Исполнительный директор Национальной иранской газовой компании (NIGC) заявил, что Иран провел переговоры с Россией и Республикой Туркменистан по расширению двустороннего сотрудничества в газовой сфере, передает MehrNews. Касаясь темы продолжения газовых переговоров с Туркменистаном и Россией, генеральный директор (NIGC) Саид Тавакколи сообщил, что с Россией и Туркменистаном были заключены «хорошие сделки в газовой сфере», и компания […]
Iran holds talks with Russia, Turkmenistan on gas cooperation
The chief executive of the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) said that Iran has held talks with Russia and the Republic of Turkmenistan to enhance bilateral cooperation in the gas sector. Turning to the continuation of gas talks with Turkmenistan and Russia, CEO of the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) Saeed Tavakkoli stated that good […]
Иран надеется на будущее членство Туркменистана в Форуме стран-экспортеров газа
Вопросы сотрудничества в топливно-энергетическом секторе между Туркменистаном и Ираном были обсуждены в субботу (11 мая) в Тегеране на встрече заместителя председателя Государственного концерна “Туркменгаз” Мурада Арчаева с управляющим директором Национальной иранской газовой компании (NIGC) Маджидом Чегени. Встреча была организована на полях 28-й Иранской международной выставки нефти, газа, нефтепереработки и нефтехимии (Iran Oil Show 2024). На […]
Iran Seeks Turkmenistan’s Entry into Gas Exporting Countries Forum
Issues of cooperation in the fuel and energy sector between Turkmenistan and Iran were discussed on Saturday (May 11) in Tehran at a meeting between Murad Archayev, Deputy Chairman of the State Concern Turkmengaz, and Majid Chegeni, Managing Director of the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC). The meeting was organized on the sidelines of the […]
NIGC: Iran recorded a surge in gas swap from Turkmenistan to Azerbaijan
Iran registered a 358% growth in the volume of swap gas supplies from Turkmenistan to Azerbaijan in the previous 1401 Iranian calendar year (ended on 20 March 2023). This was stated in an interview with Fars News by the CEO of the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC), Deputy Minister of Oil and Gas Industry of […]
Iran proposes fully paid projects in any sector to settle USD 2 Billion gas debt to Turkmenistan
Iran owes Turkmenistan USD 2 Billion on account of the natural gas it purchased several years ago. Now, NIGC, the flagship gas company of Iran is offering to bring fully funded projects in any sector to settle this debt wholly or partially. Reza Nowshadi, the managing director and chairman of the board of IGEDC (Iranian […]
National Gas Company of Iran: A textbook example of how to damage own interests
nCa Commentary Ashgabat, 26 January 2017 (nCa) — In search of a textbook example of how to damage own interests, we don’t have to go far. NIGC, the national Iranian gas company, is doing just that in a big way. After refusing to talk about the settlement of nearly USD 2 billion debts with Turkmenistan, […]
Turkmenistan-Iran Gas Dispute – What does Iran actually want?
Tariq Saeedi Ashgabat, 5 January 2017 (nCa) — It is perplexing – Hyperbole is the default mode of the Iranian side whereas Turkmenistan is explaining the situation in a calm and measured manner. What does Iran actually want? On 3 January 2017, NIGC (National Iranian Gas Company) issued a statement, adding several layers of untruth […]
Склонность иранцев к драматизации и преувеличению усложняет ситуацию с газовой сделкой – Туркменистан разъясняет вопрос
Тарик Саиди Ашхабад, 3 января 2017 (nCa) — Дело на самом деле довольно простое: Вы платите за то, чем вы пользуетесь, вы оплачиваете то, что вы согласились оплачивать, и вы платите в должное время. Речь идет о поставках туркменского природного газа в Иран. Этот чисто экономический вопрос приобрел множество неприятных оттенков из-за безответственных заявлений некоторых […]
Iranian penchant for drama, exaggeration complicates situation in gas deal – Turkmenistan issues clarification
Tariq Saeedi Ashgabat, 3 January 2017 (nCa) — The matter was actually quite simple: You pay for what you use, you pay what you agreed to pay, and you pay when you are supposed to pay. We are talking of the Turkmen natural gas supplies to Iran, a purely economic matter that has acquired a […]