Today, on April 17, 2020, an International Media Forum was held in the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, in the form of a video conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s permanent neutrality. The media forum was attended by heads and representatives of several ministries and departments of Turkmenistan, members […]
Сегодня, 17 апреля 2020 года в здании Министерства иностранных дел Туркменистана состоялся международный медиа-форум в формате видеоконференции, посвященный 25-летию постоянного Нейтралитета Туркменистана. В работе медиа-форума приняли участие руководители и представители ряда министерств и ведомств Туркменистана, члены профессорско-преподавательского состава ряда туркменских вузов, национальных средств массовой информации, научные деятели, эксперты, а также руководители и представители таких крупных […]
American policies creating new stress points – Neutrality is the only viable option Central Asia
Tariq Saeedi Central Asia is simultaneously blessed and cursed by its geography. Except for the soviet period, Central Asia has traditionally seen endless streams of people and cargo moving in all directions. The transit potential has been a dependable source of its prosperity. The region is at the heart of the Eurasian landmass. — The […]
Neutrality in motion – Conference in Turkmenistan marks start of Roadmap for World Peace – Part 3
Speech by conference participants Ms. Natalya Gherman, Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for Central Asia, Head of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia, expressed appreciation for the initiative to organize this important conference, reflecting Turkmenistan’s deep and multifaceted cooperation with international organizations, and in particular the United Nations. The […]
Neutrality in motion – Conference in Turkmenistan marks start of Roadmap for World Peace – Part 2
Speech of Berdimuhamedov The speech of President Berdimuhamedov at the conference ‘Turkmenistan and International Organizations – Cooperation for Peace and Development,’ was based on a broader context, stitching together the various dynamic aspects of neutrality. Here is the summarized translation of his speech: As an active member of international life, in order to make a […]
Neutrality in motion – Conference in Turkmenistan marks start of Roadmap for World Peace – Part 1
Tariq Saeedi In December 2020, we would potentially be looking at the roadmap for world map. Here is a bit of background – and foreground – before we return to this seemingly absurd but actually quite viable declaration. Turkmenistan is celebrating this year the 25th anniversary of permanently neutrality, a status fully endorsed by the […]
New Constitution of Turkmenistan based on framework of Human Rights, Neutrality
nCa Commentary Ashgabat, 14 September 2016 (nCa) — Turkmenistan adopted Wednesday the new version of its Constitution, a sophisticated document based on the framework of sovereignty, neutrality and human rights. The initial draft of the Constitution was presented to the public for debate last year. The Constitutional Reforms Committee received and reviewed thousands of ideas […]
Нейтралитет и Превентивная Дипломатия
Ашгабат, 12 декабря 2012 (nCa) — Во вторник в Туркменистане прошла конференция, посвященная нейтралитету и превентивной дипломатии. Конференция была приурочена 17-ой годовщине обретения Туркменистаном статуса постоянного нейтралитета и 5-ой годовщине открытия в Ашгабаде Регионального Центра ООН по превентивной дипломатии в Центральной Азии. Тема конференции: Нейтралитет и Превентивная Дипломатия – Основа Мира и Безопасности На пленарном […]
Neutrality and Preventive Diplomacy
Ashgabat, 12 December 2012 (nCa) — Turkmenistan hosted Tuesday an international conference on neutrality and preventive diplomacy. It was timed to coincide with the 17th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s attainment of the status of a permanently neutral country and the 5th anniversary of establishment of the UN Centre for Preventive Diplomacy in Central Asia, based in […]