Ambassador Ismael Khaldi of Israel hosted an Iftar reception in Ashgabat on Saturday, 15 March 2025. The guests included the members of the local community, the diplomats, the Imam of Ashgabat city, and representatives from various organization.
The guests were treated to a diverse array of traditional dishes, embodying the spirit of Iftar. The menu featured an exquisite selection of Middle Eastern and local delicacies, thoughtfully prepared to create an authentic culinary experience. As attendees broke their fast, they engaged in meaningful conversations, exchanging stories and discussing the importance of nurturing intercultural relationships in today’s world. The evening was a testament to the idea that, despite differences, people can unite over shared values and common goals.
Ambassador Khaldi made a short speech. Here is the text of his speech:
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم, الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على نبينا محمد وآله الطيبين الطاهرين
Your Honor, Mufti of Turkmenistan, Dear colleagues and guests,
It is a pleasure to have you at our modest iftar table.
Ramadan is known as month of tolerance, where fasting people sit around one table, and simply forget the thirst and hunger of the day.
We see families, friends, relatives and even colleagues at work all sitting together peacefully at iftar events.
And they too, forget their arguments, their anger their frustrations of the day and feel togetherness.
The message of Ramadan Iftar on this, is that besides keeping our faith to God, it’s important to keep the dialogue and respect between us human being. This is the most important principle for peace and reconciliation.
On this occasion, let me once again congratulate the people and leadership of Turkmenistan for celebrating 2025 as the International year of peace and trust.
And in this spirit let us all wish and pray that the year ahead will only bring more unity, health and blessing for all. Amen. /// Embassy of Israel in Turkmenistan, 17 March 2025