A trilateral meeting of foreign minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu of Türkiye with his Turkmen counterpart Rashid Meredov and Azerbaijani foreign minister Jeyhun Bayramov will take place on Monday, 6 June, reports Daily Sabah newspaper. Supposedly, the meeting will discuss preparations for the upcoming trilateral summit of presidents, which Turkmenistan will host. The agenda of the session […]
Turkic countries reaffirmed their firm support and solidarity with Kazakhstan
Elvira Kadyrova On 11 January 2022, the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Turkic States held an extraordinary meeting via videoconference on 11 January 2022 to discuss the recent developments in Kazakhstan. The Meeting started with observation of a minute of silence to commemorate memories of those who lost their lives during the […]
Ashgabat hosts 25th ECO Summit
The 15th Summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) was held in the capital today [28 Nov] under the chairmanship of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The venue for the high-level meeting was a new fashionable hotel with a multi-profile business center “Garagum”, where all conditions have been created both for receiving distinguished guests and for holding […]
Istanbul hosted 8th Summit of the Organization of Turkic States – Turkmenistan became observer member
Elvira Kadyrova On 12 November 2021 President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov attended Eighth Summit of the Organization of Turkic States in Istanbul, Turkey. Turkmenistan has joined the organization as an observer country. The summit has decided to rename the “Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States” to the “Organization of Turkic States”. The Ninth Summit of […]
Turkmen FM took part in the foreign ministers’ meeting of the Cooperation Council of Turkic-speaking Countries
Elvira Kadyrova Turkmenistan, based on the principles of its neutral status, considers the consolidation of countries’ efforts to maintain and strengthen international peace, universal security and stability as a priority direction of its participation in the activities of the Cooperation Council of Turkic-speaking States, stated foreign minister Rashid Meredov during his remarks at a meeting […]
Turkmenistan took part in the Caspian communication exercises for search and rescue operations
Elvira Kadyrova The rescue forces and agencies of Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan hold joint communication exercises in the Caspian Sea, in the area of responsibility of the Marine Rescue Coordination Center Astrakhan (MRCC), the Russian Federal Agency for Sea and River Transport reports. The theme of the exercise was “Search and rescue of people […]
ADB: Five Things to Know – Trends in Road and Railway Trade Efficiency in Central Asia
Samarkand city railway station. Photo: Relisa Granovskaya/ADB The efficient trade of goods across international borders is key to economic growth and poverty alleviation. This is particularly important in largely landlocked Central Asia where road and rail represent the two dominant modes of transporting goods across the region. Using data from shipments collected over the past […]
Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Azerbaijan trilateral summit in video format
A trilateral summit between the presidents of Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and Azerbaijan took place on Thursday in the video format. It was held at the request of the president of Afghanistan. The dominant theme was the streamlined activation of the Lapis Lazuli Corridor and the institutionalization of assets and resources to give it a panoramic viability […]
Online summit of NAM Contact Group in response to Covid-19
The summit-level meeting of NAM (Non-Aligned Movement) Contact Group in response to Covid-19 was held through the video link on Monday, 4 May 2020. The meeting was initiated by President Aliyev of Azerbaijan. The theme of the meeting was ‘United against COVID-19.’ Azerbaijan is the current chair of NAM for the period 2019-2022. The participants […]
Turkmenistan-Azerbaijan Partnership Acquires Additional Features
nCa Commentary by Tariq Saeedi Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan are strategic partners since August 2017. Some additional, powerful features were added to the partnership on 11 March 2020 when President Berdimuhamedov visited Azerbaijan. After the summit talks held in Baku, the presidents of the two countries issued a joint statement. In addition, seventeen bilateral documents were […]
Hungary – a welcome addition to Turkic union
Some twenty years ago, the formulation of such a question could hardly take place, but today, a group of Turkic-speaking countries, close in their historical community and spiritual bonds, is on the path of active integration, gradually turning into one of the significant players in the socio-economic space. While the so-called “Slavic world” (a group […]
NAM Summit in Baku
nCa Report The 18th summit of NAM (Non-Aligned Movement) was held in Baku, 25-26 October 2019. During the summit, Azerbaijan took over the presidency of the movement from Venezuela for a three-year term from 2019 to 2022. The heads of state and government of 60 of the 120 member countries of NAM participated in the […]
First Caspian Economic Forum – Part 3
At the inaugural session of the First Caspian Economic Forum at Awaza on 12 August 2019, the president of Turkmenistan, the prime ministers of Russia, Kazakhstan, and Azerbaijan, and the first vice president of Iran answered some questions from the moderator. We are presenting here the slightly summarized and paraphrased translation of their answer: Turkmenistan […]
Customs authorities of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan intend to enhance information exchange
Elvira Kadyrova On 9 May 2019, the Turkmen delegation headed by the Deputy Chairman of the State customs service of Turkmenistan, Dovlet Bayryyev, met in Baku with the Chairman of the State customs Committee, Lieutenant General Safar Mehdiyev, the State Customs Committee of Azerbaijan reports. Safar Mehdiyev briefed the members of the Turkmen delegation on […]
Саммит прикаспийских государств в Астрахани – Роль и место Туркменистана
Доклад nCa Ашхабад, 28 сентября 2014 (nCa) — Четвертый саммит глав прикаспийских государств пройдет в Астрахани, в каспийском портовом городе России, 29 сентября 2014 года. В ходе саммита, как ожидается, прикаспийские страны подпишут три основных соглашения. Туркменистан сыграл ключевую роль в завершении разработки всех трех документов: Соглашение по сохранению и устойчивому использованию водных и биологических […]
Саммит глав прикаспийских государств в Астрахани – Итоги
Доклад nCa Ашхабад, 30 сентября 2014 (nCa) — Четвертый саммит глав прикаспийских государств, состоявшийся 29 сентября в Астрахани, превзошел все ожидания. Президенты всех прибрежных стран – России, Казахстана, Туркменистана, Ирана и Азербайджана, назвали работу саммита значительным успехом; президенты России и Казахстана обозначили саммит важнейшим «прорывом». Помимо сближения позиций по правовому статусу Каспийского моря, прибрежные страны […]
Caspian Summit at Astrakhan – The Outcome
nCa Report Ashgabat, 30 September 2014 (nCa) — The fourth summit of the heads of Caspian states, held in Astrakhan city of Russia on 29 September 2014, delivered fairly beyond expectations. The presidents of the littoral states – Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran and Azerbaijan – described it as huge success; the presidents of Russia and […]
Caspian Summit at Astrakhan – The Expectations
nCa Report Ashgabat, 29 September 2014 (nCa) — The foreign ministers of the Caspian littoral states met in Astrakhan on Sunday (28 Sep) to fine-tune their positions ahead of the fourth heads-of-state summit that is taking place today. Three important agreements will certainly be signed today: 1. Agreement on conservation and sustainable use of water […]
Caspian Summit at Astrakhan – Role and Position of Turkmenistan
nCa Report Ashgabat, 28 September 2014 (nCa) — The fourth summit of the heads of Caspian states will take place in Astrakhan, the Caspian port city of Russia, on 29 September 2014. The Caspian countries are expected to sign three important agreements during the summit. Turkmenistan has played a key role in finalizing the text […]
Энергетическая безопасность, каспийский вопрос и Россия
Тарик Саиди Ашхабад, 21 октября 2013 г. (nCa) — Несходство во мнениях является неотъемлемой частью диалога, служащего в свою очередь важным шагом к урегулированию разногласий. Международная конференция высокого уровня «Энергетическая безопасность и устойчивое развитие – перспектива ОБСЕ», состоявшаяся 17-18 октября 2013 года в Ашхабаде, является предметом рассмотрения данной статьи. Когда вы усаживаете 53 делегации из […]
Energy security, Caspian question and Russia
Tariq Saeedi Ashgabat, 21 October 2013 (nCa) — Dissimilarity in opinion is an essential part of dialogue, a crucial step toward reconciliation. The high level international conference “Energy security and sustainable development – the OSCE perspective,” held 17-18 October 2013 in Ashgabat, is a case in point. When you put 53 delegations from diverse countries, […]
Turkmenistan-Azerbaijan Caspian Dispute: Symptoms of something else
nCa Commentary Ashgabat, 8 July 2013 (nCa) — As soon as the summer sun starts warming the Caspian waters, something happens to some people in Azerbaijan. Not content with brazenly, illegally and uninterruptedly siphoning off the hydrocarbon resources that rightfully belong to Turkmenistan, they start a war of words every summer that is designed to […]
Туркмено-Азербайджанский каспийский спор: Симптомы чего-то еще
Комментарий nCa Ашхабад, 8 июля 2013 (nCa) — Как только летнее солнце начинает прогревать воды Каспийского моря, с некоторыми людьми в Азербайджане что-то начинает происходить. Не довольствуясь наглым, незаконным и непрерывным выкачиванием углеводородных ресурсов, которые по праву принадлежат Туркменистану, они каждое лето разворачивают словесную войну, которая нацелена на провоцирование негативной реакции со стороны Туркменистана. Они […]
[Archive Material] — Turkmenistan-Azerbaijan Caspian Dispute – The Legal Position
This report was initially published in September 2009. It is being reproduced here for record. Turkmenistan-Azerbaijan Caspian Dispute – The Legal Position nCa Report by Tariq Saeedi Caspian is a matchless body of water, brimming with all kinds of legal questions.. One of the most contested questions in Caspian is the division of the […]
[Архив Материал] — Туркмено-Азербайджанский Каспийский спор — Правовая Позиция
Этот доклад был опубликован сначала в сентябре 2009 года. Он воспроизводится здесь для записи. Туркмено-Азербайджанский Каспийский спор — Правовая Позиция Доклад nCa Report – Тарик Саиди Бескрайние просторы Каспия сегодня наполнены до краев не только водой, но и всевозможными проблемами правового характера… Одним из наиболее спорных вопросов на Каспии является раздел его дна между прибрежными […]
Turkmen gas to Europe: What is the latest?
Tariq Saeedi Ashgabat, 27 May 2013 (nCa) — Some headway has apparently been made in consolidation of the political will to build the Trans-Caspian pipeline. Richard Morningstar, the US ambassador to Azerbaijan, said Friday (24 May) that Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan have the right to lay the Trans-Caspian pipeline and the US in general agrees to […]
Туркменский газ в Европу: Что нового?
Тарик Саиди Ашхабад, 27 мая 2013 (nCa) — Видимо, некоторый прогресс был достигнут в консолидации политических усилий по строительству Транскаспийского трубопровода. Ричард Морнингстар, посол США в Азербайджане, заявил в пятницу (24 мая), что Азербайджан и Туркменистан имеют право на строительство Транскаспийского трубопровода и США в целом с этим согласны. Он выступил на конференции «Законодательство в […]