12 августа 2020 года Туркменистан направил в Исламскую Республику Афганистан очередную гуманитарную помощь в виде комплектов медицинского оборудования для борьбы против пандемии коронавируса. Соответствующее Распоряжение было подписано Президентом Туркменистана. Согласно Распоряжению, Министерству иностранных дел и Министерству здравоохранения и медицинской промышленности Туркменистана предписано безвозмездно передать комплекты медицинского оборудования для полимеразной цепной реакции (Real-time PCR) правительству Исламской […]
Trade between Afghanistan and Uzbekistan is growing despite the pandemic-caused global downturn
Elvira Kadyrova Despite the negative impact of the coronavirus pandemic on international trade, the bilateral trade between Uzbekistan and Afghanistan increased by 24 % year-on-year in the H1 of 2020. The positive dynamics of growth in neighbors’ trade was announced during a videoconference between the government delegations of Afghanistan and Uzbekistan, held on 8 August […]
Corruption is rampant, say Afghan anti-corruption organizations
The Afghan anti-corruption organizations are unanimous in their opinion that the corruption has reached new highs in the government’s financial institutions. This is the essence of a report published on 8 August 2020 by TOLOnews, one of the lead independent news and broadcasting networks of Afghanistan. The report combines the opinion of representatives from the […]
Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Azerbaijan trilateral summit in video format
A trilateral summit between the presidents of Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and Azerbaijan took place on Thursday in the video format. It was held at the request of the president of Afghanistan. The dominant theme was the streamlined activation of the Lapis Lazuli Corridor and the institutionalization of assets and resources to give it a panoramic viability […]
Washington and Tashkent to take up the revival of Afghanistan – more questions than answers
Elvira Kadyrova The United States, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan last week held a video conference, inaugurating the new trilateral format of cooperation. The teleconference linked Uzbek foreign minister Abdulaziz Kamilov, US Under Secretary of State for political affairs David Hale and acting Afghan foreign minister Haneef Atmar. The agenda included issues of peaceful settlement in Afghanistan, […]
Свистопляски вокруг афганского мира
Тарик Саиди Положение мрачно уникальное даже для Афганистана, страны, где темные уникальные ситуации возникают почти ежедневно. Несколько недель назад надежды на мир в Афганистане были так реальны, но все надежды были задушены последующими событиями. Мирное соглашение между талибами и США, подписанное в Дохе 29 февраля 2020 года, определило четкий график вывода американских войск из Афганистана, […]
Afghan government nominates delegation for negotiations with Taliban – Taliban reject it
The government of Afghanistan nominated on Friday a 21-member delegation including five women for negotiations with the Taliban. The head of the delegation was Masoom Stanakzai, the former head of the secret service. The Taliban have rejected the delegation on the grounds that it is not fully representative of the Afghan society and is not […]
Macabre dance around peace in Afghanistan
Tariq Saeedi The situation is darkly unique even for Afghanistan, a country where darkly unique situations bubble up almost every day. The hope for peace in Afghanistan was so real a few weeks ago but it is getting smothered by the events that have piled up thick and fast. The peace agreement signed between the […]
Taliban and Central Asia – Part 2
Tariq Saeedi Even though the shadows over the prospects for peace in Afghanistan are darkening by the day, there is great hope from all sides that the US-Taliban peace deal will reach its intended objective. If and when the peace prevails in Afghanistan, Taliban are more than likely to be an important part of the […]
Taliban and Central Asia – Part 1
Tariq Saeedi The ink on the peace agreement signed between the USA and the Taliban on 29 February 2020 in Doha had barely dried when the disruptive noises started emerging to defeat the likelihood of peace in Afghanistan. We all know who doesn’t want peace, and why, but for now there is the need to […]
American-Taliban Agreement – Preamble to Peace in Afghanistan
Tariq Saeedi The simplicity of language and the brevity of text show the clarity of mind from both sides. It is a genuine attempt to wrap the longest war of the American history in less than four pages of plainly defined commitments, and the steps that must be taken to rebuild peace in Afghanistan. The […]
В Ашхабаде прошел Туркмено-афганский бизнес-форум
27 февраля 2020 года в Министерстве иностранных дел Туркменистана состоялся Туркмено-афганский бизнес-форум. С туркменской стороны в форуме приняли участие руководители и представители ряда министерств и ведомств страны, включая Союз промышленников и предпринимателей, а также Торгово-промышленную палату. Среди участников представительной делегации Афганистана, специалисты торгово-экономического блока страны, частные предприниматели. В ходе встречи стороны затронули ряд актуальных вопросов […]
Turkmen-Afghan Business Forum held in Ashgabat
On the 27th of February 2020, Turkmen-Afghan Business Forum was held in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan. From the Turkmen side, the heads and representatives of a number of ministries and agencies of the country, including the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry participated to the Forum. […]
Afghanistan – At the threshold of lasting peace, or brink of insane violence?
Tariq Saeedi After more than 18 months of off-again, on-again negotiations, the Taliban and the USA could possibly sign the peace accord on 29 February 2020. Although the terms of the deal have not been made public officially, it is possible to guess some of the details based on the information from the various Taliban […]
Turkmenistan establishes Office for International Electric Power Projects
Turkmenistan has established the Office of International Electric Power Projects. The decision was taken on Thursday when President Berdimuhamedov had a meeting with DPM Charymurat Purchekov (construction, energy) and the minister for energy, Murat Artykov. The newly established authority will initially supervise the implementation of TAP500, and subsequently explore and manage the other power export […]
Afghanistan – The simplified picture
Tariq Saeedi A simplified picture would perhaps be of some help in making sense of what happened to the US-Taliban peace talks, and where it might lead. For starters, we should recognize that the nine rounds of talks in Doha, that started nearly a year ago, were not aimed at peace in Afghanistan. At best, […]
Афганистан – упрощенная картина
Тарик Саиди Упрощенная картина, возможно, поможет разобраться в том, что произошло с мирными переговорами между США и талибами, и к чему это может привести. Во-первых, мы должны признать, что девять раундов переговоров в Дохе, стартовавшие почти год назад, не были направлены на достижение мира в Афганистане. В лучшем случае их можно охарактеризовать как прелюдию к […]
Kazakhstan hosted a meeting of foreign ministers of Central Asian countries + USA
Elvira Kadyrova The chief foreign policy makers of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and USA gathered in Nur-Sultan on 21 August 2019 for the next round of the high-level meeting in format “C5+1”. The meeting was attended by: Minister of foreign affairs of Kazakhstan, Beybut Atamkulov Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, minister of […]
100th Anniversary of Independence of Afghanistan celebrated in Turkmenistan
Ambassador Meerwais Nab of Afghanistan hosted a reception on 19 August 2019 in Ashgabat to mark the 100th anniversary of the independence of Afghanistan. Here is the speech of Ambassador Nab on the occasion: In the Name of Allah the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. Your Excellency Mr. Chakiyev Mammethan Berdymyradovich Deputy Chairman of the […]
Central Asian countries discussed cooperation to combat drug trafficking
Elvira Kadyrova On 3 May 2019, Tashkent hosted 11thministerial meeting of the States Parties to the Memorandum of Understanding on Sub-regional drug control cooperation in Central Asia. The following key speakers attended the gathering: Sergey Lavrov, minister of foreign affairs of the Russian Federation Sirozhiddin Muhriddin, minister of foreign affairs of Tajikistan Mukhtar Tleuberdi, 1st […]
Turkmenistan-Afghanistan Summit Talks: Strategic Partnership Agreement, other documents signed; joint statement issued
nCa Report The summit talks between President Gurbanguly Berdymuhamedov and President Ashraf Ghani of Afghanistan took place on Thursday morning at the Ruhiyet Palace in Ashgabat. The presidents inked the strategic partnership agreement and endorsed a joint statement. Eight other documents were signed. Berdymuhamedov and Ghani spoke briefly to the media about the outcome of […]
Lapis Lazuli corridor: test freight convoy leaves Afghanistan for Turkmenistan
Elvira Kadyrova On 13 December 2018 the first freight convoy loaded with export goods of Afghanistan, destined for European countries, left Herat via the route of the Lapis Lazuli transport and transit corridor for Turkmenistan. The ceremony of sending off the commodity pilot convoy was attended by the President of Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani, the representative […]
Лазуритовый коридор: из Афганистана в Туркменистан направился тестовый грузовой конвой
Эльвира Кадырова 13 декабря 2018 года афганского Герата по маршруту Лазуритового транспортно-транзитного коридора в направлении Туркменистана выехали первые грузовики, загруженные экспортными товарами Афганистана, конечным пунктом назначения которых станут европейские страны. В церемонии отправки пилотного товарного каравана принял участие Президент ИРА АшрафГани, представительные делегации стран-участниц Лазуритового Коридора – Азербайджана, Грузии, Турции. Туркменистан на торжестве представлял министр […]
Turkmenistan: Meeting with US Special Representative for Afghanistan
On December11, 2018, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan R. Meredov, held talks with the delegation of the United States of America led by the US Special Representative for Afghanistan, Zalmay Khalilzad. During the meeting, noting the positive results of joint cooperation in enhancing bilateral relations between Turkmenistan and the United States of America, […]
Lapis Lazuli Corridor – Part 7
The members of the Lapis Lazuli Corridor, except Georgia, are also the members of the ECO (Economic Cooperation Organization). Therefore, ECO has an important role to play in the development of connectivity solutions in the region. Here is the text of the speech of Ambassador Hiseyin Avni Bicakh Deputy, the Secretary General of the Economic […]
Situation at Turkmen-Afghan border – fact versus fiction
nCa Analysis Some things are evergreen. One of them is the desire of certain quarters to see disturbance at the Turkmen-Afghan border. The Russian officials and media are the main proponents of the myth that there is some kind of disturbance at the Turkmen-Afghan border. From time to time other countries add their voice to […]
Pakistan is striving for peace in Afghanistan
Tariq Saeedi Sometimes it is necessary to state the obvious. Sometimes it is necessary to question the obvious. This is essential because our perceptions define the reality for us —– and, in most cases we acquire our perceptions through interaction with the media – all kinds of media – and not our direct interaction with […]
Energized Turkmenistan
nCa Report Mary State Electric Station, 8 September 2018 – Ashgabat 9 September 2018 (nCa) — The power generation capacity of Turkmenistan increased by about 30% on Saturday when a combined cycle power plant was put into operation at the Mary State Electric (Station MaryGres). President Berdymuhamedov led the opening ceremony. The powerhouse, built by […]
Туркменистан наращивает энергогенерирующие мощности
Доклад nCa МарыйскаяГосударственнаяЭлектростанция, 8 сентября 2018 г. – Ашхабад, 9 сентября2018 (nCa) — Мощность производства электроэнергии в Туркменистане увеличилась примерно на 30% в субботу с вводом в эксплуатацию парогазовой электростанции на территории Марыйской государственной электростанции (Мары ГРЭС). В церемонии открытия принимал участие президент Бердымухамедов. Электростанция, построенная турецкой компанией ChalykEnergy-ÇalıkEnerji-с турбинами от GeneralElectric (США), усиливает роль […]
High level Dialogue EU-Central Asia and Afghanistan was held in Ashgabat
On July 9, 2018 High-level Dialogue of the European Union-Central Asia and Afghanistan on issues of politics and security has been held in Ashgabat. The meeting was held at the level of deputy foreign ministers. The delegation of the European Union at the meeting was headed by Jean Christophe Belliard, Deputy Secretary-General for Political Affairs […]
In the spirit of Great Silk Road, Turkmenistan opens its markets for Afghan products
Ashgabat, 14 May 2018 (nCa) — Turkmenistan has opened its markets for some non-traditional products from Afghanistan. This is in line with Turkmenistan’s policy to encourage economic stability in the war torn country and stimulate the job market, which in turn can help curtail the violence. At present Turkmenistan is in massive drive to decrease […]
Start of a new corridor – TAPI, TAP500, TAP Fiber Optic Link, Railway Line
Tariq Saeedi and Raviliya Kadyrova Islim Cheshme, 23 February 2018 – Ashgabat, 25 February 2018 (nCa) — After about an hour by airplane, seven hours by train, and another hour by bus, we finally reached the place that looked like an artistic depiction of timelessness – gently rolling sand dunes of a pleasant hue of […]
Turkmenistan commemorates in stamps the launch of regional infrastructure projects
Turkmenistan has issued a variety of new commemorative stamps in honor of the launch of infrastructure projects such as the Turkmen-Afghan link of the TAPI gas pipeline, the project of power lines Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan, fiber optic lines, the opening of the railway Serhetabat-Torghondi. The grand ceremonies on these projects took place on 23 February in Mary […]
Taliban support TAPI
nCa Commentary Ashgabat, 23 February 2018 (nCa) — TAPI enters its second phase of implementation today as the launch ceremony takes place in two part – first part in Serhetabat district of Turkmenistan, and the second part in Herat city of Afghanistan. President Berdymuhamedov of Turkmenistan, President Ashraf Ghani of Afghanistan, Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan […]
Turkmenistan thanks Saudi Arabia for funding of TAPI
Ashgabat, 20 January 2018 (nCa) — President Berdymuhamedov has sent a letter of gratitude to King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saudi of Saudi Arabia, thanking him on the funding provided by the Saudi Development Fund for TAPI (Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India pipeline project. “I take this financial support as a continuation of your efforts to develop our cooperation,” […]
Kazakhstan – Highlighting Central Asia on World Stage
Kazakhstan has always followed a balanced policy that highlights the Central Asian region in a positive light on the world stage. An ongoing tenure and a recently concluded event are the case in point. — President Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan met President Trump of USA on 16 January 2018, and Kazakhstan is the current chair of […]
2018 starts with new formats of pressure on Central Asia
Tariq Saeedi 3 January 2018 (nCa) – It is dismal yet knowable: 2018 has started with a mix of usual and fresh pressures on Central Asia. First tweets of 2018 President Trump, between his New Year festivities at Mar-a-Lago and a morning round of golf, took to Twitter: “Iran is failing at every level despite […]
TAPI Gas Pipeline: From Idea to Reality
As is known, an important aspect of Turkmenistan’s energy strategy is the expansion of the geography of export routes for the supply of Turkmen energy to world markets, including through the creation of a multivariate transport infrastructure. In this area, large investment projects are being implemented, among which the construction of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline […]
Как известно, важным аспектом энергетической стратегии Туркменистана является расширение географии экспортных маршрутов поставок туркменских энергоносителей на мировые рынки, в том числе, за счёт создания многовариантной транспортной инфраструктуры. В этой сфере реализуются крупные инвестиционные проекты, среди которых особое место занимает строительство газопровода Туркменистан-Афганистан-Пакистан-Индия (ТАПИ). О том, как продвигается данный проект, имеющий важное международное значение, мы попросили […]
GB gives blessing to start of Serhetabat-Turgundi railway line reconstruction
Ashgabat, 30 November 2017 (nCa) — President Berdymuhamedov flew by helicopter Wednesday to Serhetabat (formerly Kushka), a Turkmen town right at the border with Afghanistan. He was there to personally oversee the start of the reconstruction work on Serhetabat-Turgundi railway connection, an important link connecting the railway system of Turkmenistan with Afghanistan. A train of […]
RECCA – Outcome within outcome
nCa Report Ashgabat, 20 November 2017 (nCa) — The RECCA held its seventh main session in Ashgabat on 14-15 November 2017 and wrapped up with very solid outcome, as can be seen in the RECCA VII Declaration, given at the end of this report. However, there were several intangible aspects of the evolvement of RECCA […]
Trump on The Wrong Side of History
General Mirza Aslam Beg Former COAS, Pakistan Army Email: friendscolumn@hotmail.com American Secretary of States’ hop-over visit’ to Pakistan, on his way to India, was a crude diplomatic gesture of brow-beating Pakistan. He handed over the demand note, as confirmed by a senior US diplomat – Alice Wells: “US wants to see practical steps from Pakistan, […]
ٹرمپ کی نئی اسٹریٹیجی کا انجام ناکامی ہوگا
جنرل مرزا اسلم بیگ سابق چیف آف آرمی سٹاف’ پاکستان Email: friendscolumn@hotmail.com امریکی وزیرخارجہ کا بھارت جاتے ہوئےپاکستان میں چند گھنٹوں کا ٹھہراو سفارتی بداخلاقی کے مترادف ہے۔جاتے ہوئے انہوں نے ایک تحریری نوٹ پاکستانی حکام کے حوالے کیا جس کی وضاحت امریکی سفارتکار ایلس ولز(Alice Wells) نےکی ہےکہ ‘‘امریکہ پاکستان سے مہینوں میں نہیں […]
ISIS – Part 2
Tariq Saeedi The old hunters are back with new traps — an eastern proverb * * * In the first part of this series, (published in our subscription-based publication on 12 June 2017) I quoted some verses from the Quran to point out that: 1. It is not God’s will to eliminate all the religions […]
ISIS – Part 1
Editor’s note: Initially, I planned to write a short series to expose the fallacies in the narrative of ISIS (also called ID, Daesh) to throw the light on the nature of the organization that claims to be rooted in Islam but is doing everything imaginable to harm Islam and Muslims. This first part was initially […]
World Champion of democracy pulls off mask – “We are killing terrorists”
“Someday, after an effective military effort, perhaps it will be possible to have a political settlement” – Trump’s fuzzy thoughts on Afghanistan’s future Resident of Central Asia 23 August 2017 (nCa)—The latest statement of president Trump on future policy and military guideline in Afghanistan and broader South Asia hardly can be called the “strategy.” Strategy […]
Turkmenistan-Afghanistan Summit Talks – Peace and Development take centre stage
nCa Report If we can implement all of the planned projects, then there will be no disputes, no differences; there will be no war. – Berdymuhamedov * * * Ashgabat, 4 July 2017 (nCa) — President Ashraf Ghani of Afghanistan visited Turkmenistan for a day-long official visit on Monday, 3 July 2017. It was a […]
آج کی خبر
جنرل مرزا اسلم بیگ سابق چیف آف آرمی سٹاف پاکستان Email: friendscolumn@hotmail.com آج کے ایک اردو اخبار کی مندجہ ذیل خبر آپ کے پیش نظر ہے جس کی افادیت14 اپریل 2017ء کو ماسکو میں ہونے والی بارہ ملکی کانفرنس میں ثابت ہوگی اور ہمارا موقف درست ثابت ہوگا کہ طالبان ہی وہ واحدقوت ہیں جو […]
پاک افغان تعلقات ۔ مستقبل کے آئینے میں
جنرل مرزا اسلم بیگ سابق چیف آف آرمی سٹاف پاکستان (تھنکرز فورم پاکستان کے سیمینار میں پیش کیاگیا مقالہ) تاریخی اور جغرافیائی واقعات کے مطالعہ سے ہمیں بڑے اہم حقائق سے آگہی ہوتی ہےجو سچ پر مبنی ہوتے ہیں۔ اسی حوالے سے آج ہم پاکستان او رافغانستان کے تعلقات کا جائزہ لیں گے۔ مملکت افغانستان […]
Exclusive – Afghanistan possibly ready to ponder its own model of neutrality
nCa Report Ashgabat, 21 February 2017 (nCa) — Faced with seemingly endless and complicated strands of chaos, could Afghanistan possibly be ready to ponder its own model of neutrality? This is the question nCa asked Tuesday Dr. Nasir Andisha, the deputy foreign minister of Afghanistan who is Ashgabat to take part in the activities marking […]