The Halal Food Industry is just a part of the sprawling and fast expanding global Islamic economy.
There are several sectors that constitute the global Islamic economy:
- Halal Travel
- Halal Food
- Islamic Finance
- Modest Fashion
- Halal Media and Recreation
- Halal Pharmaceuticals
- Halal Cosmetics
- Halal Lifestye
- Halal Tourism
A report produced by Thomson Reuters in collaboration with DinarStandard covers these areas with solid facts and figures.
The report is titled: State of the Global Islamic Economy – Report 2018/19
Some snapshots from this 112-page report would be of interest.
Malaysia, the UAE, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia are currently the lead partners in the global Islamic economic system.
Because the food sector is the focus of the forthcoming events, here are snapshots from the report about the halal food industry:
/// nCa, 3 October 2019
The complete report can be download from this link –