Elvira Kadyrova Mother Nature is the greatest of artists, the ultimate inspiration of all things creative. The whole world is its canvas is its canvas. The Caspian beach of Turkmenistan including the Awaza national tourist zone is an attractive part of this canvas. Here are some of the masterpieces of Mother Nature we captured recently […]
Children in Turkmenistan Benefit from Rehabilitative Vacation on Caspian Sea
Children from different regions of Turkmenistan who underwent surgical operations had the opportunity to get a rehabilitation rest in the Avaza tourist zone on the Caspian Sea coast. Surgeries were performed on children in the country’s clinics at the expense of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Guardianship, according […]
Turkmenistan intends to turn Caspian resort Avaza into an international tourist center
Chairman of the upper house of the Parliament of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held on Thursday, 24 November, a working meeting in the Avaza on the Caspian coast dedicated to the development of the tourist zone. The meeting, attended by members of parliament, DPMs, members of the State Security Council, as well as heads of ministries […]
Turkmenistan hosts regional mega event today
Turkmenistan will host a cluster of events today at Awaza, the Caspian tourist zone: 3rd Consultative Meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia Dialogue of Women Leaders of Central Asia Economic Forum of Central Asia Exhibition of national products and services of Central Asia Festival of National Cuisines of Central Asia A gala […]
GB in Awaza
President Berdimuhamedov was in the Awaza tourist zone at the Caspian coast ahead of the regional events and also for the start of the annual summer vacation of the government. He returned to Ashgabat on Sunday. The Turkmen TV aired footage on Sunday, 1 August 2021, showing the president taking a flight aboard a newly […]
First Caspian Economic Forum – Part 2
nCa Report The First Caspian Economic Forum, hosted by Turkmenistan on 12 August 2019 at Awaza, was a mega event by all counts. It has the potential to turn into a permanent institution with long term value not just for the Caspian region but the entire Eurasian landmass. The prime ministers of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and […]
First Caspian Economic Forum – Part 1
nCa Report A cluster of events under the umbrella of the First Caspian Economic Forum is taking place at different locations at the Awaza national tourist zone of Turkmenistan and the Turkmenbashy Port. It is a mega event bringing together huge delegation led by the heads of the government from the Caspian littoral states. The […]
Зимнее очарование Авазы
Эльвира Кадырова Раньше словосочетание национальная туристическая зона Аваза ассоциировалось с переполненными жаркими пляжами, веселыми летними аттракционами и теплым морем. Но похоже, туркменская морская здравница, популярность резко возросла в последнее десятилетие, все активней принимает гостей круглый год.Помимо традиционного осеннего бархатного сезона, огромное число отдыхающих со всех уголков страны и из-за рубежа, теперь можно встретить в Авазе […]
The Winter Charm of Avaza
Elvira Kadyrova Avaza, the national tourist zone of Turkmenistan, was usually considered a vacation spot for the summer season. It has changed now.The facilities along the Caspian beach have developed tremendously and Avaza has truly become an all-season choice for the vacationers.In addition to the traditional autumn velvet season, Avaza is turning into preferred destination […]
Шарм и единство духа Туркменистана подчеркнуты открытием нового яхт-клуба, коттеджного комплекса и элитного жилья на побережье Каспия
Новости и комментарии nCa Ашхабад, 6 августа 2016 (nCa) — В пятницу (5 августа 2016 г), на побережье Каспия, в национальной туристической зоне Аваза были введены в эксплуатацию новый яхт-клуб и коттеджный комплекс. В церемонии принял участие Президент Бердымухамедов. В тот же день в городе Туркменбаши был сдан в эксплуатацию новый жилой дом повышенной комфортабельности. […]
Charm, congeniality of Turkmenistan highlighted by new yacht club, cottage complex, luxury housing at Caspian coast
nCa News and Commentary Ashgabat, 6 August 2016 (nCa) — In back-to-back, vibrant ceremonies Friday (5 August 2016), Turkmenistan opened a new yacht club and a cottage complex at the Awaza national tourist zone at the Caspian coast. President Berdymuhamedov led the events. The same day a luxury housing block was handed to the occupants […]
Hotels and cottages in Awaza open to tourists
Ashgabat, 30 July 2013 (nCa) — The Turkmen state committee of tourism has announced that most of the newly opened facilities and several of the older ones in Awaza, the national tourism zone of Turkmenistan at the Caspian coast, are now open for the local and foreign tourists. Here is the list: Yacht Club ‘Yelken’ […]