On 4-6 March 2025, the Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10), which is funded by the European Union (EU), successfully conducted a regional workshop “Women for Development of Central Asian Border Regions” in Bukhara, Uzbekistan. This initiative underscores the EU’s commitment to enhancing gender equality and empowering female professionals within state agencies across […]
EU-funded BOMCA 10 Programme organised Study visit to Latvia on national customs information systems
From 4-6 March, the EU-funded Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10) organised a study visit Latvia on introduction of the national customs information systems for representatives of customs services from Central Asian countries. During the previous activities of BOMCA 10, EU experts visited CA countries to provide assistance, develop recommendations and share experience […]
OSCE organizes training of trainers course for canine border guards in Turkmenistan
An OSCE-organized training of trainers (ToT) course for canine border guards opened on 17 February 2025 in the Farap etrap (district) of the Lebap velayat (region) of Turkmenistan. The five-day course brought together twenty-four canine officers, veterinarians and dog breeders and is the last of five ToT course series conducted in each velayat of Turkmenistan. […]
Turkmenistan hosts national workshop on principles of Integrated Border Management Strategy
From 3 to 7 February 2025, Ashgabat hosted a national workshop on the development of Integrated Border Management Strategy and its Implementation Plan that was organized by the EU-funded BOMCA 10 Programme. Participants from Turkmenistan state institutions ensuring border security such us border and migration control, criminal intelligence and investigation, customs and phyto-veto control were […]
BOMCA 10 ensures stable customs operations in Turkmenistan
On 11 December, the EU-funded Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10) provided essential equipment valued at EUR 9,736.45 to the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan in Ashgabat. The supplied UPS systems for servers and X-ray scanners will ensure uninterrupted operation of the customs posts as well as stable connection with the headquarters. Moreover, […]
BOMCA 10 enhances communication at customs posts of Turkmenistan
On 4 December, the EU-funded Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10) provided specialised communication equipment worth EUR 82,811 to the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan during a handover ceremony in Ashgabat. Received portable radio devices will enhance operational efficiency by ensuring seamless communication between headquarters, regional units and customs posts. This initiative addresses […]
EU Delegation and BOMCA 10 conduct training on project management for CSOs in Turkmenistan
Ashgabat, Turkmenistan – on 25-26 September, the Delegation of the European Union to Turkmenistan and the EU funded Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10) held a two-day training on project management for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in Turkmenistan. The training aimed at enhancing the project management skills of local CSOs, focusing on strengthening […]
K9 trainers from Central Asia successfully completed ToT course in Latvia
On September 24, the closing ceremony of BOMCA ToT course for dog handling instructors from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan (specializing in the search for explosives, ammunition, and weapons) took place at the Canine Center of the State Border Guard College of Latvia. The 2nd round of 3-month ToT course was organized under Component […]
The 4th Conference of Regional Cooperation on Border Security in Central Asia “Issyk – Kul initiative” 2024 held in Latvia, Riga
Since 2011, under the BOMCA organized framework of the “Issyk-Kul Initiative”, Central Asian border agencies come together regularly in a regional forum for cooperation and information exchange in the field of border security in Central Asia. The 4th Conference of Regional Cooperation on Border Security in Central Asia ‘Issyk – Kul Initiative’ 2024 was held […]
Семинар по классификации товаров в соответствии с Гармонизированной системой описания и кодирования товаров, внедренной в Туркменистане
В Ашхабаде 21-22 августа финансируемая ЕС Программа управления границами в Центральной Азии (БОМКА 10) совместно с USAID TCA организовали семинар по классификации товаров в соответствии с Гармонизированной системой описания и кодирования товаров, разработанной ВТАМО. Данное мероприятие направлено на оказание содействия Государственной таможенной службе Туркменистана в наращивании ее потенциала путем прохождения соответствующего обучения по классификации товаров […]
Seminar on classification of goods in accordance with the Harmonized commodity description and coding system implemented in Turkmenistan
In Ashgabat, on August 21-22, the EU-funded Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10) jointly with USAID TCA organised seminar on classification of goods in accordance with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, developed by WCO. This activity is aimed at providing assistance to the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan in building its […]
BOMCA supported getting diagnostic protocols and handed over training equipment to the State service on plant quarantine of Turkmenistan
On July 25th, the EU-funded Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10) officially handed over EPPO Diagnostic Protocols and training equipment to the State service on plant quarantine of the Ministry of Agriculture of Turkmenistan, accounting for a total value of 10 037,60 EUR. The International Standards of EPPO (Diagnostic Protocols) will be used […]
Представители Государственной таможенной службы Туркменистана ознакомились с лучшими практиками ЕС в применении дистанционного обучения в учебном процессе
С 24 по 25 апреля Программа управления границами в Центральной Азии (БОМКА 10), финансируемая ЕС, организовала Техническую миссию по реализации концепции дистанционного обучения и оборудования в Государственной таможенной службе Туркменистана (ГТС). Данная программная деятельность направлена на разработку рекомендаций и описание технических решений по закупке соответствующего технического оборудования для внедрения системы дистанционного обучения в Учебном центре […]
Representatives of the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan got acquainted with the best EU practices of using the distance learning approach in the training process
From April 24 to 25, the EU-funded Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10) organised a technical assistance mission on implementation and development of the distance learning concept for the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan (SCS). This programme activity is aimed at developing recommendations and a description of technical solutions for the purchase of […]
Turkmenistan: BOMCA 10 held a workshop on EU approaches and used IT tools for inland controls, facilitating detection of cross-border crime and illegal stay of foreigners
From April 15 to 16, the EU-funded Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10), in partnership with the Law Enforcement in Central Asia Project (LEICA), held a national workshop in Ashgabat for officers from analytical units responsible for risk analysis and crime identification. This programme activity aims to familiarise participants with EU approach to […]
В Туркменистане Программа содействия управлению границами продолжает улучшать фитосанитарные и ветеринарные услуги посредством цифровизации процессов
12 апреля Программа содействия управлению границами в Центральной Азии (БОМКА 10), финансируемая Европейским Союзом, официально передала IT-оборудование Государственной ветеринарной службе и Государственной службе по карантину растений Министерства сельского хозяйства Туркменистана на общую сумму 57 068,82 евро. Агентства-бенефициары получили 60 компьютеров и ЖК-мониторов, 7 проекторов с портативными экранами, 6 Wi-Fi роутеров и 20 беспроводных USB-адаптеров. Данный […]
In Turkmenistan the EU-funded Border Management Programme continues enhancing of phyto-sanitary and veterinary services through the digitalisation of processes
On April 12 the EU-funded Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10) officially handed over IT equipment to the State Veterinary Service and the State Service on Plant Quarantine of the Ministry of Agriculture of Turkmenistan, accounting for a total value of 57 068.82 EUR. Beneficiary agencies received 60 computers and LCD monitors, 7 […]
Interior Ministry of Turkmenistan received video conference equipment to conduct online meetings and training sessions on effective border management
On April 4, the EU-Funded BOMCA 10 Programme handed over 3 sets of video conference equipment to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan, accounting for a total value of 7, 927.29 EUR. The video conference equipment includes a conference camera, microphones and speakers, a laptop and TV that provide the latest technical solutions to […]
A workshop on gender-sensitive communication was organised for government officials and representatives of public organizations in Turkmenistan
On 11-12 March 2024, the EU-funded BOMCA 10 programme organised a workshop in Turkmenabad on gender-sensitive communication for government officials and representatives of public organizations in Turkmenistan. It is worth noting that this programme activity was a collaborative effort between the Delegation of the European Union to Turkmenistan, BOMCA 10, and the Office of the […]
EU-funded programme strengthened capacity of the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan in application of different transit regimes
From March 5 to 7, the EU-funded Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10) in cooperation with USAID Trade Central Asia Activity, held a workshop in Ashgabat for the representatives of State Customs Service of Turkmenistan on different transit systems, their requirements and application. The activity intended to present and discuss application of different […]
In Turkmenistan BOMCA 10 raises awareness of profiling of potential traffickers of human beings and migrant smugglers
From February 29 to March 1, the EU-funded Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10), in a partnership with the Law Enforcement in Central Asia Project (LEICA), holds a national workshop in Ashgabat for first line officers dealing with the profiling of potential traffickers of human beings and of smugglers. Experts from the State […]
BOMCA10 supports training capabilities of the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan by providing specialised equipment
On February 21, the EU-Funded BOMCA 10 Programme handed over specialised training and ICT equipment to the Training Centre of the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan for a total value of 9,620.94 EUR. Specific equipment corresponding to the latest technical solutions for car and truck checks will be used for practical exercises during the training […]
BOMCA 10 is enhancing customs control methods of the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan
From 14 to 16 February, the EU funded Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10) held a national workshop in Ashgabat on innovative principles and methods in risk management and green channels for national experts of the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan in the field of development and implementation of risk management strategies and […]
BOMCA and the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan make travelling experience easier developing tailored Mobile application
From February 7 to 9, during the Workshop on Effective Communication in Ashgabat, the EU funded BOMCA 10 Programme presented the pilot version of the Mobile Application developed in cooperation with the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan for the Working Group members and the State Customs Service representatives working in the regions, including border […]
Программа ЕС продолжает поддерживать модернизацию пунктов пропуска в Туркменистане
22 января Программа BOMCA 10 официально передала Государственной таможенной службе, Государственной службе по карантину растений и Государственной ветеринарной службе Министерства сельского хозяйства Туркменистана цветные и монохромные принтеры, а также серверное оборудование на общую сумму 67 011,00 евро. В частности, Государственная таможенная служба получила 150 монохромных принтеров, Государственная ветеринарная служба – 49 монохромных принтеров и 1 […]
EU-funded Border Management Programme in Central Asia continues supporting the modernization of BCP’s in Turkmenistan
On January 22, BOMCA Programme officially handed over colour and monochrome printers, and server equipment to the State Customs Service, State Service on Plant Quarantine and State Veterinary Service of the Ministry of Agriculture of Turkmenistan equipment, accounting for a total value of EUR 67 011.00. Specifically, the State Customs Service received 150 monochrome printers, […]
Further strategic actions within the EU funded border management programme in Central Asia discussed in Tashkent
Funded by the European Union Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10) held the third Regional Steering Group (RSG) meeting. This event serves as a steering instrument of the programme, which defines and monitors the strategic direction of the programme implementation. RSG held in Tashkent on November 14 and gathered donor, an implementing consortium […]
Программа ЕС продолжает совершенствовать образовательные и учебные процессы пограничных и таможенных служб Центральной Азии
С 31 октября по 2 ноября Программа содействия управлению границами в Центральной Азии, финансируемая Европейским Союзом, организовала в Ашхабаде Региональный семинар Консорциума руководителей учебных заведений пограничных и таможенных ведомств стран Центральной Азии. В ходе мероприятия была представлена платформа для расширения сотрудничества и обмена информацией об образовательной деятельности, а также об инновациях и изменениях в обучающем […]
EU-funded programme keeps improving the educational and training processes of border and customs services in Central Asian region
From October 31 to November 2, the EU-funded Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10) organised a Regional consortium workshop for the heads of customs and border guard services’ training institutions from Central Asian countries in Ashgabat. This activity provided a platform to training institutions for enhancing cooperation and exchange of information on educational […]
Программа ЕС повышает потенциал сотрудников миграционных и пограничных служб в Туркменистане в области обеспечения безопасности документов
С 12 по 14 июня Программа содействия управлению границами в Центральной Азии (БОМКА 10), финансируемая Европейским Союзом в сотрудничестве с Организацией по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе (ОБСЕ) организовала Национальный Тренинг для тренеров (ТоТ) по вопросам защиты документов (базовый уровень) для сотрудников и преподавательского состава Государственной миграционной службы и Государственной пограничной службы Туркменистана. Целью тренинга […]
EU-funded Programme contributes to strengthening capacities to investigate cross-border crimes in Turkmenistan
From 17 to 19 April, the EU-funded Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10) held a workshop in Ashgabat for investigators and crime intelligence officers specialised in investigations of cross-border crimes such as trafficking and smuggling of drugs. This activity enhanced the capacity and capabilities of law enforcement personnel of Turkmenistan in tackling drug […]
EU-funded programme enhances capacity of criminal intelligence officers in Turkmenistan
From April 03 to 05, the EU-funded Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10) held a national workshop in Ashgabat for crime intelligence officers in Turkmenistan. The workshop aimed at deepening the knowledge of criminal intelligence officers and to enhance awareness on criminal intelligence investigation methods, specifically for the staff of the Ministry of […]
BOMCA 10 contributes to assurance of legal guarantees and human rights protection in the law enforcement systems in Turkmenistan
From July 17 to 18, the EU-funded Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10) held a workshop in Ashgabat for officers of border agencies (BG) and law enforcement agencies (LEA) of Turkmenistan on human rights, gender, eliminating sexual harassment, and gender sensitivity. Activity aims to familiarise participants with human rights, gender issues, indicators of […]
BOMCA 10 keeps strengthening the investigation capacities of investigators in the field of cross-border crimes
From 22 to 24 May, the EU-funded Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10), in partnership with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, organised a national workshop in Ashgabat for investigators and crime intelligence officers specialised in investigation of trafficking in human beings and migrant smuggling. This is the fifth and final […]
BOMCA 10 organized ToT on car and truck searches for the representatives of the State Customs Service and the State Frontier Service of Turkmenistan
From 11 to 13 July 2023, the EU-funded Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10) held a training-of-trainers (ToT) session on car and truck searches for the State Customs Service and the State Frontier Service of Turkmenistan, which is responsible for organising the training process and development of the methodology for inspecting vehicles. The […]
BOMCA and OSCE conducted trainings on document security for Turkmen migration and border management personnel
From 5 to 7 July 2023, the EU-funded Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10) in partnership with the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) held the second national training of trainers (ToT, basic level) on document security for the officers and teaching staff of the State Migration Service and the State […]
БОМКА 10 и ОБСЕ провели тренинги для сотрудников миграционных и пограничных служб Туркменистана по безопасности проездных документов
С 5 по 7 июля 2023 года Программа содействия управлению границами в Центральной Азии (БОМКА 10), финансируемая Европейским Союзом, в сотрудничестве с Организацией по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе (ОБСЕ) провела второй национальный тренинг для тренеров (ТоТ, базовый уровень) для сотрудников и преподавательского состава Государственной миграционной службы и Государственной пограничной службы Туркменистана. Цель мероприятия – […]
BOMCA advanced the skills of Central Asian training institutions, border guard, migration and law enforcement agencies on document security
On March 15, 2023, in Termez, the Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10) held a regional online workshop for teaching staff of the border guard, migration and law enforcement agencies, as well as for the training institutions from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. To share the best practices from the region and […]
BOMCA 10 and UNODC jointly organised a study visit for the senior and operational level representatives from Central Asia to FRONTEX and Polish Border Guard
On 7-9 March 2023, the Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10) jointly with the UNODC initiative on enhancing cross border cooperation in Central Asia and (BOMCA 10) organised a study visit to the European Border and Coast Guard Agency – FRONTEX (Warsaw, Poland) and the Polish Border Guard for 15 representatives of the […]
BOMCA announces a children’s drawing competition in Turkmenistan
The European Union’s Border Management Program in Central Asia (BOMCA) and the Central Asia Drug Action Programme (CADAP) announce a drawing contest in Turkmenistan on the theme “Friendship has no borders”. This event is organized in honor of the 20th anniversary of the above-mentioned EU programs. Schoolchildren aged from 8 to 12 are invited […]
EU-funded Programme builds capacity in the area of document security of migration and border management personnel in Turkmenistan
From 12 to 14 June, the EU-funded Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10) in partnership with the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) held a national training of trainers (ToT, basic level) on document security in Turkmenabad for the officers and teaching staff of the State Migration Service and the State […]
Проект БОМКА объявляется детский конкурс в Туркменистане
Программа Европейского Союза по содействию управлению границами в Центральной Азии (БОМКА) и Программа по предотвращению распространения наркотиков в Центральной Азии (КАДАП) объявляет конкурс рисунков в Туркменистане на тему «Дружба не имеет границ». Данное мероприятие организовано в честь 20-летия вышеназванных программ ЕС. К конкурсу приглашаются школьники в возрасте от 8 до 12 лет к. Работы детей […]
In Turkmenistan, the NGO will work with youth in the border province under EU-funded project
The Border Management Programme in Central Asia – Phase 10 (BOMCA 10) selected nine actions for the benefit of border communities within its first Call for proposals among Central Asian NGOs, BOMCA reported. In the framework of its first Call for Applications, BOMCA 10 contracted ten NGOs granting the EU funding worth over 300,000 Euro […]
Turkmen customs officers attended EU project seminar on establishing a framework of customs competencies
From 13 to 15 June, the EU-funded Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10) held a Regional workshop in Astana, Kazakhstan, for the heads and key staff of the Customs agencies of the Central Asian countries. On behalf of Turkmenistan, the meeting was attended by the head of the Training Center at the State […]
Turkmen customs officers studied Kazakhstan’s experience in customs risk management and WTO commitments
From May 3 to 5, the EU-funded Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA 10) in cooperation with USAID’s Trade Central Asia Activity (TCA) held a national seminar in Ashgabat for customs officers involved in risk management, countering of customs violations, automatization of customs procedures. This event aimed at strengthening potential of customs service in […]
Пограничный контроль и сдерживание распространения наркотиков в Центральной Азии – проекты, финансируемые ЕС, продолжают лидировать
Тарик Саиди Аббревиатуры обычно не могут рассказать историю, по крайней мере, не в случае БОМКА и КАДАП. Любому человеку за пределами региона Центральной Азии было бы трудно разобраться в этих аббревиатурах, которые звучат почти как настоящие слова. Тем не менее, это продолжающаяся история: Козимо и Эрнест рассказали о ней. Во-первых, несколько слов о БОМКА и […]
Border management and containment of drugs in Central Asia – EU-funded projects continue to lead the way
Tariq Saeedi Acronyms cannot usually tell a story, at least not in the case of BOMCA and CADAP. Anyone outside this region would be hard-pressed to make any sense of these acronyms that sound almost like real words. Nevertheless, this is an ongoing story: Cosimo and Ernest can tell it. First, a few words about […]
BOMCA Workshop for criminologists of power agencies is being held in Ashgabat
On 2 August, a three-day national seminar for the personnel of Investigation Units of the Border Guard and Law Enforcement Agencies of Turkmenistan is being conducted within the framework of the EU funded BOMCA programme. The event is attended by the forensic experts and crime scene investigation specialists of border guards and law enforcement agencies. […]
Cooperation between the border guard, migration and customs authorities of Turkmenistan enhanced by expertise from Europe
From July 26-28, the Border Management Programme in Central Asia held a national workshop in Ashgabat that enhanced the cooperation between border guard, migration and customs authorities of Turkmenistan. The workshop also optimised the border and customs controls at checkpoints across the state border. This is the fourth workshop of its kind conducted by the […]
BOMCA continues trade facilitation measures in Central Asia
From 6 to 8 June, the Border Management Programme in Central Asia held a national workshop in hybrid format in Ashgabat on trade facilitation for veterinary and phytosanitary services of Turkmenistan. The workshop assisted national authorities in assessing their trade facilitation measures and trained authorities in the areas covered by the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement […]