nCa Commentary Russia and the United States have declared their readiness to negotiate a reduction of their nuclear arsenals. These main geopolitical rivals, for whom nuclear weapons has always been an important tool for deterring each other, obviously, realize that the atom in modern conditions of increased threats to international security must be exclusively peaceful. […]
Obama’s Global Zero Campaign
“Now is the time for a strong international response, and North Korea must know that the path to security and respect will never come through threats and illegal weapons.” — Barack Obama, current US president Jameel-ur-Rehman Baloch I wonder if Obama holds the legitimate authority to issue certificates of legality over keeping nukes. Patronizing the […]
Jameel-ur-Rehman Baloch The post world war II scenario has envisaged collective security and regionalism, both demonstrate the complete fallacy of the cliché that the world could possibly be free of all kinds of weapons in general, nuclear weapons in particular. Debates within the country and abroad have resumed concerning that will Pakistan succumb to the […]