(Ashgabat, February 22, 2024)
Dear participants of the meeting of the Presidium of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan!
Dear compatriots!
Turkmens are a people who have formed an exemplary path of development and have shown the world outstanding personalities.
This year in our country will be marked by celebrations on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the great poet and thinker Magtymguly Fragi. The motto of 2024 is “The Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi”, which is due to boundless pride, love and respect for the work of the great master of artistic expression, as well as the wishes of our citizens.
The ideas of humanism of Magtymguly Fragi serve for each and every one of us individually as a true guideline leading to love and universal harmony, and therefore the study and popularization of his life and creative path, literary heritage everywhere – not only here, but also abroad – are completely justified. This year, for the first time, we will hold a Culture Week in the city of Arkadag in commemoration of the Day of Workers of Culture and Art, as well as the poetry of Magtymguly Fragi.
Magtymguly Fragi is a classical poet who elevated the Turkmen people and raised their authority in the world. “He shares his glory with us – to the joy of everyone, and everything, the Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi,” – this excerpt from my poem expresses the joy that the world fame and greatness of an outstanding poet exalts the history, honor and cultural heritage of our people today.
In the new era of the sovereign Fatherland, which the great thinker dreamed of, Turkmenistan, becoming stronger day by day, has significantly strengthened its position of influence on the world stage. And, these achievements became possible thanks to the unity, perseverance, determination and great love for the Motherland of our people, committed to the precepts of the wise Magtymguly.
The President of the country signed the Law “On the establishment of the anniversary medal of Turkmenistan “Magtymguly Pyragynyň 300 ýyllygyna.” I believe that in continuation of such initiatives, based on a creative approach, it is advisable to legislatively consolidate in the future the cultural heritage of Magtymguly Fragi and thereby perpetuate it.
Dear participants of the meeting!
The main goal of our long-term development strategy is to maintain economic growth against the background of accelerated progress, and transformation of the world economy and the genesis of new calls. And in this context, the key factor for intensive growth lies in a thoughtful political position, making management decisions aimed at achieving specific goals, and calculated plans.
The country has successfully completed all the main tasks outlined in the Program for the year, which passed under the motto “Happy youth with Arkadag Serdar.” The past year was full of glorious events that demonstrated the power of the state, wisdom, honor and glory, unity and integrity of the aspirations of the people.
In 2023, a steady growth rate of gross domestic product was maintained. An investment policy has also been implemented, with a large amount of funds allocated to the development of production segments, the social sphere and the service sector. At the same time, the city of Arkadag was inaugurated, where all conditions have been created. The President of the country also launched the construction of the second stage of the “smart” city.
In 2023, our dynamically developing state was elected to a number of United Nations structures, and dozens of international documents were adopted. Our national values have been significantly expanded by the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
Guided by the principles of democracy of our glorious ancestors and true democracy, we created the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan. At the historic meeting of this body, held on the eve of the 32nd anniversary of independence, decisions were made that are of critical importance for the domestic and foreign policy of our state. Elections of deputies of the Mejlis, members of the Halk Maslahaty and Gengeshes were held in an organized manner, on the principles of alternativeness, transparency and openness.
Dear friends!
Based on the achievements of previous years, the Government has developed a “Program for the socio-economic development of Turkmenistan and investments in 2024”, which was approved by the Resolution of the President of the country Arkadaghly Hero Serdar.
And here we should fix the following, namely, when laying the economic base of an independent Fatherland, the summation of the indicators of each industry, each region, each institution and enterprise is carried out after their detailed analysis and calculation. Data collected in this way has created the conditions necessary for accurate calculation, forecasting and planning of the future in the short, medium and long term. As a result, a well-thought-out practice of organizing, managing and maintaining the efficiency of the economy has emerged.
The program for 2024 is compiled on the basis of the Program “Revival of a new era of the powerful state: National program for the socio-economic development of Turkmenistan in 2022–2052” and the Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022–2028, which are being successfully implemented according to the same methodology.
It must be said that the Program is justified financially and economically, from the position of investment feasibility, which is due to accurate calculations and previously achieved milestones.
As for the specifics determined by the tasks and goals of the Program, then:
Firstly, these are goals of an economic, industrial and production nature. First of all, measures are envisaged to maintain the sustainable growth of the country, the development of industries and regions, using to the maximum the internal potential of the state. The priority goals include achieving full functioning of the capacities of manufacturing enterprises, expanding the processing industry, increasing exports and developing import-substituting industries, increasing the production of environmentally friendly agricultural and other high-quality food products, and creating a favorable business environment.
The main areas of investment are the development of industrial sectors, the creation of innovative enterprises and new industries, agricultural reform, significant improvement of food supply, and expansion of processing industries.
Thanks to the efforts and tireless care of the head of state, the construction policy is being successfully implemented.
Within the framework of the “Program for the socio-economic development of Turkmenistan and investments in 2024”, a number of important large-scale projects are planned, including dozens of large ones – international and regional. The construction of the second stage of the city of the future – the city of Arkadag – will also continue.
Secondly, goals in the field of development of trade and services.
The efficient functioning of the economy, the profitability of commodity producers, the creation of new jobs, the increase in wages and incomes of the population lead to an increase in solvency and an increase in consumer demand in the markets for goods and users of various services. The policy of the President of Turkmenistan attaches great importance to this area, and here one of the main tasks was and remains the development of trade, transport, housing and communal services, social and other services for the population in order to meet the growing demand for food products and essential goods.
Thirdly, the goals of the Social Orientation Program.
Much attention is paid to targeted measures to create new jobs and thoroughly ensure social security of the population.
Investments are directed to the expansion of social infrastructure facilities, including housing, residential buildings intended for the category of especially needy citizens, medical institutions, secondary schools and kindergartens, highways, water, gas, energy supply and communication systems, water treatment facilities, transport and other social services.
Fourthly, the measures to be taken in all areas of the Program are aimed at the widespread introduction of advanced technologies, a digital system, the creation of a favorable business environment, and the development of the non-state sector. And this is the main goal.
Dear friends, now I would like to draw your attention to some indicators regarding the internal development of our country.
1. In the era of the Renaissance of a new era of the powerful state, the economic potential of our country is steadily growing. Despite the global economic crisis, a steady growth rate of gross domestic product has been maintained. Since 2009, growth has averaged over 6 percent. Over the past 15 years, GDP has increased 3.7 times.
2. The range of products manufactured in the country, the quality of which meets international standards, is consistently expanding. The volume of industrial output in 2023, compared to previous years, has increased by more than 3 times.
3. Product supply fully satisfies the needs of the domestic market. If in 2008 the volume of retail trade turnover was 16 million manat, then in 2023 this figure increased 8.5 times and reached 140 million manat.
4. In December 2022, a comprehensive population and housing census was conducted in Turkmenistan, as a result of which more than 7 million people were registered. This shows that compared to 2008, the population has increased by about 2 million. Demographic growth was achieved due to a significant improvement in the well-being and standard of living of our citizens.
Dear participants of the meeting!
We, as members of the People’s Assembly, deputies of the Mejlis, and representatives of public organizations that are directly related to achieving grandiose goals in the interests of the people, face great challenges.
In the Program approved by the President of the country Arkadagly Hero Serdar, along with economic, financial, social, production and other tasks, those that affect legal and regulatory support are also identified. Let us outline the key directions for future work in this area:
1) further improvement of the legislative framework for attracting investments, protecting and supporting investors in our country;
2) modernization of national legislation in accordance with the rules and principles of the World Trade Organization, taking into account the fact that Turkmenistan is a country joining this Organization;
3) improving legislation to combat the legalization of proceeds from crime;
4) improvement of regulations in the field of tax management and optimization of tax collection;
5) modernization of the legal framework for the protection of intellectual property, guaranteeing the protection of intellectual property rights at the state and international level;
6) implementation of the digital system while improving banking operations and payment orders in accordance with the requirements of technology and regulatory documentation;
7) improving the business environment and bringing the regulatory framework for financing in a market economy in line with world practice to integrate the national economy into the global market;
8) intensification of scientific research, thorough and effective study of “artificial intelligence”, creation and promotion of new methods of business and commerce in the scientific and industrial field, development of relevant regulations;
9) preparation of draft regulations for the effective functioning of the innovation system.
Dear participants of the Presidium meeting!
Along with the already set tasks, we have a lot of work to do on issues of legislative support for the initiatives of the President of Turkmenistan in the field of domestic and foreign policy, as well as on the agenda of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan.
In this context, legislation relating to issues such as:
– improvement of legislation in the field of civil law relations, implementation of international private law, modernization according to the realities of time of legislation affecting property, contract law, crime prevention;
– provision of public services through a digital system, provision of legal assistance, government support for business;
– ensuring economic activity, developing digital services in transport, logistics and other areas;
– optimization of legislation regulating the activities of enterprises, standards for ensuring the competitiveness of goods and construction work;
– stimulating producers of agricultural products, seed production, climate change, ecology, and take appropriate measures.
As for social policy, the necessary work must be carried out on the basis of regular analysis of legislation affecting the issues of improving the regulation of employment and labor relations, family protection, motherhood and childhood, support for the young, and healthcare.
One of the important tasks in ensuring social security is the legislative consolidation of government initiatives and the enormous concern for expanding assistance to those in need of care, ensuring a happy life for every person and, first of all, for children. And in this regard, I would like to draw your attention to the particular importance of developing the Regulations on the guardianship and trusteeship bodies, the Regulations on the procedure for implementing guardianship and trusteeship, which are specified in the Law of Turkmenistan “On Guardianship and Trusteeship”, in accordance with the realities of the time from the standpoint of compliance with the requirements of the Law.
It should also be noted that the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Care has developed positive practice in this matter.
I would like to mention that the time has come to improve the legal acts regulating relations on issues of minors, in the context of protecting and supporting growing youth.
Here I would like to focus your attention on one of the current requirements – strengthening the legal support for the created conditions in the name of exalting the dignity of the custodians of the sacred family hearth among Turkmen – mothers, women and girls, comprehensive care for them by the state, protection of their legitimate interests, as well as protection and unity of the family, and best interests of the children.
According to our motto “The state is for the people!” and the principles “The Motherland is the Motherland only with the people!” The state is a state only with the people!” One of the country’s strategic goals is the successful implementation of effective socio-economic policy.
In general, improving national legislation is one of the main tasks that requires the daily attention of each of us.
Dear participants of the meeting!
The Halk Maslahaty, the Mejlis and public associations of Turkmenistan should do significant work to develop new political and legal positions and culture in society, promote the principles of national statehood, unite the people around national goals, and strengthen unity.
And it is very important to continue the upcoming joint work to successfully achieve the grandiose goals of the new historical era on the basis of a constructive, concrete plan.
And for this purpose, together with the Mejlis, ministries, departments and public associations of Turkmenistan, a Plan of work and activities has been prepared for the main areas of activity of the Halk Maslakhaty, scheduled for implementation this year in order to implement the “Program of socio-economic development of Turkmenistan and investments in 2024” .
Dear participants of the meeting!
According to the Plan, we must first of all continue to improve legislation in an organized manner based on the right of legislative initiative.
In this regard, you should:
firstly, to widely involve competent, experienced specialists and experts in the newly created Working Commission for the preparation of bills in order to promote advanced ideas and current proposals, as well as take measures to provide legislative support for the initiatives, instructions and decisions of the President of Turkmenistan;
secondly, to create an expert-legal commission under the Office of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan, consisting of deputies, representatives of other government bodies and public associations, to conduct analytical work and prepare proposals for improving the current legislation;
thirdly, to ensure the timely development of regulations arising from laws, to form control, methodological, practical and consulting groups from specialized institutions and organize their work;
fourthly, hold meetings of members of the Halk Maslakhaty and deputies of the Mejlis with scientists, specialists and experts on theoretical and practical issues of legislative activity;
fifthly, hold meetings dedicated to the implementation of the decisions and instructions voiced at the meeting of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan, Resolutions and instructions of the President of Turkmenistan regarding the main directions of the country’s development in 2024, as well as grandiose goals and priority areas of the country’s medium- and long-term development programs.
It is necessary to ensure a high organizational level of the work being carried out and discuss its key aspects at meetings of the Presidium of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan. To do this you should:
identify and include in the agenda of the Presidium meeting issues on timely resolution of the assigned tasks, along with decisions and instructions given at meetings of the Halk Maslakhaty and the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.
This applies to taking appropriate measures to:
– the solemn celebration at the international level of the 300th anniversary of the great poet and thinker Magtymguly Fragi;
– further strengthening the unity of society and ensuring active participation in the implementation of the tasks outlined in the programs by deputies of the Mejlis, members of the Halk Maslahaty and Gengeshes;
– socio-economic development of the country, inspiring every employee to succeed, active participation in the development of concepts for the development of the private sector and the service sector, support for import-substituting production and construction, strategies for the development of export-oriented industry, urban development;
– strengthening the function of specialized organizations for working with youth;
– preparation of the Concept for improving teaching methods and strategy for the development of science in the country;
– adoption of new legislative acts and systematic improvement of laws.
Dear participants of the meeting!
Much attention in state policy and implemented programs is paid to the development of regions, expanding the capabilities of local representative authorities and self-government, and providing them with organizational and methodological assistance. Therefore, our main tasks include:
– hold meetings at the proper level in the velayats, the cities of Ashgabat and Arkadag, as well as meetings with local authorities and organizations to consider proposals and requests received from citizens and departments;
– hold field meetings with rural workers of our country, get acquainted with the progress of seasonal campaigns and take measures for their fruitful work;
– improve organizational and methodological assistance to velayat, etrap, city halk maslahatys and Genges in the legislative field, to hold methodological and practical meetings with them;
– explain to residents of villages and cities the essence and content of the laws being adopted, study the requests and wishes of people and take direct part in resolving issues related to improving the well-being of the population and in receiving citizens’ requests;
– organize on-site meetings of the Halk Maslakhaty and Mejlis committees with the participation of responsible representatives of the velayats, the cities of Ashgabat and Arkadag, and public associations in order to carry out the instructions and tasks identified by the President of Turkmenistan, and study proposals relating to various areas of legislation.
Dear participants of the meeting!
Further inspiration of the population for creative work, its involvement in ongoing historically significant activities, wide explanation and popularization of the achievements of the Fatherland should be identified as the main tasks in terms of upcoming work. In this case it is necessary to:
– hold meetings to explain and promote the socio-political importance of the meetings of the Halk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan, large-scale initiatives of the President of the country, ongoing work in the interests of the people, adopted documents, and at the same time promptly inform the population by preparing interesting messages in the media;
– continue activities to explain and promote the conditions created by the state for observing the rule of law in society, protecting human rights and freedoms, developing a legal culture, establishing the principles of a healthy lifestyle for conscientious work and a happy life for people, as well as popularizing national culture and family values, traditions and customs, public morality.
Dear participants of the meeting!
The plan for joint upcoming work and activities for 2024 to implement those arising from the Program approved by the President of our independent neutral state of Arkadagly Hero Serdar, will form the basis of activities in the year, the motto of which is “The Fount of Wisdom of Magtymguly Fragi.”
The main objective of the measures we are taking is not only to ensure economic growth, but also to maintain its long-term and sustainable pace.
And the model of economic growth of the new era consists primarily of creating a business environment, supporting entrepreneurial initiatives and increasing private investment. We have to ensure that the legal system is attractive to business.
Dear compatriots, my people!
In the book of President Arkadaghly Hero Serdar “Ýaşlar – Watanyň daýanjy” there are the following wonderful words: “Forever, the Motherland is our unshakable support.” “The state is an indestructible, inexhaustibly powerful force. We draw energy from it. We are proud of the name of the country and are elevated by its authority.” In these lines, the head of state wisely notes the value of the Motherland.
At an extended meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, President of Turkmenistan Arkadagly Hero Serdar expressed his firm confidence that through united selfless work, together with the people, all new milestones planned for 2024 will be achieved.
The highest goal of each of us is to confidently promote our beloved Motherland into a great future! Therefore, our duty is to popularize and inspire our people to great endeavors that elevate the Fatherland. /// nCa, 23 February 2024