A series of online seminars on road cargo transportation, organized within the framework of the trilateral plan of joint activities for 2023 between the Association “Turkmen Logistics”, Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Central Asia (CILT Central Asia) and the USAID Program on Trade in Central Asia, has been completed, the Association reports “Turkmen […]
UNFPA Photo competition: “I’m proud of my daughter!”
UNFPA announces a Photo competition to highlight the importance of investing in teenage girls and the positive role of the fathers in realizing the full potential of their daughters. Therefore, we invite the contestants – amateurs and professionals – to enter their photos under two themes: 1) “I am proud of my daughter!” […]
Who is Who Turkmenistan 2015 launched
We are pleased to announce the launch of Who is Who Turkmenistan 2015. This publications contains the complete list and biographies of deputy prime ministers and ministers, list of the heads of armed forces and law enforcement agencies, heads of other major organizations, and other useful information about the system and structure of the government […]
[Backlog post — Press release received on 6 November 2013] Ашхабад, 12-14 ноября – Украинская делегация впервые представит образовательную экспозицию “Education in Ukraine” в рамках международной выставки и научной конференции «Образование, спорт и туризм в Эпоху Счастья и Могущества», которая проводится при поддержке Министерства образования Туркменистана, Государственного комитета Туркменистана по туризму, Государственного комитета Туркменистана по […]
US based Dance-pop singer Shirin of Turkmenistan origins aspires to hit world dance floors with her songs
This press release has been removed at the request of the sender. Please see the following story to find as to why it has been removed: Strange request: Publish our press release but don’t attribute it to us http://newscentralasia.net/2013/07/05/strange-request-publish-our-press-release-but-dont-attribute-it-to-us/
Case IH Presents Tractors to Union of Industrialists of Turkmenistan
Case IH showcased its tractor offering to members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan in Ashgabat, to further support the development of the Country’s agribusiness sector. LUGANO, Switzerland – (April 30, 2013) – Case IH presented a selection of tractor models to members of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan at a dedicated […]
Boston Marathon struck by terror attack
At least two persons died and more than a hundred were injured Monday afternoon when two bomb blasts occurred near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Here is the press release by the Association of International Marthons and Distance Races (AIMS): Date Monday 15th April 2013 STATEMENT REGARDING EXPLOSIONS AT THE BOSTON MARATHON Paco […]
Press Release by Dr. Zakhilwal, Minister of Finance, Afghanistan
Press Release by Dr. Zakhilwal related to Attorney General’s Office Ruling on his case Kabul, December 25th, 2012 On August 1st, 2012 a national TV broadcast statements of my bank accounts suggesting that the transactions shown on these documents were suspicious. I immediately responded by officially requesting the Attorney General of the Islamic Republic of […]
UN Alliance of Civilizations – Fostering Innovation through Apps and Games
The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Wants to Foster Innovation through Apps and Games Promoting Intercultural Dialogue The UNAOC launches Create UNAOC 2012, a global competition organized with MIT Education Arcade and Learning Games Network; International Partners include Global Voices, Fundazione Mondo Digitale, Voice of America, ICT for Peace, John Lennon Educational Tour Bus, Doha […]
4-й Инвестиционный Форум Туркменистана
4-й Инвестиционный Форум Туркменистана организован Торгово-промышленной палатой Туркменистана и компанией SummitTradeEventsLtd (Великобритания). Это мероприятие инициировано Президентом Туркменистана в 2009 году и проводится при поддержке правительства Туркменистана и Кабинета Министров. Форум состоится 17-19 октября 2012 года в бизнес – центре «Мизан» в Ашхабаде, Туркменистан. Целью форума является освещение инвестиционных возможностей для развития национальной экономики, эффективного международного […]
4th Turkmenistan Investment Forum
4th Turkmenistan Investment Forum is organised by Chamber of Commerce of Turkmenistan and Summit Trade Events Ltd (UK). This event is initiated by the President of Turkmenistan in 2009 and supported by the government of Turkmenistan and the Cabinet of Ministers. Forum will take place on 17-19 October 2012 at Mizan Conference Centre in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. The […]
Eurozone crisis impact spreads further east
EBRD softens forecasts further as Russia revised down The negative impact of the eurozone crisis on emerging Europe is spreading further east as lower global demand is feeding through to lower commodity prices and generally lower risk appetite. These are now having a negative impact, particularly on Russia, according to the EBRD’s latest economic outlook. […]
Turkmenistan Airlines launches in-flight magazine
Turkmenistan Airlines is proud to announce the launch of their first in-flight magazine, ‘Lachyn’, meaning Falcon in the Turkmen language. The magazine will be published quarterly and will provide passengers with a wide variety of features including business, travel, culture, events, arts, food and sports. The first issue will feature articles on Turkmenistan’s Oil & […]
3rd Turkmenistan Gas Congress Post show report – TGC 2012
Avaza welcomed the leading world oil & gas community at the 3rd Turkmenistan Gas Congress 2012, 23-24 May The 3rd Turkmenistan International Gas Congress was held on the 23rd -24th of May in “Avaza” the National Tourism zone on the Turkmenistan Caspian Sea coast. The congress attracted about 500 delegates, representing over 150 organisations from […]
Turkmenistan Gas Congress 2012
The National Tourism Zone “Avaza” in Turkmenistan, on coast of the Caspian Sea, will host the 3rd International Turkmenistan Gas Congress – TGC 2012, 23-24 May 2012. The organizers of the congress are National Gas Company of Turkmenistan TurkmenGas, Chamber of Commerce of Turkmenistan, and Summit Trade Events (London). TGC 2012 will be attended by […]
The GEF-NGO Network launches an outreach campaign in Central Asia
CENN, the GEF’s Regional Focal Point for the region of Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA), has launched an outreach campaign aimed at increasing membership of the GEF’s NGO Network in Central Asia. The GEF-NGO Network is calling on all eligible NGOs to join the Network and contribute to the development of international and regional […]
Russian Lukoil raises $ 500 million for project in Uzbekistan
Tashkent, 30 March 2012 — Today in Tashkent LUKOIL Overseas has signed an agreement with a international consortium of banks to raise a loan of up to $500 million on a limited recourse basis. This was done within the framework of implementing the PSA for the Kandym-Khauzak-Shady-Kungrad project in Uzbekistan. The consortium includes Asian Development […]
EUCAIS: Advanced Training for Central Asian Academics via “Electronic Silk Highway”
The Institut für Europäische Politik (IEP) and the Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE) hold an official farewell for the first generation of graduates of their Online Master Programme “Studies on the EU and Central Asia in the International System” (EUCAIS). The graduation ceremony will take place at the European Commission`s base in Berlin. IEP […]
Russian firm wins major oil contracts in Iraq
LUKOIL SIGNED CONTRACTS – FOR WEST QURNA-2 FIELD DEVELOPMENT IN IRAQ LUKOIL Mid-East Ltd (West Qurna-2 project operator) signed several major contracts for West Qurna-2 field development in Iraq according to the tender results. The contract with the Samsung Engineering (Korea) sets out 29 months to design 5 well pads with 67 development wells, 5 […]
US$ 1.2 million loan to Turkmen logistics company
EBRD loan will help DGT Logistics invest in equipment and expand fleet of trucks The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) continues to support the development of the private sector in Turkmenistan with a US$ 1.2 million loan to DGT Logistics Turkmenistan. The company is one of the leading private companies providing cargo transport […]
Speakers unveil latest oil and gas developments in the Arctic
The oil and gas industry’s key players will present critical new technologies and commercial opportunities available in the offshore Arctic, at the Arctic Region Oil & Gas Conference in Norway this month. Recent news about Norway’s Ministry of Energy receiving requests from 37 companies to be included in the country’s 22nd licensing round reflects the […]
Lukoil Overseas Produces First Gas from South West Gissar Uzbekistan
Today LUKOIL Overseas has produced first gas from Dzharkuduk-Yangi Kyzylcha which is the largest field of the block, under the PSA for development of gas reserves of South West Gissar (Kashkadarya Region, Republic of Uzbekistan). Before the start of gas production on South West Gissar, only oil was produced on South Kyzylbayrak and Koshkuduk fields […]
EBRD supports small business development in Tajikistan
Accessbank joins EBRD’s Local Currency Lending Programme The EBRD is stepping up its support for the financial sector in Tajikistan with a US$ 6 million equivalent multi-currency facility to Accessbank to provide more affordable loans to small businesses in the Tajik currency, the somoni. Accessbank is the second financial institution in Tajikistan to join the […]
CNH Supplies Turkmenistan Fleet of 90 New Holland Combines
CNH delivered in May a fleet of 90 New Holland combines to the Government of Turkmenistan; the machines, which were immediately put to work in the field, exceeded expectations as they fulfilled their role in the harvest of over a third of the Country’s 850,000 ha (2,100,400 ac) of wheat LUGANO, Switzerland – (July 14, […]
Turkmenistan’s Journalists Enhance Capacity and Knowledge of Human Rights Issues
Ashgabat, 13 July 2011 (nCa) — Journalists from Turkmen television and radio, main newspapers, magazines and regional media organizations familiarized themselves with the United Nations treaties and conventions related to human rights as well as aspects of news journalism at a two-day workshop in Ashgabat on 7-8 July. This workshop was organized within the framework […]
EBRD investments reach record high in first half of 2011
Bank concludes 161 projects, investing €3.5 billion The EBRD financed 161 projects in the first six months of 2011, a record number for the first half of any year in the Bank’s 20-year history and a clear indication of the strong demand for EBRD funding throughout the 29-country region where it invests. Watch the interview […]
OMV successfully closes acquisition of Petronas Carigali (Pakistan) Ltd
► Purchase of the entire share capital of Petronas Carigali (Pakistan) Ltd, which is Petronas’ Exploration and Production (E&P) operating entity in Pakistan: The transaction was successfully completed as of July 11, 2011 ► Strong growth potential of the acquired portfolio will contribute towards the anticipated production increase in Pakistan to about 25,000 boe/d by […]
CJSC Somon Oil begins Seismic Program in the Republic of Tajikistan
BAAR, SWITZERLAND, July 12, 2011. Manas Petroleum Corp. (“Manas”) (TSX‐V: MNP; OTCBB: MNAP) is pleased to announce the commencement of the second seismic survey on CJSC Somon Oil Company’s WEST and NORTH WEST licenses in the Republic of Tajikistan. This program includes up to 774 km of 2D seismic survey, which up to 115 km […]
Human Rights Resource Centre Hosts Turkmenistan’s Disability Organizations
Ashgabat, 8 July 2011 — Representatives from 5 disability organizations and staff from the National Institute for Democracy and Human Rights (NIDHR) under the President of Turkmenistan met at a roundtable on the rights of persons with disabilities in Ashgabat on 5 July 2011. This roundtable took place at the Resource Centre, which was recently […]
UNDP Turkmenistan Releases Reference Guide on Basic Concepts of Parliamentary Institutions
Ashgabat, 4 July 2011 – UNDP Turkmenistan has recently translated from English into Russian and released a reference guide for parliamentarians titled “Parliamentary Institutions: Basic Concepts”. This publication features basic information on parliamentary models, relations between the executive and legislative powers, parliaments’ law-making, oversight and representative functions, parliamentary rules and procedures, the work of parliamentary […]
OHCHR, UNICEF Campaign to Protect Children, Prevent Harmful and Unnecessary Institutionalization
BRUSSELS, 28 June, 2011: Two UN organisations have called on governments in Europe and Central Asia to put an immediate end to the practice of placing young children into State-run infant homes. Following the release of two new reports which document violations and abuses of children in state-run homes, OHCHR and UNICEF today launched a […]
Estimated cost of post-9/11 wars: 225,000 lives, up to $4 trillion
The cost of wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan are estimated at 225,000 lives and up to $4 trillion in U.S. spending, in a new report by scholars with the Eisenhower Research Project at Brown University’s Watson Institute for International Studies. The group’s “Costs of War” project has released new figures for a range of […]
Life satisfaction in eastern Europe resilient despite crisis
Major new EBRD report reveals human cost of economic downturn The people of eastern Europe have shown remarkable resilience in the face of huge personal sacrifices caused by the global economic crisis and remained broadly committed to democracy and the free market despite severe hardships, a major new report shows. The Life in Transition Survey […]
Уровень удовлетворенности жизнью в Восточной Европе не изменился, несмотря на кризис
В новом отчете ЕБРР описаны гуманитарные последствия экономического спада Согласно отчету «Жизнь во время экономического перехода», жители Восточной Европы на удивление стойко пережили сложности, вызванные глобальным экономическим кризисом. Несмотря на все трудности, они сохранили приверженность принципам демократии и свободного рынка. В ходе исследования, проведенного Европейским банком реконструкции и развития (ЕБРР) совместно со Всемирным банком […]
Asia Must Take Radical Steps Towards Clean Energy: ADB President
MANILA, PHILIPPINES, 22 June 2011 — With an energy crisis looming, Asian Development Bank (ADB) President Haruhiko Kuroda today called on Asian nations to “take radical steps” to increase energy efficiency and invest in renewable energy. Asia and the Pacific’s strong economic growth and its increasing population are generating the world’s fastest growing demand for […]
Lukoil produces 10 billion cubic meters of natural gas in Uzbekistan
Accumulated production of Khauzak-Shady field (Bukhara Region of the Republic of Uzbekistan) has reached 10 billion cubic meters of gas. Development of Khauzak-Shady is a part of Kandym-Khauzak-Shady-Kungrad project which is being implemented by LUKOIL together with the National Holding Company Uzbekneftegaz under the PSA which was signed in June 2004 for 35 years and […]
U.S. Mayors Announce Call to End Afghanistan War
First Time Since Vietnam War Nation’s Mayors Have Called For End to Military Engagement Press Conference Friday, June 17th, 11:45 am RELEASE EMPLOYMENT REPORT FOR 363 METRO AREAS Press Conference Monday, June 20th, 11:45 am The United States Conference of Mayors 79th Annual Meeting: Baltimore, MD BALTIMORE, June 17, 2011 — The nation’s mayors, led […]
$55 Million ADB Loan for CAREC Highway Linking Kyrgyz Republic and PRC
MANILA, PHILIPPINES, 8 June 2011 — The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a $55 million loan to finance improvements to a key highway connecting the Kyrgyz Republic with the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The 60-km stretch to be reconstructed is part of the Central Asian Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Program. The program covers […]
IMF Concludes 2011 Article IV Mission to Turkmenistan
Statement at the Conclusion of the 2011 Article IV Mission to Turkmenistan Press Release No. 11/223 June 7, 2011 An International Monetary Fund mission led by Mrs. Veronica Bacalu visited Ashgabat on May 25−June 7, 2011 to conduct discussions in the context of the Article IV consultation.1 The IMF team and the Turkmen authorities discussed […]
CAREC 2020: Boosting Trade, Transport and Energy in Central Asia
BAKU, AZERBAIJAN, 8 June 2011 — Senior officials from the 10 member countries of the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Program, met today in Baku, Azerbaijan, and moved towards completing a strategic framework that over the next decade will help further develop regional transport networks, boost regional trade, and help secure reliable, efficient energy. […]
CNH Takes Part in First Ever US-Turkmenistan Business Exhibition
LUGANO, Switzerland, 7 June 2011 — CNH Global, a world leader in the agricultural and construction equipment business, recently participated in a Business Mission to Ashgabat, Turkmenistan on May 19th and 20th, to further strengthen its long-standing trade relationship with Turkmenistan. The event, the second of its kind, was hosted by the US-Turkmenistan Business Council […]
ADB: Wider Solar Power Use Critical for Asia
BANGKOK, THAILAND, 30 May 2011 – Asia must expand solar energy generation if the region is to stay on its strong economic growth path and reduce carbon emissions, Asian Development Bank (ADB) Vice-President (Operations 1) Xiaoyu Zhao said today. Mr. Zhao was speaking here at the opening of the 3rd meeting of the Asia Solar […]
2011 Global Peace Index: World Less Peaceful
Fall Tied to Conflict Between Citizens and Their Governments Minimal Change in Level of Peace in United States North African and Middle Eastern Turmoil Drives Regional Scores Down Violence Cost the Global Economy More Than $8.12 Trillion in 2010 WASHINGTON, May 25, 2011 Iceland regains top spot Libya tumbles 83 spots in rankings, largest fall […]
Tri-Tech Wins Natural Gas Analysis and Monitoring Project in Uzbekistan
BEIJING, May 20, 2011 — Tri-Tech Holding Inc. (NASDAQ: TRIT), a premier Chinese company that provides leading turn-key solutions for the water resources, water and wastewater treatment, industrial safety and pollution control markets, today announced that its affiliate, Beijing Satellite Science & Technology Co., Ltd. (“BSST”), won a public bid to provide analysis and monitoring […]
Nobel Laureates hand over recommendations to UN High-Level Panel on Global Sustainability
An emergency call from the future: The Stockholm Memorandum concludes that the planet has entered a new geological age, the Anthropocene. It recommends a suite of urgent and far-reaching actions for decision makers and societies to become active stewards of the planet for future generations. The verdict from the trial of humanity, which opened the […]