Don Ciesielski I like the Swiss way of living safely with guns…. as protection for everyone….. The Swiss army has long been a militia trained and structured to rapidly respond against foreign aggression. Swiss males grow up expecting to undergo basic military training, usually at age 20 in the Rekrutenschule (German for “recruit school”), […]
What the new Romney slogan SHOULD be
Don Ciesielski Use of catch phrases/statements are effective – I want to give mine a try with the campaign. Obama used “Yes We Can” in his run up in 2008. In a statement we can remind voters that the promised “Yes We Can” turned into A “No We Didn’t” with the Obama team because his […]
Obama’s call for Tax Increases
Don Ciesielski John Boehner is in a tough spot. A possible solution is to call for a 1-2% tax increase ACROSS THE BOARD, even people receiving unemployment. (“everyone has got to have some skin in the game”) Do this until they cut spending by the same amount of the increased tax revenues. This way all […]