Representatives of the WHO Headquartes, WHO/Europe, WHO CO in Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan (MoHMIT) and the Ministry of Defense of Turkmenistan (MoDT) met to discuss the issues on strengthening the national capacity on Emergency Medical Teams (EMT) to respond to public health emergencies, disasters and other crisis. The trilateral […]
Европейское бюро ВОЗ окажет поддержку Министерству здравоохранения и медицинской промышленности Туркменистана в подготовке к аккредитации Национального центра по гриппу
1 мая Страновой офис ВОЗ в Туркменистане приветствовал д-ра Наталью Костик, временного советника Европейского бюро ВОЗ по повышению качества лабораторных исследований. Визит был организован в рамках реализации Двухгодичного Соглашения о сотрудничестве между Европейским региональным бюро Всемирной организации здравоохранения и Министерством здравоохранения и медицинской промышленности Туркменистана на 2022-2023 годы, а также в рамках инициативы ВОЗ “Лучшие […]
WHO supports Central Asian countries in enhancing monkeypox monitoring
Elvira Kadyrova Since the start of the current global outbreak of monkeypox, the majority (84%) of confirmed cases of monkeypox have occurred in the WHO European Region, underscoring the need to support Member States and territories in this region to monitor and curb the spread of the virus. To this end, the WHO European Office […]
Central Asian Countries endorsed the regional Roadmap for Health and Well-being
On 11 September 2022, ministers of health care of five central Asian countries – Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan – gathered to endorse the Roadmap for Health and Well-being in Central Asia 2022–2025, WHO/Europe reports. This strategic document is aimed fostering cooperative responses to crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the climate crisis and political […]
Turkmenistan hosted WHO regional forum on promoting One Health concept
On Monday, 4 July, a high-level subregional meeting was held in Ashgabat in a hybrid format to promote WHO supported One Health concept in Central Asia, the Neutral Turkmenistan newspaper reports. The forum was organized on the initiative of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan with the technical assistance of WHO. The […]
New areas of cooperation between Turkmenistan and WHO have been identified
As part of the systematic development of cooperation between Turkmenistan and the World Health Organization (WHO), the Government of Turkmenistan, together with the WHO Country Office in Turkmenistan, prepared a List of activities for 2022, carried out on a regular basis, in certain areas of cooperation with the World Health Organization. This document provides for […]
Определены новые направления сотрудничества Туркменистана и ВОЗ
В рамках планомерного развития сотрудничества Туркменистана со Всемирной организацией здравоохранения (ВОЗ), Правительством Туркменистана совместно со Страновым офисом ВОЗ в Туркменистане был подготовлен Перечень мероприятий на 2022 год, проводимых на регулярной основе, по отдельным направлениям сотрудничества со Всемирной организацией здравоохранения. Данным документом предусмотрено проведение комплекса мероприятий, направленных на профилактику инфекционных заболеваний. В их числе – внедрение […]
Joint Turkmenistan-WHO conference spotlights importance of medical diplomacy
nCa News and Commentary Turkmenistan and WHO hosted jointly on 8 October 2021 in Ashgabat an international conference on the theme ‘Health Diplomacy is the foundation of a healthy world.’ It was held in a hybrid physical-virtual format. The WHO delegation that had arrived for the event was led by Dr. Hans Kluge, the director […]
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Holds Briefing on COVID-19 Origin-Tracing for Diplomatic Envoys in China
On the morning of 13 August 2021, Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu chaired a briefing on COVID-19 origin-tracing for diplomatic envoys in China. Held both online and offline, the briefing was attended by more than 160 diplomatic envoys and representatives of international organizations in China. Professor Liang Wannian, team leader from the Chinese side of […]
A Global Model to Tackle Violence against Women
António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations As the world grapples unevenly with the effects of COVID-19, a parallel and equally horrific pandemic has threatened half the world’s population. In the early months of the pandemic, the United Nations projected that quarantines and lockdowns could lead to a shocking 15 million additional cases of gender-based […]
WHO endorses pandemic prevention measures of Turkmenistan, calls for continued caution
Tariq Saeedi The WHO has wrapped up its ten-day consultative mission to Turkmenistan. A briefing was held on Wednesday (15 July 2020) in Ashgabat to inform the diplomatic community and the media about the outcome of the visit. The WHO and Turkmenistan later conducted an online briefing for the international media. Dr. Catherine Smallwod, the […]
Брифинг по итогам визита в Туркменистан миссии Европейского регионального бюро ВОЗ
15 июля 2020 года в здании Торгово-промышленной палаты Туркменистана состоялся брифинг по итогам визита в Туркменистан консультативно-технической миссии Европейского регионального бюро Всемирной Организации Здравоохранения (ЕРБ ВОЗ). Как известно, данную миссию возглавила г-жа Катрин Смолвуд, старший специалист по вопросам чрезвычайных ситуаций ЕРБ ВОЗ. В брифинге приняли участие руководители и представители Министерств иностранных дел, Здравоохранения и медицинской […]
Briefing on the results of the visit of the WHO Regional Office for Europe mission to Turkmenistan
On July 15, 2020, a briefing was held in the premises of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan upon the results of the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe consultative-technical mission’s visit to Turkmenistan. As is known, Catherine Smallwood, Senior Emergency Officer at WHO/Europe is heading the given mission. The heads […]
Turkmenistan – WHO mission arrives for Covid-19 preparedness and response consultations
A mission of WHO (World Health Organization) arrived on Monday, 6 July 2020, has arrived for consultations with Turkmenistan on Covid-19 preparedness and response and related matters. The 5-member delegation, led by Dr. Catherine Smallwood, landed at the Turkmenabat airport, the only international airport of Turkmenistan currently open for international flights. The mission will stay […]
The COVID-19 pandemic is the defining health crisis of our time
Ms Jutta Urpilainen, Commissioner for International Partnerships, European Commission and Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, World Health Organization Beginning with a cluster of cases of pneumonia of unknown cause in Wuhan, China, this novel coronavirus has spread with alarming speed, shaking the foundations of health systems, economies, and societies around the world. […]
Online summit of NAM Contact Group in response to Covid-19
The summit-level meeting of NAM (Non-Aligned Movement) Contact Group in response to Covid-19 was held through the video link on Monday, 4 May 2020. The meeting was initiated by President Aliyev of Azerbaijan. The theme of the meeting was ‘United against COVID-19.’ Azerbaijan is the current chair of NAM for the period 2019-2022. The participants […]
Covid-19 – some new information and busting the myths
nCa Report The coronavirus officially named Covid-19 has been spreading fast but there is still some hope that it could be contained before it becomes a pandemic. China has reported decrease in the number of new patients infected with the virus. The fatality rate is down from more than 2% to about 1%. The incubation […]
Wuhan Virus – Central Asia should take standard precautions
nCa Report The Wuhan virus has infected hundreds of people in China and some cases have been identified in other countries including Thailand, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and the USA. The WHO experts are evaluating the risks. However, there is no need for panic in Central Asia. Some standard precautions, similar to the ones taken […]