On 17-18 February 2025, a delegation from Turkmenistan, led by Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Hojamyrat Geldimyradov, participated in the Third Caspian Economic Forum held in Tehran. The forum featured six thematic sessions, where representatives from the Caspian littoral states engaged in discussions on a wide range of issues aimed at advancing five-sided […]
Iran to host 3rd Caspian Economic Forum in mid-November
Iran will host the third Caspian Economic Forum with the participation of the prime ministers of the Caspian Sea littoral states in mid-November, IRNA reports. The agenda of the Third Caspian Economic Forum will cover cooperation in such areas as transport, joint ventures, oil and gas, finance, banking, as well as technical cooperation in Iran […]
Avaza, Turkmenistan 2019 General information on the First Caspian Economic Forum The process of establishing the legal status of the world’s biggest landlocked water body – the Caspian Sea, began in November 1996 in Ashgabat at the first meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Caspian states. In parallel with elaboration of the […]
Аваза, Туркменистан 2019 г Общая информация о первом Каспийском Экономическом форуме Процесс оформления правового статуса самого большого в мире внутриконтинентального водоема – Каспийского моря, начался в ноябре 1996 года в Ашхабаде на первой встрече министров иностранных дел прикаспийских государств. Параллельно с разработкой базового документа – Конвенции о правовом статусе Каспийского моря прикаспийские страны вели разработку […]