Turkmenistan and Iran recently signed the agreement for the supply of the Turkmen gas to Iraq through Iran under swap arrangement. The deal also covers the supply of the Turkmen gas to Iran for meeting the requirements in some provinces of Iran.
Ambassador Ali Mojtaba Rouzbehani of Iran, in an exclusive conversation with nCa, gave some details of the deal.
Here is the summary of the conversation that took place on 5 July 2024:
Iran has settled all the debts with Turkmenistan that arose earlier on account of the supply of the Turkmen gas to Iran. Right now, there are no outstanding debts between Iran and Turkmenistan.
Under the deal signed recently, Iran will purchase 30 bcm (billion cubic meters) of gas annually to cover its own requirements, particularly in the Gulistan and Northern Khorasan provinces.
For this, a new pipeline with compressor stations will be built along the existing Kurpeje-Kurtkui route. Its capacity would likely be 30 bcm. The length of the pipeline would be 125km and it will have three compressor stations.
This pipeline would carry the gas across the border to Iran through the gas measuring station at Chaloyuk.
The gas under the present arrangement will mainly come from the eastern fields of Turkmenistan. It will be transported through the main trunk East-West of Turkmenistan to feed the planned Kurpeje-Kurtkui pipeline for transportation to Iran.
The price of the gas is a matter for the professionals but it would possibly be linked to a mutually agreed basket of petroleum products. /// nCa, 5 July 2024