Peter Chamberlin Two weeks after the latest Pentagon/CIA assault upon a tribal jirga, and attempt to kill Sajna Mehsud, his group blows-up a highly symbolic, Pak Army-built girls school in S. Waziristan. Why would one of Pakistan’s “good Taliban” stage such an assault upon progress in his own area, especially just one month after the […]
Bandar bin Sultan’s “Blueprint for Civil War”
Bandar bin Sultan’s “Blueprint for Civil War” Peter Chamberlin [Only the Jewish press took note of this most newsworthy report. The Western media didn’t even bother ridiculing it or calling the idea of an actual “blueprint for Syrian civil war” “ludicrous.” Now that most of the facts reported in the Syrian news report have largely […]
The Obscenity of Humanitarian Warfare
The Obscenity of Humanitarian Warfare By: Peter Chamberlin America and NATO have done a very bad thing, a perplexing thing–they have blurred the lines between war and peace, by turning “humanitarian intervention” into a tool of aggression. It is now logical to view all American humanitarian aid, in all of its forms, as the first […]
What is the truth about ISIS?
This material is from the website of Peter Chamberlin — What is the truth about ISIS? Posted on September 3, 2014 by therearenosunglasses A detainee appears before the Multinational Forces Review Committee. This is one of Camp Bucca’s programs that help detainees to reintegrate into Iraqi society. (Department of Defense photo/Pfc. Amie J. McMillan) […]
When the Hummus Hits the Fan, Israel Will Choose Bashar al-Assad Over Radical Islamists
Peter Chamberlin Once again (just as in the recent US Embassy bombing in Ankara) a spectacular terrorist attack takes place in Turkey and the government immediately blames another obscure Marxist terrorist group, that they have conveniently resurrected from Turkey’s distant past. The individual faction of this group has also allegedly been identified, as “Mirhac Ural,” […]
Branding Musharraf’s Submission To Drones As A Misunderstanding, Instead of A Double-Cross
Peter Chamberlin With a welcome return of their last military dictator, the politicians of Pakistan are playing the roles assigned them, helping the CIA reform its corrupt image and the Pakistani people to forget all of their own Establishment’s previous lies. The “Islamist” politicians, along with all of the co-opted religious and secular wannabes, are […]
India/Pakistani Detente’ Went Into the Ground with Mullah Nazir
Peter Chamberlin The military-dominated politics pushed by Mr. Saeed are identical to those of the actual “Taliban,” who were nice enough to provide America with a convenient excuse to wage experimental techno-warfare in Afghanistan (SEE: Rightwing alliance is revived ; Pushing Pakistan’s Buttons–or, Shit Rolls Downhill). Saeed likes to try to capitalize on the hot-button right-wing […]
American Foreign Policy Contradictions
Torn Between “Good Al-Qaeda” and “Bad Al-Qaeda” Peter Chamberlin “US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta has said the slimmed-down force would focus on preventing Al-Qaeda… from regaining a foothold in the war-shattered nation.” When Do We Fight Against Terrorists and When Do We Put Them On the American Payroll? The hypocritical foreign policy of Barack Obama is identical to […]
APPROVED: Another Armed Intervention Against Another American “Islamist” Terror
Peter Chamberlin [Re: UN Security Council approves Mali intervention force] After witnessing the same deadly, hypocritical scenario unfold over and over, I am just now beginning to see the real genius that went into the Pentagon’s “Take-over-the-World Plan.” This is how you manage to wage war upon the entire world, more or less simultaneously, with […]
Prince Bandar’s Wake-Up Call
Peter Chamberlin It feels like something sinister has just occurred, but it may be a long time until we figure-out just what that was (SEE: Saudi Appointment Suggests Bigger Regional Ambitions ). When dealing with the Saudis, nothing is as it seems. Trying to understand the Saudi royal family is something like trying to decipher a hidden code–What does […]
Hillary Finally Brings Bureau of Spy/Diplomatic Liaisons Out of the Closet
Peter Chamberlin Clinton finally brings the secret military/State Dept. covert operations out into the open (SEE: Clinton Goes Commando, Sells Diplomats as Shadow Warriors). This is the logical outcome of a process started long ago, during the Reagan Administration, when Congress put restrictions on the CIA’s shadow wars in Central America. It was then that this so-called […]
The Obscenity of Humanitarian Warfare
“Humanitarian Bombs,” Anthony Freda Art The Obscenity of Humanitarian Warfare By: Peter Chamberlin America and NATO have done a very bad thing, a perplexing thing–they have blurred the lines between war and peace, by turning “humanitarian intervention” into a tool of aggression. It is now logical to view all American humanitarian aid, in all of its […]
Smashing Greater Central Asia – Part IV – Smashing Systematically
Peter Chamberlin The pipeline wars are real wars, in that two or more nations are ordering their civilian and military foot soldiers, on a daily basis, into life or death contests to the finish. For the United States, it is a contest which must be won, if we are to survive, according to most of […]
nCa Returns — Starting where we left
Tariq Saeedi We were hacked in late July 2011. It was a thorough job, done by professionals. Now we are back. Thanks to all the supporters and well wishers. At the time of hacking we were in the process of starting an investigative-analytic series ‘Smashing Greater Central Asia.’ To provide background information for this series, […]
The Real War –vs– The Illusions
Peter Chamberlin In the complicated calculus of the men who would plan our destinies for us, if we would only let them, it is often hard to fathom which line of reasoning represents their dominant thinking on any strategic subject. In Afghanistan and in Pakistan, it is getting harder to distinguish between the minimum acceptable […]
The CIA/ISI Soap Opera In South Waziristan
Peter Chamberlin The American/Pakistani/British shenanigans in S. Waziristan are once again exposing the old patterns–America makes more demands, unidentified militants attack Frontier troops, British press releases misleading disinformation (SEE: Deadly militant attack on Pakistan security checkpoint), making the reality of the situation nearly impossible to understand. In addition, the press is now starting to claim […]