In an inspiring initiative aimed at fostering global awareness and personal growth among the younger generation, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), in collaboration with the Israeli Embassy in Turkmenistan, organized an information-educational session for youth at the Arkach Business Center. The event brought together students from various universities across Turkmenistan, including […]
International Day for the Prevention of and Fight against All Forms of Transnational Organized Crime (TOC)
UNODC and partners organized in Ashgabat an event on 18 November 2024 to mark the first International Day for the Prevention of and Fight against All Forms of Transnational Organized Crime. The embassy of Israel in Turkmenistan actively participated in the event. The organizers, led by the UNODC, included the USAID, SMICA, and others. The […]
Ускорение перемен: Региональная платформа для ускоренного отслеживания хода осуществления Конвенции ООН против коррупции в Центральной Азии способствует позитивным изменениям
На Конференции государств – участников Конвенции ООН против коррупции, состоявшейся в декабре 2021 года, была принята резолюция 9/4 “Усиление осуществления Конвенции Организации Объединенных Наций против коррупции на региональном уровне”, в которой подчеркивалась важность разработки программ технической помощи и принятия регионального подхода к оказанию технической помощи в борьбе с коррупцией. Это включает в себя создание региональных […]
Accelerating Change: The Regional Platform for Fast-Tracking the Implementation of the UN Convention Against Corruption in Central Asia Contributes to Positive Developments!
At the Conference of States Parties to the UN Convention against Corruption held in December 2021, Resolution 9/4 on “Strengthening the implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption at regional levels” was adopted, emphasizing the importance of developing technical assistance programs and adopting a regional approach in delivering anti-corruption technical assistance. This includes the […]
Turkmenistan improves its communication infrastructure to fight illicit trafficking
As the global economy becomes increasingly interconnected, opportunities for trade have spread around the world. Shipping lanes are the highways of international commerce. However, this presents opportunities not only for governments and legitimate businesses but also for transnational organized crime groups to transport anything from legal goods used for money laundering, to prohibited drugs and […]
Embassy of Israel in Turkmenistan sponsors event to raise awareness on World Drug Day
A youth event was held on 28 June 2024 in Ashgabat to mark the World Drug Day. The objective was to raise the awareness about the dangers of the drug abuse. It was organized by the Ashgabat UNODC Office, and co-sponsored by the Embassy of the State of Israel in Turkmenistan, and supported by UNFPA Turkmenistan […]
Youth supports Drug Use Prevention in Central Asia with UNODC Peer to Peer Initiative “Friends In Focus”
From April 22nd to 25th, UNODC Regional Youth Network for Central Asia convenes in Tashkent, Uzbekistan for the “Peer-supported Drug Use Prevention with Friends in Focus” training. This bespoke program brings together Youth Network members and policymakers from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan. In her opening remarks, Ms. Diloram Tashmukhamedova, Deputy Chairperson of the […]
UNODC, CASC Network and CARICC co-organize a Regional Training on Investigation of Cybercrime Cases in Central Asia for prosecutors from the region
From 16 to 19 April, UNODC and the Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Centre (CARICC) co-organized a Regional Training on Investigation of Cybercrime Cases for prosecutors from Central Asia, with the participation of experts from the Judicial Cooperation Network for Central Asia and Southern Caucasus (CASC). During the four-day training hosted at the CARICC […]
UNODC enhances the capacities of Central Asian border and migration services officers in authenticating travel documents
From 11 to 13 March, UNODC organized a regional training on verification of the authenticity of travel documents in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, for 27 mid- and senior-level officers from Central Asian border and migration services officers. The training aimed to equip the officers with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively tackle challenges encountered during document […]
UNODC and ADB support Regional Platform for Fast-Tracking the Implementation of the UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) in Central Asia
On March 26-27, 2024, Bishkek hosted a hybrid expert workshop as part of the Regional Platform for Fast-Tracking the UNCAC Implementation in Central Asia supported by UNODC. The workshop aimed at enhancing capacity and promoting peer learning of regional anti-corruption practitioners on best practices in preventing conflicts of interest and implementing ethical conduct in public, […]
Joint Training Held for Turkmen and Uzbek Port Control Groups
A subregional training program for Port Control Group (PCG) members from Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan was held at the Lebap province Customs authority in Turkmenabad from 26 to 29 March 2024. This initiative was organized under the framework of the Global Container Control Program (CCP) by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and […]
Turkmen delegation visited Austria
On 10-12 March 2024, a Turkmen delegation headed by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov paid a working visit to Austria. The visit provided an opportunity for meetings with the heads of several international organizations based in Vienna. A round table was also held at the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber on the prospects […]
UNODC conducts training in Ashgabat for border and migration officers from Central Asia
On 11 – 13 March, UNODC – United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime is conducting in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, a regional training on verification of the authenticity of travel documents for 27 mid- and senior-level officers from the border and migration services of Central Asian countries. At the training sessions, participants learn about the new […]
Strengthening Cross-Border Collaboration: Passenger and Cargo Border Team enhances subregional practical data exchange between Port Control Units of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan through UNODC-WCO Global Container Control Programme
The pre-arrival information exchange on shipments is crucial to early profiling and identifying high-risk consignments prior to their arrival to the Customs posts and is amongst key priority areas of the CCP strategic approach. In the light of the above, the respective pilot component on establishing the mechanism of direct pre-arrival data exchange on high-risk […]
Turkmen Forensic Laboratory Receives International Accreditation for the First Time with UNODC Support
The Central Forensics Bureau of Turkmenistan has recently received international accreditation in line with the main standard of the International Standardization Organization (ISO) for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories (17025). The accreditation relates specifically to the analysis of alcohol in human blood and is a formal recognition of the competence demonstrated by the […]
Regional Conference Advances Implementation of United Nations Convention Against Corruption in Central Asia
On November 2, 2023, during the 20th anniversary of UNCAC, the heads and experts of the anti-corruption bodies of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan gathered in Tashkent for the Conference on Fast Tracking the Implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption organized by UNODC ROCA. The intense negotiations led to the launch of […]
Empowering Youth Leaders in Central Asia for Successful Evidence-Based Drug Prevention
In the months September to October 2023, UNODC successfully organized a series of National Round Tables to kick off the Phase II of the project titled “Regional Network of Youth Organizations and Youth Champions of Change in Central Asia for drug-free, healthy, safe, and secure societies.” This project is a joint effort between the UNODC […]
UNODC project Enhances Practical Cooperation and Experience Exchange Among Port Control Units in Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan
The practical cooperation and information exchange on high-risk cargo shipments along international trade and transport corridors are of utmost importance in facilitating the international trade. This cooperation represents a strategic priority for Customs authorities of the countries cooperating within the framework of the Inter-Regional Network of Customs Authorities and Port Control Units countries (IREN). IREN […]
UNODC survey: Afghanistan opium cultivation in 2023 declined 95 per cent following drug ban
On 5th November 2023, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) published the report Opium poppy cultivation in Afghanistan which plunged by an estimated 95 per cent following a drug ban imposed by the de facto authorities in April 2022. Opium cultivation fell across all regions in Afghanistan, from 233,000 hectares to just […]
UNODC empowers Turkmen law enforcement officers with advanced inspection techniques
On 9 – 13 October 2023, UNODC conducted a national training on new methods and techniques for inspection of individuals, vehicles, cargo and goods crossing the road and railway border crossing points at the Turkmenabad training center of the State Border Service of Turkmenistan. The training aimed to enhance the knowledge and skills of the […]
CARICC conducts the Meetings of Experts and the Council of National Coordinators of its Member States
On 2 – 3 October, the Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Centre for Combatting Illicit Trafficking of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and their Precursors (CARICC) conducted the Meeting of Experts followed by the regular session of the Council of National Coordinators of the CARICC Member States on 4 October. The events organized with the […]
UNODC supports youth leaders of Turkmenistan on effective drug use prevention
18 September, Ashgabat – UNODC-organized a National Round Table to launch new project “Regional Network of Youth Organizations and Youth Champions of Change in Central Asia for drug-free, healthy, safe and secure societies-Phase-II”. This initiative will be implemented within the framework of UNODC Programme for Central Asia 2022-2025 with financial support from the Government of […]
UNODC strengthens the capacities of port control units in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan on cargo pre-arrival data exchange
On 5-7 September 2023, the UNODC conducted a Joint onsite practical training on cargo pre-arrival data exchange at the Alat Customs post of Uzbekistan for nine Customs officers from among the members of Port Control Units (PCUs) deployed at the Customs posts Alat and Farap, Turkmenistan, as well as National Focal Points (NFPs) from Customs […]
Turkmenistan and the UN reaffirm path towards further strengthening of cooperation
On June 6, 2023, the meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov with the heads of UN agencies in Turkmenistan and regional agencies of this Organization was held via videoconference. The meeting was attended by the Regional Director of the United Nations Development Coordination Office (UNDCO) for Europe and Central Asia […]
UNODC Delegation visits Turkmenistan
Meeting at the Foreign Ministry On April 3, 2023, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Vepa Hajiyev met with the Deputy Director of the Policy Analysis and Public Relations Division of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Fedor Klimchuk and Deputy Head of the Section for Co-financing and Partnerships Igor […]
Empowering Central Asian Youth for Positive Change: UNODC ROCA’s Regional Initiative
The Central Asian region is at a critical demographic juncture. Young people under 30 years old constitute more than 50 percent of the population. In two decades, these young people will be the largest labor force the region has ever had. Data suggests that the age youth in the region try drugs of any kind […]
OSCE and UNOCT organize a regional workshop in Turkmenistan focused on prevention of bioterrorism attacks
A regional workshop on countering terrorism was held on 5-6 June 2023 in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, focusing on the prevention of bioterrorism attacks involving biological agents and toxins. The workshop was organized by the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat in partnership with the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Centre (UNCCT) of the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) Programme […]
UNODC and CARICC organized a Regional Training on Joint Cross Border Operations for Law Enforcement Agencies of Central Asia
On 7 – 11 August 2023, a regional training on joint cross border operations for law enforcement officers from the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and the Republic of Uzbekistan was held in Almaty, Kazakhstan, UNODC said in a press release. The event was conducted within the framework of […]
In multifarious cooperation with UNODC, Turkmenistan burns another batch of seized narcotics
Turkmenistan burnt on Saturday, 4 December 2022, another batch of seized narcotics, and contrabands. The burning took place at the incinerator located at a military facility near Ashgabat. Turkmenistan burns the seized substances twice a year, in June and December. Burning of the narcotics is just a small part of the wide and long-standing cooperation […]
В таможенной службе Туркменистана прошла встреча с региональным представителем UNODC
В понедельник, 21 ноября 2022 года в Государственной таможенной службе Туркменистана состоялась встреча Заместителя Председателя Государственной таможенной службы Туркменистана Д.Байрыева с Региональным представителем Управления ООН по наркотикам и преступности в Центральной Азии г-жой Ашита Миттал. Она прибыла в Туркменистан с официальным визитом для участия в 55-ой сессии Подкомиссии по незаконному обороту запрещенных веществ на Ближнем […]
Customs Service of Turkmenistan held a meeting with the UNODC regional representative
On Monday, 21 November 2022, the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan hosted a meeting of the Deputy Chairman of the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan D.Bayryev with the Regional Representative of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Central Asia, Ms. Ashita Mittal. She is on visit to Turkmenistan to participate in the […]
World Drug Day 2021 in Turkmenistan
Elvira Kadyrova The International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, or World Drug Day, is marked on 26 June every year, to strengthen action and cooperation in achieving the goal of a world free of drug abuse. The theme of the World Drug Day 2021 is Share Facts On Drugs, Save Lives. On June […]
UNODC conference on promoting Afghanistan’s Alternative Development Initiatives – A journey to nowhere
Tariq Saeedi A two-day conference on Promoting Afghanistan’s Alternative Development Initiatives amongst Regional and International Partners started Thursday in Ashgabat. It is being held in the UNODC framework of regional programme for Afghanistan and Neighbouring Countries. It was initially planned to hold this event in May this year but for various reasons was postponed to […]