On 9 November 2023 Tashkent hosted the International Forum “Children and Youth in Action – Climate Change in Central Asia”, dedicated to recognizing the role of children and youth in combating the negative impacts of climate change, including through the promotion of environmental education, UNICEF Uzbekistan reports. During the opening of the Forum, addressing the […]
UNICEF and Ministry of Health conduct a Training of Trainers on using the Guide for Monitoring Child Development
Ashgabat, 8 November 2023 – Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan and UNICEF are continuing the series of Training of Trainers for health professionals from primary health centers on using the Guide for Monitoring Child Development (GMCD). The program, which started in September and is ongoing, is a significant part of the introduction […]
WHO recognizes Turkmenistan’s successes in the fight against hepatitis B
Turkmenistan has received a Certificate confirming its achievement of the regional goals for combating hepatitis B set out in the Action Plan for the Health Sector Response to Viral Hepatitis in the WHO European Region. The document was issued by the European Technical Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (ETAGE), convened by the Regional Office […]
Empowering Parents of Children with Disabilities: OHCHR, UNICEF and Yenme conduct joint Information Sessions
Ashgabat, 31 October 2023 – The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights for Central Asia (OHCHR) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), in partnership with a public organization Yenme, organized a series of information sessions for parents of children with disabilities during 25 – 27 October. The informational sessions were […]
UNICEF and Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan work together to strengthen gender-responsive education skills of teachers
27 October 2023, Ashgabat – UNICEF and the Ministry of Education re-joined efforts to strengthen the national capacity in Gender Responsive Education. In continuation of the capacity building initiative that started last year, a five-day “Seminar on the practical application of improved teaching methods to promote gender equality in secondary schools” was held from 23-27 […]
UNICEF Facilitates Turkmenistan Delegation Visit to Georgia on Child-friendly Justice System
Georgia, 27 October 2023 —Eight governmental delegates from various state agencies of Turkmenistan are visiting Georgia between 23 to 27 October 2023, where the team is meeting national partners and gaining valuable insights on child-friendly justice system in the country. UNICEF Turkmenistan and Georgia country offices facilitated the study visit in collaboration with Government partners […]
ЮНИСЕФ содействовал визиту делегации Туркменистана в Грузию по вопросам системы правосудия, дружественной к детям
Грузия, 27 октября 2023 г. — Восемь правительственных делегатов из различных государственных ведомств Туркменистана посещают Грузию с 23 по 27 октября 2023 г., где команда встречается с национальными партнерами и получает ценную информацию в стране о системе правосудия, дружественной к детям. Страновые офисы ЮНИСЕФ в Туркменистане и Грузии способствовали ознакомительному визиту в сотрудничестве с правительственными […]
UNICEF and Ministry of Education Enhance the Capacity of School Teachers on Educational Robotics
Ashgabat, 25 October 2023 – UNICEF, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan conducted a “Seminar on Educational Robotics for School Teachers.” This engaging and informative event took place from 23 to 25 October 2023 and equipped 27 specialists and teachers from the national education system with the knowledge and skills necessary to […]
UNICEF and the Ministry of Education conducted the first Educational Robotics Competition in Turkmenistan inspiring innovation among children
UNICEF and the Ministry of Education joined forces to organize the first Educational Robotics Competition in Turkmenistan. The event took place on 23-24 September 2023, at School No. 97 in Ashgabat, marking a significant step forward in Turkmenistan’s educational advancement. The Educational Robotics Competition served a dual purpose: to raise awareness among pupils, teachers, and […]
Conference at the International Relations Institute highlighted Turkmenistan’s key achievements on the foreign policy track
On 22 September 2023, the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan hosted the international conference “Independence of Turkmenistan: experience and perspectives of the development of international cooperation”, dedicated to the celebration of the 32nd anniversary of Independence of Turkmenistan. The event was attended by heads and representatives of the […]
Akim Mogaji is conducting UNICEF workshop on Digital Multiplatform Storytelling in Ashgabat
Tariq Saeedi Akim Mogaji is well known among the media professionals and media students, and to great extent the general public, around the world. He is a man with many hats – a walk-in closet would not have enough space to put all of his hats in a neat order. He has done almost everything […]
Turkmenistan and the UN reaffirm path towards further strengthening of cooperation
On June 6, 2023, the meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov with the heads of UN agencies in Turkmenistan and regional agencies of this Organization was held via videoconference. The meeting was attended by the Regional Director of the United Nations Development Coordination Office (UNDCO) for Europe and Central Asia […]
Turkmenistan celebrates International Children’s Day – 17,000 young children in Turkmenistan covered by the early development program – almost all children protected from 14 vaccine-controlled diseases
Today, on 1 June, Turkmenistan celebrates the International Children’s Day. In his congratulatory message to the people of Turkmenistan , President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted: “The state attaches special importance to supporting the family and motherhood, stimulating the birth rate. The adoption of laws in the field of legal protection of the rights and interests of […]
Turkmenistan: “For every child, every right”: The Office of the Ombudsman, the Ministry of Education, UNICEF, and OHCHR continue to raise awareness on children rights in summer camps
This is the third year of the joint initiative of the Office of the Ombudsman of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, UNICEF, and the Office of the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights Regional Office for Central Asia (OHCHR ROCA) in raising awareness among children from all over the country about human rights, […]
Turkmenistan maintains the highest immunization rates in Central Asia and around the world – UNICEF
Turkmenistan independently finances the national immunization program and maintains the highest immunization rates in Central Asia and around the world. This was stated in an interview with the newspaper “Neutral Turkmenistan” by Mohammad Fayyazi, UNICEF Representative in Turkmenistan. Commenting on the achievements in Turkmenistan’s cooperation with UNICEF, he recalled that thanks to the immunization program, […]
Turkmenistan was elected to the Executive Board of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) for the period 2024-2026
On April 5, 2023, during the Organizational Session of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), elections were held for the subsidiary bodies of the Council. During the elections, ECOSOC members unanimously elected Turkmenistan as a member of the UNICEF Executive Board for the period 2024-2026. Earlier Turkmenistan was elected and served as a […]
Turkmenistan: On Earth Day UNICEF, Bouygues Turkmen and Young SDG Ambassadors unite for greener environment
Ashgabat, 20 April 2023 – To mark Earth Day, on 20 April, UNICEF, Bouygues Turkmen and Young SDG Ambassadors planted 17 trees symbolizing 17 Sustainable Development Goals at the premises of Carbon Co-Working Training Center in Ashgabat. The initiative promoted environmental sustainability and is part of Bouygues Turkmen’s commitment to sustainable development and UNICEF’s awareness raising […]
UN and Football Federation of Turkmenistan Promote Healthy Lifestyle Among Schoolchildren and Youth in Dashoguz and Lebap Velayats
April 22, 2023 – UNICEF Turkmenistan in collaboration with Football Federation, Ministry of Education and in coordination with the State Committee on Physical Education and Sports of Turkmenistan, promoted healthy lifestyle through sports in a football tournament targeting schoolchildren and youth of Dashoguz and Lebap velayats. The event was conducted on 19 and 22 of […]
UN and Ministry of Education strengthen resilience of schoolchildren and youth to ensure environmental security
The Government of Turkmenistan with the support of four UN agencies – UNICEF, UNFPA, UNODC, and IOM, continued to progress on the Joint Programme on “Empowering and Engaging the Youth to Mitigate the Multi-Dimensional Threats of the Health Pandemic” coordinated by the UN Resident Coordinator Office. On 11 and 14 April 2023 in the framework […]
Crafting a Narrative for Behavior Change: UNICEF organizes a multiplatform digital storytelling workshop in Turkmenistan
In a world saturated with information overload, competing noise, and people having an ever-shortening span of attention, how do you make your voice heard? How do you tell a story that not only captures the attention, but makes you stop, think, and inspire and drive home the need for you to make a meaningful change […]
UNICEF, Ministry of Education and Youth take joint action to transform education
April 5, 2023 – Turkmenistan actively participates in the international education agenda and takes legislative and organizational measures to ensure full access to quality education for all . In September 2022, Turkmenistan actively participated in Transforming Education Summit and adopted a National Statement of Commitment for the achievement of SDG 4 on Quality Education. To […]
Gifts for children of the Palace “Döwletliler köşgi” (State Orphanage)
On the occasion of the International Children’s Day celebrated in Turkmenistan, a festive celebration took place at the Palace “Döwletliler köşgi” [Orphan’s Palace], during which gifts were presented to the students of the Palace on behalf of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children in Need of Guardianship and public […]
UNICEF and Ministry of Health of Turkmenistan are introducing the first digital application for Mother and Child Home Visiting services
March 3, 2023, Ashgabat – Strengthening primary health care and providing quality mother and child health services are among the key health priorities of Turkmenistan. UNICEF and the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry are working together to increase the quality of these services through optimization of home visiting by health professionals. This service has […]
UNICEF and Ministry of Defense of Turkmenistan trained all national partners on Child Protection in Emergencies
March 1, 2023 – The recent major earthquakes in Turkiye once again showed how vulnerable and fragile human life can be. The number and severity of emergencies are dramatically increasing in the world. Over the past 20 years alone, about 3 million people have died because of natural disasters. Every third of them was a […]
UNICEF Supports the Government of Turkmenistan in Strengthening the Risk Communication and Community Engagement Capacity
February 13, 2023, Ashgabat: The Office of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in Turkmenistan in partnership with the Ministry of Health and Drexel University organized a three-day Training of Trainers for health workers and other professionals in Turkmenistan on Essentials of Risk Communications and Community Engagement (RCCE) to develop and disseminate messages to the […]
Strengthening Local and National Capacities for Emergency Preparedness and Response in Turkmenistan
Ashgabat, 13 July 2023 – With almost all types of natural hazards present, the countries of Central Asia have a history of recurrent natural disasters that have caused significant economic and human loss. Earthquakes are the most destructive, causing losses of human life and damage to infrastructure, as was witnessed in recent events in Turkiye. […]
The Institute of State, Law and Democracy of Turkmenistan explains how the National Plan for the Realization of Children’s Rights to be implemented
President of Turkmenistan approved the National Action Plan for the Implementation of Children’s Rights in Turkmenistan for 2023-2028. The ministries and branch departments, local executive authorities and public associations of Turkmenistan are tasked with the implementation of the Plan. The head of the Department of Democracy and International Relations Shemshat Atajanova commented in an interview […]
UNICEF 2022 Annual Report – For every child, every opportunity
For children across the globe, 2022 was a year fraught with difficult challenges and intractable crises. Millions suffered the consequences of floods, storms and droughts linked to climate change, struggled to access essential services amidst violent conflict, or continued to feel the socioeconomic impacts of the pandemic. These were among the factors which led to […]
UNICEF and Ministry of Internal Affairs continue to strengthen child-friendly justice system in Turkmenistan
Ashgabat, 17 May 2023 – Establishing child-friendly approaches and positive practices during investigations will protect children from unnecessary trauma, which may occur during repeated interviews or interrogations in the justice process. This was the main topic of discussion during the round table, which was organized today by UNICEF with participation of representatives from the law […]
UNICEF connects a primary health care facility to solar energy in Turkmenistan
Recently, a new pilot solar energy system was installed in the rural health centre of Pelvert in Halach etrap, Lebap velayat. This is the first primary health care facility in Turkmenistan to have been fitted with solar electricity – an innovative project implemented by UNICEF together with the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of […]
UNICEF delivered three Oxygen Plants for continuous medical oxygen supply at health facilities of Turkmenistan
Access to oxygen can save lives in emergency conditions and is also a critical treatment for children with pneumonia and other acute respiratory infections. The recent global pandemic once again showed that oxygen gaps can overwhelm health systems and lead into a crisis. To ensure a reliable source of oxygen supply, UNICEF developed an innovative […]
UNICEF stands ready to support the implementation of the newly approved National Action Plan for the Realization of Children’s Rights in Turkmenistan for 2023-2028
Today, by the decree of the President of Turkmenistan, National Action Plan for the Realization of Children’s Rights in Turkmenistan for 2023-2028 has been approved. The new Plan has been prepared based on the national priorities set in the Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country in 2022-2028, and […]
UNICEF, Government and children of Turkmenistan celebrate Children’s Day
Ashgabat, June 1, 2023 – Today, UNICEF together with the Government and children of Turkmenistan marked the International Day for Protection of Children through various events aimed at celebrating children and promoting their rights. On 1 of June, UNICEF in partnership with the “Turkmenaragatnashyk” agency launched the postal stamps dedicated to the 30th anniversary of […]
ISLD and UNICEF publish all Turkmenistan laws about children in one book (and online)
The publication “Legal Protection of Children in Turkmenistan” was published by the Institute of State, Law and Democracy of Turkmenistan with the support of UNICEF. The electronic version of this book is freely available at UNICEF website. https://www.unicef.org/turkmenistan/reports/book-legal-protection-children-turkmenistan The compilation contains national laws and international legal documents to which Turkmenistan is a state party. The […]
UNICEF continues to support Government flour fortification in Turkmenistan since 1996
In August this year the Government of Turkmenistan with UNICEF support received the second batch of premix for flour fortification. UNICEF has been supporting the Government with the procurement of premix, which consists of micronutrition elements added to the flour, since 1996, when the President of Turkmenistan issued a decree on “Salt Iodization and Flour […]
Summer Time is Children’s Time: Mejlis Milli Gengesh, Ministry of Education and UNICEF Join Forces to Raise Awareness on Child Rights
During their 2022 summer vacation, children in summer camps learned about child rights and rights of people with disabilities through a series of interactive sessions delivered by Mejlis Milli Gengesh, Ministry of Education and UNICEF. The main facilitators of these sessions were parliamentarians and education specialists, who participated in a Training of Trainers on promoting […]
Winners of the UNICEF art contest honored at the UN House in Ashgabat
Elvira Kadyrova A special spirit of celebration and solemnity, joy and delight were high at the UN House in Ashgabat on Wednesday, 1 June 2022. On this day, when dozens of countries around the world marked the International Day for Protection of Children, UNICEF mission in Ashgabat hosted an award ceremony for seven schools – […]
UNICEF takes schoolchildren across Turkmenistan on an online adventure in celebration of Earth Day
Ashgabat, 22 April 2022 – Today, in celebration of International Mother Earth Day, UNICEF together with the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan has organized an online interactive learning session among schoolchildren across Turkmenistan to promote the practice of environment protection, climate change prevention and waste separation. Continuing an experience from last year, the new sessions […]
Turkmenistan Tennis Federation and UNICEF in Turkmenistan held a Children’s Tennis Festival dedicated to the World Health Day
Ashgabat, April 16 – The Children’s Tennis Festival, which took place from April 14 to 16 at the tennis courts of the Olympic village in Ashgabat, finished its work today with loud applause, wins and smiles of children. Organized by the Tennis Federation of Turkmenistan in partnership with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in […]
Церемония передачи медицинского оборудования Министерству здравоохранения и медицинской промышленности Туркменистана в рамках Грантового Проекта «Совершенствование системы здравоохранения Туркменистана посредством предоставления медицинского оборудования»
20 декабря 2021 г. Сегодня, 20 декабря 2021 года состоялась торжественная Церемония передачи первой партии медицинского оборудования японской компании «FUJIFILM», приобретённого в рамках Грантового проекта «Совершенствование системы здравоохранения Туркменистана посредством предоставления медицинского оборудования». В данной церемонии приняли участие Чрезвычайный и Полномочный Посол Японии в Туркменистане Е.П. г-н ЯМАМОТО Хироюки, и.о. Постоянного координатора ООН в Туркменистане, […]
Handover Ceremony of Medical Equipment to the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan under the Grant Project “Enhancing the Healthcare System of Turkmenistan through the Provision of Medical Equipment”
December 20, 2021. Today, on December 20, 2021 a solemn handover ceremony of the first batch of medical equipment of the Japanese company “FUJIFILM”, which was acquired under the Grant project entitled “Enhancing the Healthcare System of Turkmenistan through the Provision of Medical Equipment”, took place. The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Turkmenistan, […]
Turkmenistan joins the world to commemorate 75 years of UNICEF
This year UNICEF together with the Government of Turkmenistan took part in the global celebration of 75 years of protecting children’s rights and helping children to reach their full potential. Around the world, presidents, ministers, government officials, and UNICEF representatives united with children and young people to commemorate the 75th anniversary. UNICEF Turkmenistan took part […]
Farewell message of Ms. Christine Weigand, UNICEF Representative in Turkmenistan who completes her mission in Turkmenistan on 20 September 2021
Dear friends, partners, and children of Turkmenistan! As my mission in Turkmenistan is coming to an end, I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude for the support and cooperation I received from the Government of Turkmenistan, international partners, and UN Agencies in Turkmenistan throughout this journey. It has been an […]
Universal civil registration and vital statistics are critical for truth, trust and COVID recovery in Asia and the Pacific
Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, Kanni Wignaraja, Omar Abdi With health systems at a breaking point, hospitals at capacity and desperate family members searching for oxygen for loved ones, the devastating second wave of COVID-19 that has swept across South Asia has felt ¬surreal. Official figures have indicated record-breaking daily coronavirus cases and deaths, not only in […]
Turkmenistan marks International Children’s Day
Turkmenistan marked the International Children’s Day on 1 June 2021. — It was a day full of high profile events, carefully planned to underline the message that the children are joint responsibility of the family, the society, and the state. President Berdimuhamedov spent quite some time at the Scientific and Clinical Centre for the Mother […]
Children in Turkmenistan take part in interactive sessions to mark the Global Handwashing Day
Gulyalek Soltanova, UNICEF Turkmenistan Communication Officer “I wash my hands five times a day”, “And I wash seven”, exclaimed third grade students of school 37 in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan at the learning session organized by the Ministry of Education and UNICEF on the occasion of the Global Handwashing Day today. On 15-16 October 2020 UNICEF is […]
Briefing on cooperation of Turkmenistan with international organizations in the area of healthcare was held in the MFA
On the 5th of October 2020, a briefing was held in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan dedicated to cooperation of Turkmenistan with the international organizations in the area of healthcare. The briefing focused on the recently signed Resolution of the President of Turkmenistan, in accordance with which the Minister of Health and Medical […]
UNICEF launches #VaccinesWork campaign to inspire support for vaccines
Amid growing outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases, UNICEF’s campaign will use social media to show that most parents trust vaccines to protect their children NEW YORK, 18 April 2019 – UNICEF is launching a new global campaign on 24 April to emphasize the power and safety of vaccines among parents and wider social media users. The campaign will run […]
UNICEF and David Beckham launch ‘7’
UNICEF and David Beckham launch ‘7’ – a new fund for children in danger across globe Global icon marks 10 years as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador with new drive to put children first LONDON, 9 February 2015 – David Beckham and UNICEF are today launching a groundbreaking initiative, 7: The David Beckham UNICEF Fund, to […]
OHCHR, UNICEF Campaign to Protect Children, Prevent Harmful and Unnecessary Institutionalization
BRUSSELS, 28 June, 2011: Two UN organisations have called on governments in Europe and Central Asia to put an immediate end to the practice of placing young children into State-run infant homes. Following the release of two new reports which document violations and abuses of children in state-run homes, OHCHR and UNICEF today launched a […]