The long-term project “Sustainable Cities” of the Ministry of Environment of Turkmenistan and UNDP/GEF, with a large financial base and opportunities, based on the potential of a team of professional environmentalists and energy experts, can be called both climate mitigation, energy efficient, institutional and waste development. Progress in the implementation of project activities is regularly […]
Mother Nature is the greatest of artists – Caspian beach of Turkmenistan is its canvas
Elvira Kadyrova Mother Nature is the greatest of artists, the ultimate inspiration of all things creative. The whole world is its canvas is its canvas. The Caspian beach of Turkmenistan including the Awaza national tourist zone is an attractive part of this canvas. Here are some of the masterpieces of Mother Nature we captured recently […]
Mysterious Moon from the Caspian coast in Turkmenistan
One clear late evening, we decided to test 100x zoom of very well-known smartphone’s camera. This is what the Moon looked like when shooting from the coast of the Caspian Sea in Awaza, the national tourist zone in Turkmenistan. The date of the snapshot is 28 March 2023. The average distance to the moon is 382,500 […]
Glittering waters, serene sky, enchanting beaches of Awaza say Happy Women’s Day to All
Elvira Kadyrova, Raviliya Kadyrova, Ramilya Delmuhametova Awaza is more than just a tourist zone at the Caspian beaches of Turkmenistan. It is a dear friend, a wonderful friend. Its glittering waters, serene sky, and enchanting beaches are always there like a trusted friend. Awaza never fails us. When we just need the company of a […]
Turkmenistan Takes Steps to Make Cities More Sustainable
The achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 11 provides for the solution of several tasks – to ensure universal access to safe and affordable housing, to use safe, inexpensive and environmentally sustainable transport and access to safe, green areas open to all, as well as the creation of a comfortable and attractive environment for living and […]
UNDP in Turkmenistan engages youth for climate action
Awaza, 3 June 2023: UNDP in Turkmenistan organized a number of initiatives to celebrate the World Bicycle Day and the World Environment Day with children from the sanatorium complex “Dayanch” located in the Awaza National Tourist Zone within the framework of the project “Sustainable Cities in Turkmenistan: Integrated Green Urban Development in Ashgabat and Avaza”, funded by the Global Environment Facility […]
UNDP Resident Representative in Turkmenistan visited the Awaza Tourist Zone on the Caspian coast – the First Solar Power Plant launched in Awaza
Awaza, 2-3 June 2023: The UNDP Resident Representative in Turkmenistan, Ms. Narine Sahakyan made a two-day working visit to the Awaza National Tourist Zone, Balkan velayat, from June 2 to 3, 2023, within the framework of the project “Sustainable Cities in Turkmenistan: Integrated Green Urban Development in Ashgabat and Avaza”, funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and UNDP […]
Зимнее очарование Авазы
Эльвира Кадырова Раньше словосочетание национальная туристическая зона Аваза ассоциировалось с переполненными жаркими пляжами, веселыми летними аттракционами и теплым морем. Но похоже, туркменская морская здравница, популярность резко возросла в последнее десятилетие, все активней принимает гостей круглый год.Помимо традиционного осеннего бархатного сезона, огромное число отдыхающих со всех уголков страны и из-за рубежа, теперь можно встретить в Авазе […]
Шарм и единство духа Туркменистана подчеркнуты открытием нового яхт-клуба, коттеджного комплекса и элитного жилья на побережье Каспия
Новости и комментарии nCa Ашхабад, 6 августа 2016 (nCa) — В пятницу (5 августа 2016 г), на побережье Каспия, в национальной туристической зоне Аваза были введены в эксплуатацию новый яхт-клуб и коттеджный комплекс. В церемонии принял участие Президент Бердымухамедов. В тот же день в городе Туркменбаши был сдан в эксплуатацию новый жилой дом повышенной комфортабельности. […]
Charm, congeniality of Turkmenistan highlighted by new yacht club, cottage complex, luxury housing at Caspian coast
nCa News and Commentary Ashgabat, 6 August 2016 (nCa) — In back-to-back, vibrant ceremonies Friday (5 August 2016), Turkmenistan opened a new yacht club and a cottage complex at the Awaza national tourist zone at the Caspian coast. President Berdymuhamedov led the events. The same day a luxury housing block was handed to the occupants […]
Hotels and cottages in Awaza open to tourists
Ashgabat, 30 July 2013 (nCa) — The Turkmen state committee of tourism has announced that most of the newly opened facilities and several of the older ones in Awaza, the national tourism zone of Turkmenistan at the Caspian coast, are now open for the local and foreign tourists. Here is the list: Yacht Club ‘Yelken’ […]
Star-studded Concert at Awaza
Ashgabat, 4 July 2013 (nCa) — A star-studded concert was held on 29 June 2013 at Awaza, the national tourist zone of Turkmenistan. Here are some photos showing the stars in action: