2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the start of the first excavations at the world-famous archaeological site Gonur Depe in Ancient Margiana, or the so-called Margush (Mary province, Turkmenistan). In 1972, the outstanding archaeologist Viktor Sarianidi discovered this ancient city, and from 1974 until the end of his life he studied the ancient site. Dr. […]
European archaeologists will continue excavations on the territory of ancient Margush this fall
A team of archaeologists from the International Association of Mediterranean and Oriental Studies (Rome), the Free University of Berlin and the Bologna University will continue excavations this autumn on the territory of ancient Margush – in the Togolok-1 complex. This is reported by the portal of the archaeological project “Togolok-1” (TAP) https://togolokarchaelogicalproject.wordpress.com/ Field work is […]
Russian anthropologist delivered a lecture on the fifth world civilization center in Turkmenistan
The Turkmen State Institute of Culture hosted an open lesson on the topic “Turkmenistan: Gonurdepe – the capital city of the country Margush”, which was conducted by Dr. Nadezhda Dubova, chief researcher, head of the Center for Human Anthropoecology of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Neutral Turkmenistan […]