Russia and Iran have agreed to transport Russian gas to Iran through Azerbaijan. While the route has been set, negotiations on the supply cost are ongoing. This was announced by Russian Energy Minister Sergei Tsivilev following the summit talks between the Presidents of Russia and Iran at the Kremlin on 17 January. “The route through […]
Brinkmanship in Middle East may backfire with consequences for Central Asia
Tariq Saeedi The currently escalating round of brinkmanship in the Middle East is potentially more devastating than anything seen during the Cold War era. The fluctuating numbers of players, their varying thresholds of restraint, and their clashing perceptions of national interests have contributed to the creation of unquantifiable trigger points. This is irresponsible brinkmanship. —– […]
Балансирование на грани войны на Ближнем Востоке может иметь последствия для Центральной Азии
Тарик Саиди В настоящее время эскалация конфликта на Ближнем Востоке потенциально более разрушительна, чем что-либо происходившее в эпоху Холодной войны. Колеблющееся число игроков, их различные пороги сдержанности и их противоречивое восприятие национальных интересов способствовали созданию не поддающихся количественной оценке опасных провоцирующих моментов. Это безответственное балансирование на грани войны. —– Какая-либо вышедшая из-под контроля часть этой […]
The Meaning of Operation Olive Branch
Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Turkey The gloomy portrait of the Middle East today should not obscure that peace is achievable. The basic premise for any such peace must be to preserve the territorial integrity of states. This means countering all forces that exist only to pursue their dystopias at the expense of others […]