On the occasion of the 2nd anniversary of the creation of the public organization “Young Naturalist”, a competition “Nature of Turkmenistan in Video Images” is announced.
The competition is held according to 3 major themes, namely:
- Climate change.
- Enrichment of video images with the words of poiets and writers, praising the Turkmen nature in the year of “Fountof Wisdom – Magtymguly Fragi”.
- Make a video about recycling waste to prevent air pollution.
The video must be 2-3 minutes long. The videos submitted to the competition must reflect such aspects as the favorable climate of Turkmen nature, unique flora and fauna.
The video should be sent to the Young Naturalist NGO by November 15, 2024 .
The winners of the competition will be announced on December 5.
Additional information: +993(64) 268432, 94-03-26. ///nCa, 16 October 2024 (in cooperation with “Young Naturalist”)