During an expanded Cabinet of ministers’ meeting on Monday, 9 December 2024, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov addressed the country’s diplomatic corps, outlining priorities for the nation’s foreign policy and cooperation with international organizations.
In his speech, the Head of state noted significant events of 2024, including the wide celebration of the 300th anniversary of the birth of Magtymguly Fragi both in Turkmenistan and abroad, the holding in Ashgabat of the International Conference “Interconnection of Times and Civilizations – the basis of peace and development”, the adoption by the UN General Assembly of the Resolution “Treaty on a nuclear-weapon-free zone in Central Asia.”
The President stressed that these events testify to the wide recognition by the international community of Turkmenistan’s foreign policy aimed at ensuring universal peace, sustainable development and strengthening relations based on trust.
Berdimuhamedov outlined the key objectives of foreign policy for 2025, including:
- Preparations for the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s permanent Neutrality and the International Year of Peace and Trust. In this regard, the Head of state instructed to develop a document of international importance reflecting the norms of neutrality.
- An increase in the number of nations supporting the initiative to grant neutral countries the status of a priority partnership with the United Nations in peacekeeping efforts, as well as the initiative to create an Alliance for Global Energy Security and sustainable Development.
- Strengthening cooperation with the United Nations in the framework of joint programs, including the Framework Program for Cooperation on Sustainable Development for 2026-2030 and the Joint Program “Youth, Peace and Security”.
- Development of relations with neighboring countries, the states of Central Asia, the Caspian region, South Asia, the Middle East, the Asia-Pacific region, Europe, America, and African countries.
- Intensification of multilateral diplomacy. The President instructed Turkmenistan’s representatives to international organizations to focus on increasing the number of countries supporting Turkmenistan’s position as a neutral state.
- In connection with the upcoming celebration of the 30th anniversary of Neutrality and the International Year of Peace and Trust, the Head of State instructed the Cabinet of Ministers to prepare for the first meeting of the Organizing Committee.
Speech by President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov at an expanded meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers
Here is the unofficial slightly paraphrased translation of the speech by President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov at the expanded Cabinet of Ministers meeting on 9 December 2024:
Dear members of the Cabinet of Ministers! Dear participants of the meeting!
Today we will summarize the results of Turkmenistan’s activities related to international cooperation in 2024, as well as discuss the key vectors of the country’s foreign policy and priorities in this direction for the coming year.
Dear participants of the meeting!
I would like to note that events of international importance were held in 2024. The 300th anniversary of the birth of the great son of the Turkmen people, Magtymguly Fragi, was widely celebrated in our country and foreign countries. About 170 important events have been organized abroad on the occasion of this significant date.
The main event of the year was the International Conference “The Interconnection of Times and Civilizations – the basis of Peace and Development” held in Ashgabat, which was dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the birth of Magtymguly Fragi.
The Forum was a significant unifying factor in strengthening international peace, mutual understanding, trust, confidence in the power and potential of a developed culture of dialogue, based on the philosophical legacy of Magtymguly Fragi.
This international forum has increased the authority of Turkmenistan as a peace-loving state, demonstrated the great respect of the world community for our country, the Turkmen people, its rich history and culture.
Dear participants of the meeting!
Next year, large-scale events will be held to mark the glorious 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s neutrality and the declaration by the United Nations General Assembly of 2025 as the International Year of Peace and Trust.
An important event was also the recent adoption of the Resolution “Treaty on a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia” initiated by Turkmenistan during the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly. It is a great honor for us to have the support of many United Nations Member countries for this proposal.
Dear participants of the meeting! Dear people!
I cordially congratulate all of you on these historically significant events and successes in the life of the country.
All of them, along with the wide recognition of Turkmenistan’s foreign policy, are a triumph of the activities carried out in the name of universal peace, ensuring sustainable development, and strengthening relations based on trust.
In this context, it is necessary to continue effectively the ongoing work on the development of cooperation with international organizations in this direction.
Dear participants of the meeting!
The focus should be on the preparation of a document of international importance in 2025 on the occasion of the International Day of Neutrality. The norms of neutrality should be clearly reflected in this document. In this regard, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs needs to develop appropriate instructions for Embassies and Permanent Missions of our country abroad.
It is also necessary to attach great importance to cooperation within the framework of the Group of Friends of Neutrality created on the initiative of Turkmenistan in the name of peace, security and Sustainable development. A high-level meeting of this Group will be held in Ashgabat on 11 December this year.
Dear participants of the meeting!
Our activities should be carried out mainly in two directions, in particular, in the field of bilateral and multilateral diplomacy. Based on this, in order to implement Turkmenistan’s Global Security Strategy in the future, special importance should be attached to increasing the number of States supporting the initiative to grant neutral countries the status of priority partnership with the UN in peacekeeping efforts.
Also, in order to increase the number of States supporting our initiative to create an Alliance for Global Energy Security and Sustainable Development, it is necessary to intensify the work carried out at the bilateral level.
Dear participants of the meeting!
Recently, a new Department of Foreign Policy Information and Digital Diplomacy was created in the structure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and a resolution was adopted on the introduction of the position of press attache in a number of Embassies of our country.
All this work – comprehensive steps – is aimed at achieving one goal, in particular, to highlight the successes achieved by our country in the world, to clarify the essence of foreign policy.
In the International Year of Peace and Trust, in the year of celebrating the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s neutrality, our foreign policy should be reflected in the international arena. The tasks set in information activities should take on a broader scope.
It is necessary to popularize the rich history, culture, traditions, ancient monuments, unique nature, modern “smart” cities, the successes achieved in all spheres of our neutral state. To do this, all Embassies in the host countries need to organize creative meetings, close cooperation with prominent Oriental scholars, experts and journalists in the field of history, archeology and culture.
Dear members of the Cabinet of Ministers! Dear participants of the meeting!
In the coming 2025, the main task of our country’s foreign policy and diplomacy is the implementation of resolutions recently adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on the initiative of Turkmenistan. In this context, in addition to the Member countries of the United Nations, it is necessary to work closely with the Secretariat of the Organization.
Turkmenistan is currently working with the United Nations to implement joint programs, including “The Framework Program of cooperation between Turkmenistan and the United Nations on Sustainable Development for 2026-2030”, “The Joint Program of UN agencies “Youth, Peace and Security”.
Also, on 6 December of this year, a regular meeting of the Strategic Advisory Council “Turkmenistan–United Nations” was held. As a result of the meeting, the Roadmap for Strengthening Accountability for the Sustainable Development Goals in Turkmenistan for 2025-2027 was adopted.
Dear participants of the meeting!
The concept of a neutral Turkmenistan’s foreign policy course is multifaceted and covers many issues. Next year, Turkmenistan will continue to strengthen cooperation in bilateral and multilateral formats.
Relations with neighboring countries are among the priorities. In this context, Turkmenistan will continue to strengthen ties with the countries of Central Asia and the States of the Caspian region based on the principles of brotherhood, good-neighborliness and mutual respect.
Turkmenistan will increase cooperation with the states of South Asia, the Middle East, and the Asia-Pacific region. Currently, global economic and technological progress has been achieved in these regions. I would like to note the interest of the countries of these regions in partnership with Turkmenistan.
Equal and mutually beneficial relations with European and American countries based on the principles of mutual respect will be further developed. At the same time, special attention will be paid to cooperation in such areas as high technologies, the transition to “green” energy, and the introduction of artificial intelligence.
In foreign policy, great attention should be paid to cooperation with African countries.
I would like to address the representatives of Turkmenistan to international organizations separately. Multilateral diplomacy will be of great importance in the coming year. In this context, it is necessary to carry out appropriate work to increase the number of countries that support Turkmenistan’s position as a neutral state and provide effective assistance to our country in this matter.
Dear participants of the meeting!
he Ministry of Foreign Affairs is undertaking programmatic activities to ensure the appropriate observance of significant dates and holidays. In this regard, an Organizing Committee was established in September of this year to oversee events commemorating the International Year of Peace and Trust.
I instruct the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan to prepare for the inaugural meeting of the Organizing Committee in January of the forthcoming year and to submit proposals for its agenda. During the Organizing Committee meeting, we will approve the Plan of upcoming events.
Dear participants of the meeting!
Together with the international community, we must work hard to celebrate historically significant dates with remarkable events and great successes in 2025 – the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s permanent neutrality and the events of the International Year of Peace and Trust.
Dear participants of the meeting!
I am firmly convinced that you will carry out large-scale activities to protect the interests of an independent, neutral Homeland in the international arena.
I congratulate everyone on the upcoming International Day of Neutrality, I wish you good health, happiness and great success in your work for the benefit of the people and the Fatherland.
///nCa, 10 December 2024