Clemente Ferrer
Parents play a free-willed cooperative role with divide providence for the creation of life. They contribute to the creation of a newborn’s body, while the soul is instantly created out of nothing by God within the second of conception.
It is therefore unlawful to threaten human life and physical integrity, one’s own or another’s, because life is a sovereign right derived from Deity. Life should not be taken away by humans. This is a fundamental right that every human is entitled to, consisting of life, physical integrity, and the means to have a decent standard of living. It is an inviolable and inalienable right; a right that no one has the right to infringe.
The first murder committed by humanity was that of Cain. Cain killed his brother Abel. Pablo VI has asserted that human life is subtracted from any arbitration that attempts to suppress it. Life is intangible and worthy of respect by all citizens and by all the sacrifices that are owed to it.
Abortion is an abominable crime of innocent, helpless and vulnerable human lives. It is unlawful to stop the natural development of a process in which God’s creation is compromised. Life is thus sacred from the very second of conception.
It is unlawful that those who govern forget to publicly protect, through legislation, the lives of innocent beings that are yet to be born.
Human life is inviolable until the last second of natural survival. Hence, even with the intention of ending suffering, euthanizing the elderly, terminally ill, disabled, or victims in the vegetative state, is just as unjustifiable as any other type of murder. Not to mention, that doctors use drugs and sedatives on the victim to mitigate the pain, as a way of helping the patient to overcome his or her sufferings.
It is a duty to safeguard the integrity and health of our body. Since humans are not the ultimate owners of their own respective lives, they are meant to carry out the functions designed by nature. Humans should not destroy nor mutilate each other. It is our life duty to fulfill the ends that nature has destined us to.
(Translated by Gianna A. Sanchez Moretti)
Author and journalist Clemente Ferrer has led a distinguished career in Spain in the fields of publicity and press relations. He is currently President of the European Institute of Marketing. He can be reached at