4. Kat)
06050 Ulus-Ankara
Web Site: http://www.devtiyatro.gov.tr/iraf/festivals/khkb_fest.htm
///nCa, 23 November 2023 (in cooperation with the Embassy of Türkiye to Turkmenistant)