At present, ISIS poses a serious threat to Afghanistan and the countries of the region, primarily Central Asia, stated Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromolotov in an interview with the TASS. “The group seeks to gain a foothold on Afghan territory and discredit the current leadership of the country, demonstrating its inability to fully ensure […]
Taliban states NO intention to violate the borders with Central Asia
Elvira Kadyrova The Taliban will not violate the borders of the Central Asian states bordering Afghanistan, and provide security guarantees for the foreign diplomatic and consular missions based on the territory of the country. This statement came from the representatives of the Taliban Movement on 8 July during consultations in Moscow with Zamir Kabulov, the […]
Russia not dramatic about situation in Afghanistan, is ready to protect its Central Asian allies from the ISIS threat – the USA shapes its future presence in Afghanistan
Elvira Kadyrova The main threat to the security of Central Asia is not the Taliban, but ISIS, which has been intensified in Afghanistan, warns Russia, being engaged in countering such threats. “It is important not to lose sight of Afghanistan, where ISIS is concentrating its forces. They are doing so using the way too drawn-out […]
Situation at Turkmen-Afghan border – fact versus fiction
nCa Analysis Some things are evergreen. One of them is the desire of certain quarters to see disturbance at the Turkmen-Afghan border. The Russian officials and media are the main proponents of the myth that there is some kind of disturbance at the Turkmen-Afghan border. From time to time other countries add their voice to […]
Pakistan is striving for peace in Afghanistan
Tariq Saeedi Sometimes it is necessary to state the obvious. Sometimes it is necessary to question the obvious. This is essential because our perceptions define the reality for us —– and, in most cases we acquire our perceptions through interaction with the media – all kinds of media – and not our direct interaction with […]
Турция – незаменимый союзник для безопасности Европы
Министр иностранных дел Турции Мевлют Чавушоглу Борьба с террористическими организациями, такими как ИГИЛ, и управление потоками эмиграции – это самые сложные проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются сегодня европейские страны. И Турция по-прежнему играет важную роль в международных действиях по их решению. Именно при помощи Турция Европейский Союз (ЕС) смог урегулировать поток эмигрантов из Сирии. Турция не […]
Turkey: The best ally for the security of Europe
Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey Nowadays, the hardest challenges European countries confront are fighting against terrorist organizations such as DAESH and the management of migration flows. Turkey continues to hold an essential role within the context of international efforts in overcoming these challenges. It is Turkey, who has enabled the European Union […]
Taliban support TAPI
nCa Commentary Ashgabat, 23 February 2018 (nCa) — TAPI enters its second phase of implementation today as the launch ceremony takes place in two part – first part in Serhetabat district of Turkmenistan, and the second part in Herat city of Afghanistan. President Berdymuhamedov of Turkmenistan, President Ashraf Ghani of Afghanistan, Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan […]
Don’t blame Uzbekistan for radicalization of Sayfullo Saipov
Tariq Saeedi As if a floodgate has opened. As if a dam has broken. As if some media outlets were impatiently waiting for an opportunity to bring malignant focus on Uzbekistan. Sayfullo Saipov, a green card holder US citizen and formerly from Uzbekistan, driving a rented truck on 31 October 2017 in lower Manhattan, mowed […]
ISIS – Part 3
Tariq Saeedi Where do elephants go to die? — To a mammoth pit deep in the forest. Where do empires go to die? — To the battlefield. This is the era of outsourcing. From manufacturing to defence, from banking services to rigging the telephone cables, everything is outsourced. The Empire has outsourced its own demise. […]
ИГИЛ – Часть 3
ТарикСаиди Куда слоны идут умирать? — В гигантскую яму далеко в лесу. Куда идут умирать империи? — На поле битвы. Это эпоха аутсорсинга (привлечение, когда это выгодно, к выполнению контрактной работы внешних соисполнителей). От производства до оборонного сектора, от банковских услуг до проведения телефонных кабелей – все передано внешним подрядчикам и соисполнителям. Империя передала подрядчикам […]
ISIS – Part 2
Tariq Saeedi The old hunters are back with new traps — an eastern proverb * * * In the first part of this series, (published in our subscription-based publication on 12 June 2017) I quoted some verses from the Quran to point out that: 1. It is not God’s will to eliminate all the religions […]
ISIS – Part 1
Editor’s note: Initially, I planned to write a short series to expose the fallacies in the narrative of ISIS (also called ID, Daesh) to throw the light on the nature of the organization that claims to be rooted in Islam but is doing everything imaginable to harm Islam and Muslims. This first part was initially […]
Failed Coup in Turkey – The Main Lesson Still Being Ignored
Tariq Saeedi Because they sow the wind, they will get the whirlwind. Standing grain, but no fresh growth; it will yield no meal; if it were to yield, strangers would devour it. – Hosea 8:7 (Common English Bible) 15 July 2017 was the first anniversary of the failed coup attempt in Turkey, a coup attempt […]
پاک افغان تعلقات ۔ مستقبل کے آئینے میں
جنرل مرزا اسلم بیگ سابق چیف آف آرمی سٹاف پاکستان (تھنکرز فورم پاکستان کے سیمینار میں پیش کیاگیا مقالہ) تاریخی اور جغرافیائی واقعات کے مطالعہ سے ہمیں بڑے اہم حقائق سے آگہی ہوتی ہےجو سچ پر مبنی ہوتے ہیں۔ اسی حوالے سے آج ہم پاکستان او رافغانستان کے تعلقات کا جائزہ لیں گے۔ مملکت افغانستان […]
Trump is here already – Selective demonization, selective approbation
Tariq Saeedi Ashgabat, 23 January 2017 (nCa) — One man leaves the White House with the highest approval rating in four decades, the other enters with the approval rating that is among the lowest of all times. Welcome to the world of selective demonization, selective approbation. Welcome to the world according to Trump. The inauguration […]
Orlando Shooting: Three points for urgent attention of Central Asia
Tariq Saeedi Ashgabat, 13 June 2016 (nCa) — A heavily armed gunman opened fire at Pulse, a gay club in Orlando (Florida) in the early hours of Sunday. According to the reports so far, there were 50 deaths and more than fifty of the injured were being treated at various hospitals. The death toll is […]
Выстрелы в Орландо: Три пункта для пристального внимания со стороны Центральной Азии
Тарик Саиди Ашхабад, 13 июня 2016 (nCa) — Тяжеловооруженный преступник открыл стрельбу в гей-клубе Pulse в Орландо (штат Флорида) в ранние часы воскресенья. Согласно сообщениям, до настоящего времени зарегистрирована гибель 50 человек и более пятидесяти получили ранения. Число погибших может возрасти. Стрелявший был опознан как Омар Матин, гражданин США родившийся в 1986 году в Нью-Йорке […]
Bandar bin Sultan’s “Blueprint for Civil War”
Bandar bin Sultan’s “Blueprint for Civil War” Peter Chamberlin [Only the Jewish press took note of this most newsworthy report. The Western media didn’t even bother ridiculing it or calling the idea of an actual “blueprint for Syrian civil war” “ludicrous.” Now that most of the facts reported in the Syrian news report have largely […]
The Obscenity of Humanitarian Warfare
The Obscenity of Humanitarian Warfare By: Peter Chamberlin America and NATO have done a very bad thing, a perplexing thing–they have blurred the lines between war and peace, by turning “humanitarian intervention” into a tool of aggression. It is now logical to view all American humanitarian aid, in all of its forms, as the first […]
What is the truth about ISIS?
This material is from the website of Peter Chamberlin — What is the truth about ISIS? Posted on September 3, 2014 by therearenosunglasses A detainee appears before the Multinational Forces Review Committee. This is one of Camp Bucca’s programs that help detainees to reintegrate into Iraqi society. (Department of Defense photo/Pfc. Amie J. McMillan) […]
Инициативы Путина во имя глобального мира
Генерал Мирза Аслам Бег, бывший Начальник Штаба Армии Пакистана Российское военное вмешательство в Сирии является тщательно продуманным актом, основанным на многолетнем планировании. Путин решил внутренние проблемы; восстановил вооруженные силы; обеспечил безопасность в «ближнем зарубежье» и протянул руки до Афганистана для устранения террористической угрозы. Основная цель состояла в возвращении в центр мировой политической арены, в качестве […]
Saddam Hussein’s Revenge: The Islamic State (ISIS/ISOL)
Ben Tanosborn When will America’s half-witted elite running the Pentagon and the State Department see the light and acknowledge that perhaps the US lacks the qualifications, or resources, to run, or strongly influence, geopolitics throughout Planet Earth? That might’ve been feasible for two-three decades following World War II, but the late 1970’s are long past […]
Paris Carnage: It is closer to Central Asia than geography suggests
Tariq Saeedi Ashgabat, 16 November 2015 (nCa) — The Paris Carnage of 13 November 2015 is a chilling warning for Central Asia. Let’s look at some of the facts that have been found so far by the investigators: One of the attackers in the Paris Carnage has been identified as the French citizen Ismael Omar […]
Paris Carnage: Attack on France
Tariq Saeedi Ashgabat, 16 November 2015 (nCa) — This is the ‘with us or against us’ moment. A ruthless dagger in the heart of Europe. Six coordinated attacks in Paris in a span of less than two hours. 130 dead and the toll likely to rise as dozens are critically wounded. What is important to […]
Кровавая расправа в Париже: Все намного ближе к Центральной Азии, чем просто география
Тарик Саиди Ашхабад, 16 ноября 2015 (nCa) — Парижские кровавые события 13 ноября 2015 года служат страшным предупреждением для Центральной Азии. Рассмотрим несколько фактов, обнаруженных по ходу следствия: Один из террористов идентифицирован как гражданин Франции Исмаил Омар Мостефаи. Родился 21 ноября 1985 года в Куркуронне, Эссон и жил в Шартре, юго-западном пригороде Парижа. В пригородах […]
Кровавая расправа в Париже: Атака на Францию
Тарик Саиди Ашхабад, 16 ноября 2015 (nCa) — Это как раз тот момент, когда очевиден принцип «с нами или против нас». Беспощадный кинжал в сердце Европы. Шесть скоординированных терактов в течение менее двух часов. 130 погибших и число жертв растет, потому что десятки человек тяжело ранены. Важно отметить, что это не была атака на свободу […]
Астана выразила обеспокоенность по поводу ситуации на туркмено-афганской границе – Ашхабад протестует
Новости и комментарий nCa Ашхабад, 16 октября 2015 (nCa) — Президент Казахстана Нурсултан Назарбаев в конце переговоров с Президентом России Владимиром Путиным, состоявшихся в четверг в Астане, выразил обеспокоенность по поводу ситуации с безопасностью на границе Туркменистана с Афганистаном. Туркменистан, не теряя времени, опроверг данное заявление и выпустил пресс-релиз, в котором разъясняется положение дел. Текст […]
Astana voices concerns about Turkmen-Afghan border – Ashgabat refutes
nCa News and Commentary Ashgabat, 16 October 2015 (nCa) — President Nazarbaev of Kazakhstan, at the end of his summit talks with President Putin Thursday in Astana, raised concerns about the security situation at the border of Turkmenistan with Afghanistan. Turkmenistan wasted no time in refuting the statement and issued a press release, clarifying the […]
Exclusive interview with General Mirza Aslam Beg
Ashgabat, 13 October 2015 (nCa) — Here is an exclusive interview with General Mirza Aslam Beg (Retired), who was the chief of the army staff of Pakistan from 1988 to 1991. He is recognized worldwide as an authority on Afghanistan. nCa: Do the Taliban have any ambitions beyond the borders of Afghanistan? General Beg: Afghans […]
Эксклюзивное интервью с генералом Мирза Аслам Бегом
Ашхабад, 13 октября 2015 (nCa) — Ниже опубликовано интервью с отставным Генералом Мирза Аслам Бегом, который в период с 1988 по 1991 годы занимал пост начальника штаба вооруженных сил Пакистана. Он является признанным в мире специалистом по афганской тематике. nCa: Имеют ли талибы какие-либо амбиции, распространяющиеся за пределы Афганистана? Генерал Бег: Афганцы подвергались иностранной агрессии […]
A New Option to Terrorism, Quagmire in Middle East?
Ben Tanosborn Vladimir Putin should not be pegged as a master strategist nor as a superb tactician; not when he is proving to be both. But perhaps the most miraculous thing: his success is being carved while presiding over a nation still not fully evolved into a market economy after the dissolution of the Soviet […]
Countdown to WWIII?
Tariq Saeedi Ashgabat, 12 October 2015 (nCa) — Syria, in the centre of the brutal geopolitical jostling, could be the trigger point for WWII. With each passing day, new elements are adding to uncertainty, which may ultimately push everyone to the point of no return. Anton Chekhov, the celebrated Russian playwright and author: “If you […]
Обратный отсчет до третей мировой воны?
Тарик Саиди Ашхабад, 12 октября 2015 (nCa) — Сирия, находящаяся сейчас в центре жестокого геополитического столкновения, может стать спусковым крючком для разворачивания третей мировой войны. С каждым уходящим днем, к неопределенности добавляются новые элементы, которые могут отбросить каждого к точке невозврата. Известный российский классик Антон Чехов писал: «Если в первом акте пьесы на стене висит […]
The Consequences of Kunduz Battle (Urdu Version)
قندوز کی جنگ کے مضمرات جنرل مرزا اسلم بیگ سابق چیف آف آرمی سٹاف’ پاکستان دو متحارب قوتوں’یعنی امریکہ اور طالبان کے درمیان قندوز کی لڑائی فیصلہ کن مقام پر آچکی ہے۔افغانستان میں اپنے اہداف کے حصول میں ناکام ہوکرامریکہ پسپا ہوچکا ہے اور اپنےپیچھے 12000 فوجی چھوڑ گیا ہے جو پانچ فضائی اڈوں […]
Последствия Кундузского Боя
Генерал Мирза Аслам Бег, бывший начальник Штаба Армии Пакистана Кундуз является поворотным пунктом в конфликте между двумя противоборствующими силами – американцами и талибами. Американцы, которым не удалось достичь целей развязанной войны, отступают, оставляя остатки сил численностью в 12 тысяч военнослужащих. Этот контингент войск действует на пяти авиабазах и поддерживает режим Кабула, который контролирует в основном […]
The Consequences of Kunduz Battle
General Mirza Aslam Beg, Former Chief of Army Staff, Pakistan Kunduz is a turning point of the conflict between the two opposing forces – the Americans and the Taliban. The Americans having failed to achieve the objectives of war, have retreated, leaving behind a residual force of about 12000, operating from five air bases in […]
Putin’s Surprise – Caspian to Syria
nCa Report Ashgabat, 8 October 2015 (nCa) — On 10 September 2014, while chairing a meeting of the Military-Industrial Commission, President Putin of Russia hinted at “unpleasant surprises for our Western partners.” He added that “the main thing is to avoid hysterics afterwards.” The milieu of these remarks was rather broad. — President Obama said […]
Сюрприз от Путина – Из Каспия в Сирию
Доклад nCa Ашхабад, 8 октября 2015 (nCa) — 10 сентября 2014 года в ходе заседания Военно-промышленной комиссии Президент России Путин намекнул на «неприятный сюрприз для наших западных партнеров». Он добавил, что «главное впоследствии избежать истерики». Среда для этих замечаний довольна широкая. — Президент Обама заявил в ходе 69-й сессии Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН в прошлом году, […]
ISIS in Central Asia ??? – Part Eight
Tariq Saeedi Does anyone remember the case of the WMD (weapons of mass destruction) in Iraq? The argument was built systematically to smash Iraq, a major oil power and one of the most progressive countries in the Arab world. Saddam Hussein, possibly unwittingly, uttered a mammoth truth: This is the mother of all battles. — […]
ISIS in Central Asia ??? – Part Seven
Tariq Saeedi Before throwing the lasso around the horns of the devil in the basement, let’s run another check on the ISIS scare in Central Asia. The only media speaking with any pretension of authority is RFERL, seconded zealously by a growing assortment of officials and ‘analysts’ around the region and Russia. According to them, […]
ISIS in Central Asia ??? – Part Six
Tariq Saeedi To callously steal from Shakespeare: What’s in a name? that which we call ISIS By another name would be as evil. In this fantasy-reality world, sometimes the same phenomenon appears under different names and sometimes different events go under the same name. Before looking at Jundullah trend over the years, let’s glance fleetingly […]
ISIS in Central Asia ??? – Part Five
Tariq Saeedi Before wading into the question whether some external players are likely to conjure up ISIS-like apparition in Central Asia, we must bring up a few related facts to avoid the whole thing being dismissed as a conspiracy theory: One: We can deduce from the latest developments in Syria that ISIS was an experiment […]
ISIS in Central Asia ??? – Part Four
Tariq Saeedi As a matter of fact, the group that we have named ‘proximity to power’ i.e. the people who exercise power merely because of being inside the circle of one in power are almost as dangerous to the sitting government as its worst opponents. They have a sense of entitlement that is based solely […]
ISIS in Central Asia ??? – Part Three
Tariq Saeedi The base emotion is anger but it comes in a lot of shapes and forms. The corruption and injustice, if it is rampant and unchecked, causes physical, social, material and emotional harm to the people. If the people have no way to obtain justice and avoid corruption, they will experience any of the […]
ISIS in Central Asia ??? – Part Two
Tariq Saeedi The second set of questions was: 1. Is there any likelihood of ISIS appearing near Central Asia borders or within Central Asia; 2. Under what circumstances can they possibly appear; 3. Who would they be, foreigners or locals, or a mix of both; 4. Who would finance and support them; and 5. What […]
ISIS in Central Asia ??? – Part One
Tariq Saeedi There is the need to assess objectively whether Central Asia is under any threat from ISIS? Media reports are appearing with gradually increasing frequency, noise is being generated from certain quarters; there is debatably a systematic drive to create the fear of ISIS in the collective heart of Central Asia. Curiously, every story […]