A year has passed and Turkey is still dealing with the aftermath of the failed coup. The challenge is enormous: to rid the country and the society of the malignant influence of FETO, an organization that had managed to embed itself in every aspect of the system.
Here are some facts and figures to show the sheer size of the task:
According to Turkish Ministry of Justice, the number of those being affiliated to FETO is 50.477. While the number of those under judicial control is 48.420, 10.226 people were released so far. There are arrest warrants for 8.079 people.
According to the said Ministry, number of prosecution conducted to date has reached 17.000. During the process, 119.069 people were registered as suspects of being FETO member. Among them 29.799 people were arrested and 38.179 people were released on parole. While there are arrest warrants for 6.767 people, decision of non-prosecution were taken for 3.692 people.
The number of files at the stage of prosecution for FETO membership is 2.272. As a result of 29.737 prosecution, 16.345 people are arrested. 7.083 people were released on condition of judicial control. 2.755 people were discharged.
While the number of ascertained files is 251, the number of people who have warrant arrest is 864. 776 files were finalized so far in the context of FETO membership. Out of these files, 1.006 people were sentenced. Likewise, among the 118 conducted proceedings, 162 people were acquitted.
Within the framework of the prosecutions conducted on 15 July coup attempt which was perpetrated by military personnel aligned with the organization, 2.679 files have been opened.
Among the 2.059 files, there are 12.920 people registered as suspect and 552 people are arrestee. Of these files, 673 people are released on condition of judicial control while there are arrest warrants for 97 people. There is decision of non-prosecution for 301 people.
On the other hand, in 620 files which are accepted and turned into case, 6.480 people are registered as defendant. Currently 3.642 people in these files are being tried under arrest. 2.233 people are freed on condition of judicial control. While there are arrest warrants for 293 people, 554 people were released. 14 files which were at the prosecution stage were finalized so far. As a result of these cases, 16 people were sentenced and out of 16 files 24 people were acquitted.
According to the information on files which are at the stage of appeal because of both the membership and FETO coup attempt, 15 files are accepted, decisions of reversal were given for 4 files and there are 600 files pending for result.
After 15th July coup attempt, 168.896 proceedings related to FETO suspects were carried out. The number of suspects who were directly released from police station is 4.637.
The said operations have cracked down on the FETO structure in jurisdiction. 2.431 people including 2.280 members of criminal and administrative jurisdiction, 2 members of Constitutional Court, 41 members of the Council of State, 3 members of the Supreme Council of Prosecutors and Judges, 105 members of Appeal. Besides, 50.477 people, composed of 7.250 soldiers, 8.811 police officers, 24 governors, 73 deputy governors, 116 district governors and 31.722 people from other professions are also under arrest. The number of members of the terrorist organization who died during prosecutions is 29. /// nCa