On January 22, BOMCA Programme officially handed over colour and monochrome printers, and server equipment to the State Customs Service, State Service on Plant Quarantine and State Veterinary Service of the Ministry of Agriculture of Turkmenistan equipment, accounting for a total value of EUR 67 011.00.
Specifically, the State Customs Service received 150 monochrome printers, the State Veterinary Service 49 monochrome printers and 1 colour printer, and the State Service on Plant Quarantine received 9 monochrome printers, 1 colour printer and server equipment. The received printers are planned to be distributed among all BCP’s and regional departments to increase the capabilities of processing of documentation. Provided equipment will increase capacities of beneficiaries of documents processing as well as address the institutional decisions on digitalization.
These assets were purchased by BOMCA 10 to further strengthen the technical basis of programme beneficiaries to address specific border management priorities, which in turn supports the achievement of results under BOMCA 10 programme. ///BOMCA, 22 January 2024